A trolley into nonassociativity

I dreamt that I was somewhere in Canada, in some hypermarket with a lot of sweets. I was surprised to see that all the luxury sweets were of Polish production. I was supposed to meet some girl who turned out to be an uninteresting borderline maniac. I gave up on knowing her, and instead I wanted to get to where David Svoboda and Daniel Ranard were (in the background there was also Dylan and the rest of the team). I discovered, however, that I was on a trolley, slowly moving away from them, which I couldn’t get off, and I no longer had time to be together with them. There was some strange, sad necessity about it. Then I walked on a suspension bridge over a huge gully. This bridge, in its first half, was noncommutative, which manifested, among other things, as having holes with smeared edges and a kind of matricial metallicity. But in the second half it became nonassociative, making it much more difficult to continue walking on it – I had to jump between fragments separated in space with nothing in between, not even a void. Towards the end of the dream, I dreamt of John Baez, with whom I had arranged to meet at night in a part of the park that was also a nonassociative Lp space. John spoke partly in Polish and partly in English. He had something very young, crisp about him. He was coming back from some important meeting, and he had an extra rucksack and a bag – on one side as if with sports stuff, but on the other side with an elegant suit. I looked at him and said: my understanding is that in order to convince rich people to your ideas, you have to show them that you are “well based”, in a language that they can understand – so through the style of dress, communication, etc. I had a clear warm, soft feeling – some general friendliness, that there is a meaning-filled present and future, and, above all, a sense of association and closeness to others.

Oliwa, 21.XI.21; transl. from Polish: Brzeźno, 10.I.23