μSamādhi 420

                         dedicated to Ravi Kunjwal & Vasudev Shyam

We celebrated the right to live,
watching the strong sunbeams of late afternoon
dispersing on the waves of water,
still surrounded by the snow.

The sky was blue.

There are no fresh growing parts of trees visible yet,
but some birds are building their nests,
while other are already having them.
The pair of gees at the closed trail is waiting.
The female is sitting on eggs,
while the male is watching around the surroundings of their home.
We have not disturbed them.
Just exchanged the greetings.

We got a clue.

Vasu told me that a quite good strategy
is to have few dominant involvements, around four,
and then to make them compete for my attention,
with a dominant involvement being dedicatively pursued,
before being reevaluated, for about three weeks, or twenty days.

A 4:20 rule.

(20.IV.2018, Cāra sau bīsa day, Waterloo)