Bye bye sweet 3.14159...
for Sūrya Rāghavendran et al.
Oh, dear rainbow of tears from my third eye,
Let thee flow no-signalling this goodbye cry,
Leaving behind the dusks and dawns over the silver lake,
Where we’ve meditated in the search for the ground state.
I know: as long as our souls will be flirting with the divine,
The dualities of self with another shall resonate in shine.
And while the beauty of math rises from the ashes of youth,
In the tryptamines we are all even with the truth.
As the life goes exchanged into the .tex-tiles of codecraft,
Deep questions rise and fall in the microdosing of drafts;
Integrating residua of dreams of the euclidean time,
I see entangled friendship state in the heartmind of mine.
As it is time for us to cut-off, coarse-grain, and rescale,
I attach a list of open problems, for a longer inhale:
The inner witness
of the derived is-ness:
is it a buddha
or is it an illness?
The inner perception
of directional evaluation:
how a finitary rejection
meets the unbounded creation?
For whom tolls the control bell
of your saṃskāra germs
while integrating the signs of life
into a locus of lived sense?
Is the namelessness
of the innumerable shadow
a curse or an acceptance
in a meeting of the other?
How does timeless synchronicity
of preemergent bliss
break into the cause-and-effect,
And how to renormalise the range
of all these questions
without overwhelming breakdown
of cognitive comprehension?
All deepest questions are open, and we all have a chance
To pick fruits in the vineyard, drink, sing, ponder, dance.
«Duplex est divisio – una substantiarum,
quæ fit in hoc discidio – sed non animarum.
Vobiscum sum, dum vixero spiritu presente,
licet absens abero corpore, non mente.»*
(3.IV/7.VIII.18, Waterloo/Warszawa)
* Hospita in Gallia by anonymous author, from a manuscript dated between 1172 and 1200, published in: Wackernagel W., 1845, Gedichte des Archipoeta Waltherus, Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum 5, 293–299. (Cf.: Werner J.J., 1904, Über zwei Handschriften der Stadtbibliothek in Zürich, Sauerländer, Aarau, pp. 134–135.)