20 years later

«Life is an art, and like perfect art it should be self-forgetting»
鈴木 大拙 貞太郎, 1917, Illogical Zen

It was a snowy February, four months before leaving the microheaven of secondary school, when I have put out a website with some of my programs, midi music, and poems, probably as a compromise between introvert and extrovert tendencies. And since then it became a drawer and an anchor, where I have been dropping out most of the things I have created, without much care about the further outreach, as intimacy and sales do not commute. Twenty years later, it is interesting for myself to see where, and how, my own life and the stuff produced over the way, went through. The changes of reference frames of meanings and peers, involvements and departures, physical and metaphysical trips, have been slowly sedimenting. Various tools and languages, ideas and styles, have been picked up and entangled on the way, out of curiosity, passion, naïvety... A backdoor art workshop, for the sake of definiteness and other reasons, was put into academic frames. In the meantime mankind has switched from life to smartphones, from the end of history to the end of climate, and so on. Ability of prolonged focus decreased, many have deceased, here and now are still unknown, while screen remained just a curtain. Ars longa...

27.II.2020, 名古屋