The POLS call is financed from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021. It is part of the Basic Research Programme operated by the National Science Centre under the Norway Grants, and is prepared in
cooperation with the Research Council of Norway.
The project will investigate two key aspects of Lorentzian geometry that notably arise in the context of general relativity:
The conformal properties of spacetimes, especially in connection with horizon geometries and conformal infinity.
The complex (Cauchy-Riemann) geometry that underlies certain classes of congruences of null geodesics.
An abstract for the general public can be found here:
Research team
Arman Taghavi-Chabert - Principal investigator - University of Warsaw
Jerzy Lewandowski - Senior researcher - University of Warsaw
Adam Szereszewski - Researcher -University of Warsaw
Wojciech Kamiński - Researcher -University of Warsaw
Maciej Ossowski - Junior researcher - University of Warsaw
Eryk Buk - Junior researcher -University of Warsaw
International collaboration
Boris Kruglikov - Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø
Dennis The - Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø
Rod Gover - University of Auckland
A. Fino, T. Leistner, A. Taghavi-Chabert, "Optical geometries", accepted for publication in Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa, Cl. Sci., arXiv:2009.10012
A. Fino, T. Leistner, A. Taghavi-Chabert, "Almost Robinson geometries", Lett. Math. Phys.113 (2023), no.3, Paper No. 56, 103 pp., arXiv:2102.05634
A. Bac, W. Kamiński, J. Lewandowski, M. Broda, "Symplectic charges in the Yang-Mills theory of the normal conformal Cartan connection: applications to gravity", Phys. Rev. D108 (2023), no.2, 024009, 16 pp., arXiv:2302.12739
A. Taghavi-Chabert, "Perturbations of Fefferman spaces over CR three-manifolds", arXiv:2303.07328
D. Dobkowski-Ryłko, J. Lewandowski, M. Ossowski, "Isolated horizons of the Hopf bundle structure transversal to the null direction, the horizon equations and embeddability in NUT-like spacetimes", Phys. Rev. D108 (2023), no.2, 104057, 18 pp., arXiv:2308.14044
A. Taghavi-Chabert, "Perturbations of Fefferman spaces over almost CR manifolds", arXiv:2309.16986
Lecture notes
"Almost Robinson geometry" - lectures given by A. Taghavi-Chabert as TFS Guest Professor at the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø in October 2021
Talk slides
20/09/2021, Łódź, 7th POTOR conference
22-24/02/2022, QMUL, Oxford and Edinburgh seminars
01/06/2022, Stavanger, "Pseudo-Riemannian Geometry and invariants in General Relativity"
28/06/2022, Strasbourg, "Geometric structures, compactifications and group actions"
13/07/2023, Warsaw, "GRIEG meets Chopin"
08/10/2021, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw: Opening seminar
16/07 - 18/07/2023, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw:
POLS conference