Wygrzebuję się z nory, z ciemnej jamy1 snu
Всё, что умерло, тянет меня ко дну
I hope there is still a real life to come
In corde veritas est – condicio sine qua non
Miał być dawamesk2, a jest koronawirus
Скажи мне, друг мой, что случилось?
No drug to trip or to cure, future in mist
Wer weiß, wo das Glück meines Herzens ist?
Szukam narodzin w wiosnę, w radość
Болезнь ушла – осталась слабость
Snake in the hermitian3 wisdom of monk
不是... 不是... 仁者心動4...
(28.2–10.3–20.3.2021 = day #2–#12–#22 since infection;
Wzgórze Świętego Maksymiliana, Gdynia)
1 - See, e.g., Cf. also the wall painting of གཤིན་རྗེ་ from Samye monastery.
2 - «the religion and pills of Djevani, while giving temporary relief, while providing an instantaneous suppressant against the demands of the personality (what is evil if not an unruly personality?), had nonetheless killed in its disciples and sympathizers all intuition of the future, all capacity for marshaling life’s individual moments into a long-range project. The result was a pulverization of the ego into discrete moments, a submission to any, even the most mechanical, tyranny. Not for nothing had the greatest chemical brains among the Chinese worked on the formula of Davamesque B2 in order to isolate and combine the innocuous groups of C, H, O, and N into fantastic molecular structures. Just as the religion had sprung up from the little-known Malayan island of Balampang, so, too, the means for its realization had been furnished by the “Celestial Empire” and a “consortium of bolshevized Mongolian princes and lords.”» — Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, 1930, Nienasycenie, Dom Książki Polskiej, Warszawa (Engl. transl. by Louis Iribarne: 1977, Insatiability, University of Illinois Press, Urbana). Cf. also
3 - See, e.g.,
Cf. also
4 - «不是風動,不是幡動,仁者心動» [bùshì fēng dòng, bùshì fān dòng, rénzhě xīndòng] - 六祖壇經 [Liù zǔ tán jīng] (宗寶 [Zōng bǎo] edition, 1291). See, e.g.,, part 2, and part 3.