Smart Nanomaterials Group

Chair of Complex Systems Modeling, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

General info

Our research interest:

  • Development of the Density Functional Theory;
  • Spin transport in hybrid structures of single molecule magnets and 2D materials;
  • Vertical (van der Waals) and lateral heterostructure of 2D layered materials;
  • Ab initio theory of excitations in transition metal dichalcogenides;
  • Investigation of the new family of 2D layered materials MXenes, their spintronic, thermoelectric, and optical properties;
  • Properties of C-B-N 2d systems;
  • Functionalization of 2D materials;
  • Interaction of light with matter and plasmonics in 2D systems;

Research methodology and techniques — Multi-scale Atomistic Modeling, involving:

  • Ab initio calculations (DFT);
  • Molecular Dynamics;
  • Monte Carlo Methods;
  • Valence Force Field Potentials;
  • Tight-Binding Method;
  • Non Equilibrium Green Function for transport properties;
  • Continuum models (e.g., multi-band k.p method…).

Currently running research projects:

  • NCN - OPUS-12, Hybrid structures of single molecule magnets grafted to two-dimensional layered nanomaterials, PI – J. A. Majewski.
  • NCN - SONATA-12, Theoretical investigation of structural, electronic, magnetic, and optical properties of van der Waals heterostructure consisting of layered two dimensional materials, PI – Magda Popielska.
  • NCN - PRELUDIUM, Stability, ordering, phase diagrams and electronic structures of carbon-boron-nitride 2D hexagonal alloys, PI – Agnieszka Jamróz.
  • NCN - SONATA BIS, Research of anti-cancer properties of nano-crystallites two dimensional titanium carbides and nitrides – MXenes Phases, PI – Agnieszka Jastrzębska (Warsaw University of Technology); our group is a–partner in the consortium.


  • prof. dr hab. Jacek A. Majewski
  • dr Manel Mabrouk
  • dr Magdalena Popielska (Birowska)
  • dr Patryk Zaleski-Ejgiert
  • mgr Agnieszka Jamróz (Ph.D. student)
  • mgr Aleksei Koshevarnikov (Ph.D. student)
  • mgr Mariusz Popielski (Ph.D. student)
  • mgr Mikołaj Sadek (Ph.D. student)
  • mgr Tomasz Tarkowski (Ph.D. student)
  • mgr Przemysław Trędak (at present in NVIDIA, California)
  • mgr Wojciech Wegner (MISDoMP student, second supervisor: Wojciech Grochala)
  • mgr Agnieszka Starobrat (MISDoMP student, second supervisor: Wojciech Grochala)
  • Filip Chudzyński (master student)
  • Przemysław Zieliński (master student)
  • Maciej Marchwiany (associated worker, earlier PhD student, at present in Centre for the Computational Science at ICM UW)

Recent results and publications

Examples of recent research results
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Monte Carlo simulations with Valence Force Field potential for the C0.8B0.1N0.1 alloy system. Initial random positions (left side) and final positions (right side) in the C0.8B0.1N0.1 alloys for simulation at T = 500 K. Red dots denote boron, blue - nitrogen, and grey - carbon atoms. The simulation explains formation of graphene and h-BN domains in the thermodynamic equilibrium conditions.

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Ab initio molecular dynamics calculations of the dehydrogenation process of methane molecule. Relative free energy profiles of CH4 dissociation steps of
(a) pristine graphene,
(b) graphene with a SW defect, and
(c) graphene with a N substitutional impurity.
Curves have been shifted so that zero energy corresponds to global energy minima. The C–H bond distance is the reaction coordinate, for the process CHn —> CHn-1 + H.

Recent publications

  • M Wlazło, J. A. Majewski, Free energy landscape of dissociative adsorption of methane on ideal and defected graphene from ab initio simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 148 (2018) 094703
  • T. Tarkowski, J. A. Majewski, N. Gonzalez Szwacki, Energy decomposition analysis of neutral and negatively charged borophenes, FlatChem 7 (2018) 42
  • Agnieszka Jamróz, Jacek A. Majewski, Ordering effects in 2D hexagonal systems of binary and ternary C-B-N alloys, Computational Materials Science 147 (2018) 113
  • M. Birowska, C. Śliwa, J. A. Majewski, Energetic, electronic, and magnetic properties of Mn pairs on reconstructed (001) GaAs surfaces, Phys. Rev. B95 (2017) 115311
  • C. Sznajder, N. Huszka, M. Grabowski, J. A. Majewski, Comparative ab initio studies on morphology and stability of the C/BN and SiC/GaN heterostructure interfaces, Mat. Res. Express 4 (2017) 045902
  • M. Wlazło, A. Siklitskaya, J. A. Majewski, Ab initio studies of carbon dioxide affinity to carbon compounds and minerals, Energy Procedia 125 (2017) 450
  • S. Yastrebov, M. Chekulayev, A. Siklitskaya, J. A. Majewski, R. Smith, Froehlich resonance in carbon nanospiroids and the 2175 A interstellar absorption feature, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B393 (2017) 393
  • Magda Birowska, Influence of the different strains’ components on the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy parameters for a (Ga, Mn)As bulk system: A first-principles study, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 432 (2017) 390