Nonlinear Dynamics Group

Chair of Complex Systems Modeling, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

General info

We are interested in modeling various nonlinear phenomena, in quantum optics, atom optics - matter waves, quantum correlations (physics of Bose Einstein Condensates), photonics and nano-physics, non-hermitian systems (PT–symmetric, gain-loss systems including chaotic behavior), photonic crystals and liquid crystals, where we are recently mostly investigating structured light propagation. We investigate dynamics, bifurcations (spontaneous symmetry breaking) and search for soliton solutions. We closely cooperate (within NCN Harmonia Grant) with experimental groups of prof. Ryszard Buczyński (photonic crystal fibers) and prof. Mirosław Karpierz (liquid crystals) and many experimental groups abroad.


  • prof. Marek Trippenbach
  • dr Krzysztof Zegadło
  • mgr Aliaksandr Ramaniuk (Ph.D. student)
  • mgr Le Xuan The Tai (Ph.D. student)

Recent publications

  • Nguyen Viet Hung, Krzysztof Zegadło, Aliaksandr Ramaniuk, Vladimir V. Konotop, Marek Trippenbach, Modulational instability of coupled ring waveguides with linear gain and nonlinear loss, Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 4089
  • Paweł S. Jung, Wiesław Królikowski, Urszula A. Laudyn, Mirosław A. Karpierz, Marek Trippenbach, Semi-analytical approach to supermode spatial solitons formation in nematic liquid crystals, Optics Express 25 (2017) 23893-23898
  • Wasak, T.; Szańkowski, P.; Konotop, V.V.; Trippenbach, M., Semi-analytical approach to supermode spatial solitons formation in nematic liquid crystals, Optics Letters 40 (2015) 5291-5294
  • Avishai, Y.; Band, Y. B.; Trippenbach, M., Feshbach Resonance without a Closed-Channel Bound State, Physical Review Letters 111 (2013) 155301