From the point of view of the quantum chromodynamics, which is currently considered the fundamental theory, atomic nuclei are built of interacting quarks and gluons. However, at low energies, these fundamental constituents become invisible for experimenters who perceive atomic nuclei as objects consisting of point-like particles, called neutrons and protons, interacting with each other by short-range attracting interactions called strong interactions. Theoretical models of atomic nuclei are expresssed in terms of these particles and interactions. Despite this drastic reduction of system's degrees of freedom, from quarks and gluons to point-like neutrons and protons, the calculations involved in nuclear theorists' attempts to describe nuclear structure remains a real challenge.
In our group, we study the nuclear structure in an approach based on the density functional theory (DFT). We concentrate on developing and applying the generalized DFT methods taking into account the restoration of spontaneously broken symmetries and mixing of nuclear configurations. In recent years, much work has been devoted to developing methods of correct description of breaking the isospin symmetry within the frame of DFT methods. This should allow to study weak processes, in particular processes that can be used to test the Standard Model, like super-allowed β-decays, and search for the so called `new physics'. We are intensively developing our methods aiming at calculating matrix elements for forbidden transitions and neutrinoless double β-decay. The latter, if it exists, would belong to the most rare processes in Nature and therefore its detection will be extremely difficult and expensive. However, its properties would shed light on the true nature of neutrinos, the problem of neutrino mass hierarchy and on the problem of matter-antimatter asymmetry.
We invite you to collaboration!
A poster illustrating areas of interest of nuclear physics.