Let us now consider operator which is even or odd with respect to one of the six antilinear, = , operators (see Sec. 3.1.2), and simultaneously even or odd with respect to one of the six linear, = = , operators (see Sec. 3.1.3). In such a case, simplification of the single-particle basis is possible only for pairs of and operators which correspond to two different Cartesian directions. Indeed, focusing our attention on signatures, commutes with , and therefore (being antilinear) it flips the signature quantum number. Therefore, the eigenstates of cannot be eigenstates of . We may then only work either in the basis of eigenstates of , Sec. 3.1.2, or in the basis of eigenstates of , Sec. 3.1.3. On the other hand, for lk anticommutes with , and therefore, it conserves the signature quantum number. Hence, the eigenstates of can be rendered the eigenstates of by a suitable choice of phases.
It is easy to check that after multiplying eigenstates listed in Table
4 by the following phase factors:
For operators
even or odd simultaneously with respect
see Eqs. (15) and (18),
bases defined by Eq. (29) allow for a very simple forms
of matrices .
Combining conditions (17)
and (21) one obtains block diagonal and real matrix elements,
e.g. for