In the D group, the possibility of having at ones disposal two different quantum numbers simultaneously is very limited. Indeed in D one has only three pairs of commuting linear operators, namely, ( , ) for k=x, y, or z. For each such pair, the corresponding simplex operator is also conserved, but it does not give any additional quantum number. Only one generic two-generator subgroup, , see 2-IB in Table 1, allows, therefore, for two quantum numbers. Similarly, only three generic three-generator subgroups allow for two quantum numbers, namely, (i) , which allows only for stationary solutions, (ii) , which does not allow for non-zero average values of the angular-momentum, and (iii) , which is the only two-quantum-number subgroup which allows for rotating mean-field states. Needless to say, this latter case is most often used in cranking calculations to date, see Sec. 3.3.