Apart from the unique case of the whole D
group being
conserved, which amounts to conserving its four generators, we also
have 15 different three-generator subgroups (Table 1), which
when conserved, may lead to physically different mean-field
solutions. Conserved three-generator subgroups are exceptional in
that they do not lead to further simplifications of the matrix
elements of mean-field Hamiltonians.
This is so, because cases enumerated in
Sec. 3.1.1-3.1.8 exhaust different possibilities of
using conserved D
operators to simplify the structure of
operators by suitable choices of the single-particle bases. Indeed,
the type ``III'' subgroups of D
Table 1, which involve
operators for three different Cartesian axes, do not induce any new
simplifications. The signature or simplex
operators for different axes (the
operators of
Sec. 3.1.3) do not commute, and hence cannot give independent
quantum numbers of single-particle states. Similarly, T-signature
or T-simplex operators for different axes (the
operators of
Sec. 3.1.2) do not commute either, and hence cannot
simultaneously define phases of single-particle states.
One should stress, however, that even if a given conserved symmetry does not allow for any further simplification of the matrix elements of a mean-field Hamiltonian (like each third generator of a three-generator subgroup), its conservation or its non-conservation may induce entirely different solutions of the mean-field problem.