In this section, we present derivation in the Cartesian representation
of the nonlocal EDF that stems from the central
(=0) component of the regularized
pseudopotential. This derivation is useful, because it establishes a
clear connection of results presented in Sec. 2 with the
Skyrme functional, which, in fact, constitutes the local limit of the
nonlocal EDF. We used the explicit expressions for the Cartesian NLO
functional, derived from the central finite-range pseudopotential, to
benchmark their spherical counterparts. We checked explicitly that
the two representations are equivalent when the relations between
Cartesian and spherical local densities [9] and parameters
of the interactions [11] were applied.
Following Refs. [3,17,26], we define the Cartesian form
of the (non-antisymmetrized) central
pseudopotential (2)-(3)
in two equivalent representations as
Differential operators
are scalar
polynomial functions of two vectors, so owing to the GCH
theorem [24], they must be polynomials of three elementary
, and
. Hermiticity of
the operators
can be enforced by
using expressions symmetric with respect to exchanging
; therefore,
it is convenient to build them from the following three scalars,
Of course, at any given order, the choice of polynomials of
, and
is quite arbitrary - with
only requirement that these polynomials be linearly independent.
Definitions (42)-(54) were chosen so as to
naturally link them to the standard Skyrme interaction, for which we
At higher orders, we picked the and 2 terms so as to
have at any order
In the following we give separate expressions for the functional
derived from three lowest-order terms (42)-(44) of
the pseudopotential, denoting them by
1, and 2. We also separate the local and non local terms, denoting them,
respectively, by
To have more compact expressions, we also introduced the following
combinations of parameters of the regularized interaction