Author: Janina Marciak-Kozlowska, Miroslaw Kozlowski and Magdalena Pelc
Title: Klein-Gordon Thermal Equation with Casimir Potential for Ultra-Short Laser Pulses
Reference: to be published in Lasers In Engineering
Year: 2006
Abstract: In this paper the thermal Klein-Gordon equation (K-EG) is solved for the interaction of attosecond laser pulses with a medium in which the Casimir force operates. It is shown that for nanoscale structures, NEMS and MEMS, the attosecond laser pulses can be used as a tool for the investigation of the role played by Casimir forces on a nanoscale. Key words:Casimir force, NEMS (Nano Electro Mechanical Systems), MEMS (Micro Electro MEchanical Systems), attosecond laser pulses.
Author: Janina Marciak-Kozlowska, Miroslaw Kozlowski and Magdalena Pelc
Title: Klein-Gordon Thermal Equation for Microtubules Excited by Ultra-Short Laser Pulses
Reference: to be published in Lasers In Engineering
Year: 2006
Abstract: Heat signaling in microtubules (MT) is investigated in this paper. It is argued that to describe the heat signaling phenomena in MT. the hyperbolic heat transport (HHT) equation should be used. It is shown that HHT is the Klein-Gordon (K-G) equation. The general solution for the K-G equation for MT is derived. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is discussed and derived for undistorted signal propagation in MT. The de-coherence-relaxation in microtubules is calculated and the value of the order of microseconds obtained, in fairly good agreement with experimental data. Key words: microtubules, heat signaling, Klein-Gordon equation, Heisenberg principle, de-coherence time.
Author: J.Marciak-Kozlowska, M.Pelc, M.Kozlowski
Title: The two mode Heaviside equation for ultra-short laser pulses interaction with matter
Year: 2006
Abstract: In his paper the two mode Heaviside equation was formulated and solved. It was shown that the interaction of ultra-short laser pulses with matter leads to two mode excitation electrons and phonons which afterwards diffuse with finite velocities. Key words: ultra-short laser pulses hyperbolic diffusion, Heaviside equation.
Author: Miroslaw Kozlowski, Janina Marciak-Kozlowska
Title: Heat Hyperbolic Diffusion in Planck Gas
Year: 2006
Abstract: In this paper we investigate the diffusion of the thermal pulse in Planck Gas. We show that the Fourier diffusion equation gives the speed of diffusion, v > c and breaks the causality of the thermal processes in Planck gas. For hyperbolic heat transport v < c and causality is valid. Key words: Thermal pulse , causality, Planck gas.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Title: Special relativity description of the heat propagation in Minkowski spacetime
Year: 2006
Abstract: In this paper we investigate the heat transport induced by continuous laser beams up to an intensity of about 1029 Watt/cm2. We maintain that up to this intensity nonlinear effects are negligible and that the application of the linear hyperbolic heat transport equation is fully justifiable. We show that the Fourier diffusion equation gives the speed of diffusion, v > c and breaks the causality of the thermal processes in Minkowski space-time. For hyperbolic heat transport c>v and causality is valid. Key words: high energy continuous laser beams, causality, Minkowski space-time.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Title: On the classical quantum transition in heat phenomena induced by continuous high energy laser pulses
Year: 2006
Abstract: In this paper the continuous laser beam interaction with matter is investigated. The velocities of the thermal propagation are calculated. It is shown that for the value of the product
omega tau> 1, omega is the angular frequency of the laser beam and tau is the relaxation time for thermal phenomena, the Heisenberg uncertainty VT > [ h/2] is fulfilled, V is the potential energy of the heat carriers and TP is the period of the laser beam. Key words: Continuous laser beam; Thermal phenomena; Heisenberg relation.
Author: M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska
Title: High-order wave equation for thermal transport induced by ultrashort laser pulses
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 16, No 1-2, 2006
Year: 2006
Abstract: In this paper the high-order partial differential equation (PDE) for thermal phenomena are discussed. It is shown that third-order wave equation for thermal phenomena describes strongly damped thermal wave. For the x/lambda>1, where lambda is the mean free path the solution of the third-order wave equation is completely attenuated. Key words: Attosecond laser pulses; Third-order wave equation; Thermal phenomena.
Author: M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska
Title: The possible source of the UHECR observed in AGASA experiment
Year: 2006
Abstract: In this paper the results of AGASA experiment is discussed. It is argued that the UHECR radiation is composed of long lived particles with mass mx ~ 1013mp where mx is the proton mass. Key words: UHECR, Modified Lorentz transformation; New particles.
PACS: 96.50.S, 96.50sb, 13.85Tp
Author: M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska
Title: On the possible thermal tachyons generated by attosecond laser pulses
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 16, No 1-2, 2006
Year: 2006
Abstract: In this paper the existence of the thermal tachyons i.e. quanta of the temperature field, with v > c is described in the theoretical frame of hyperbolic thermal equation. The modified Lorentz transformation are developed. It is argued that thermal tachyons can exist in accordance with modified Lorentz transformation after change c2->-c2. The thermal tachyons fulfill the hyperbolic heat transport equation and in principle can be created by attosecond laser pulses. Key words: Tachyons; Thermal processes; Attosecond laser pulses.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski,
Title: Interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with carbon nanotubes
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 16, No 1-2, 2006
Year: 2006
In this paper the heat transport in carbon nanotubes is investigated. When the dimension of the structure is of the order of the de Broglie wave length the transport phenomena must be analyzed within quantum mechanics. In this paper we developed the Dirac type thermal equation .The solution of the equation-the temperature fields for electrons can be damped or can oscillate depending on the dynamics of the scattering. Key words: Carbon nanotubes, ultrashort laser pulses, Dirac thermal equation, temperature fields.
Author: M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska
Title: Attophysics of thermal phenomena in carbon nanotubes
Year: 2005
Abstract: In this paper heat transport in carbon nanotubes is investigated. When the dimension of the structure is of the order of the de Broglie wave length transport phenomena must be analyzed by quantum mechanics. In this paper we derived the Dirac type thermal equation. The solution of the equation for the temperature fields for electron can either be damped or can oscillate depending on the dynamics of the scattering. Key words: Carbon nanotubes; Ultrashort laser pulses; Dirac thermal equation; Temperature fields.
Author: M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska
Title: Klein-Gordon equation with Casimir potential for attosecond laser pulse interaction with matter
Year: 2005
Abstract: In this paper the Klein-Gordon equation (KG-E) is solved for the interaction of attosecond laser pulses with medium in which Casimir force operates. It is shown that for nanoscale structures, NEMS and MEMS, the attosecond laser pulses can be used as the tool for the investigation of the role played by Casimir force on the nanoscale. Key words: Casimir force; NEMS; MEMS; Attosecond laser pulses.
Author: M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska
Title: Wave->diffusion transition in microtubules
Year: 2005
Abstract: In this paper the heat transport in microtubules (MT) is investigated. When the dimension of the structure is of the order of the de Broglie wave length the transport phenomena must be analyzed within quantum mechanics. In this paper we developed the Dirac type thermal equation for MT. The solution of the equation -- the temperature fields for electrons -- can be wave type or diffusion type depending on the dynamics of the scattering. Key words: Microtubules; Ultrashort laser pulses; Dirac thermal equation; Temperature fields.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Title: Proca equation for laser pulses interaction with matter
Year: 2005
In this paper the interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with matter is investigated. The scattering and potential motion of heat carriers, as well as external force are considered. It is shown that the heat transport is described by the Proca equation. For thermal Heisenberg type relation Vt » (h/2p), (t is the relaxation time and V is the potential) the solution of the Proca equation (PR) is the distortionless damped wave equation. Key words: Ultrashort laser pulses; Quantum heat transport equation; Proca thermal equation
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Title: Thermal processes induced in carbon nanotubes by attosecond laser pulses
Year: 2005
In this paper the heat transport in carbon nanotubes is investigated. When the dimension of the structure is of the order of the de Broglie wave length the transport phenomena must be analyzed within quantum mechanics. In this paper we developed the Dirac type thermal equation. The solution of the equation - the temperature fields for electrons can be damped or can oscillate depending on the dynamics of the scattering. Key words: Carbon nanotubes; Attosecond laser pulses; Dirac thermal equation; Temperature fields.
Author: M. Pelc, J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski,
Title: Proca thermal equation for attosecond laser pulses interaction with matter
Reference: To be published in Lasers in Engineering, 2005
Year: 2005
In this paper the interaction of attosecond laser pulses with matter is investigated. The scattering and potential motion of heat carriers as well as the external force are considered. It is shown that the heat transport is described by thermal Proca equation. For thermal Heisenberg type relation V\tau~\hbar, (\tau is the relaxation time and V is the potential) the solution of the Proca equation (PR) are the distortionless damped wave equation.
Key words: Attosecond laser pulses; Quantum heat transport equation; Proca thermal equation.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski, M. Pelc
Title: Engineering of the polarization of a quantum vacuum using ultrashort laser pulses
Reference: To be published in Lasers in Engineering, 2005
Year: 2005
Based on the results presented in our monograph [M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska, From Quarks to Bulk Matter. Physics of the Causal Thermal Phenomena] we developed the Klein-Gordon thermal equation in which the polarization of a quantum vacuum is taken into account. It is shown that the temperature field created by ultra-short, atto-second laser pulses depends on the polarization factor, K, of the vacuum Key words: Quantum vacuum; Klein-Gordon equation.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Title: On the Casimir effect in the microelectromechanical systems MEMS
Year: 2005
In this paper the thermal transport phenomena in MEMS are
investigated. The thermal Klein-Gordon transport equation for
nanoscale structures is formulated and solved. Key words: MEMS, Klein-Gordon equation, Casimir effect.
Author: M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska
Title: Habitable sphere and fine structure constant,
Year: 2005
Future space missions, TPF and Darwin will focus
on searches of signatures of life on extrasolar planets. In this
paper we look for model independ definition of the habitable zone.
It will be shown that the radius of the habitable sphere depends
only on the constants of the Nature, a, (h/2p), c. Key
words: Habitable sphere; Fine structure constant a.
Author: M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska
Title: The Mirror Universes
Year: 2005
In this paper we investigate the structure of the Mirror
Universes. The two universes are coupled with transformation
t->-t. It is shown that for Planck scale the
oscillations of temperature of the universes are observed. For the
Mirror Universes the temperature fields are shifted in phase. Key words: Gravity, universe temperature, oscillation of
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski, M. Pelc
Title: Klein-Gordon thermal equation with Casimir potential for ultra-short laser pulses
Reference: To be published in Lasers in Engineering, 2005
Year: 2005
In this paper the thermal Klein-Gordon equation (K-GE) is solved for the interaction of attosecond laser pulses with medium in which Casimir force operates. It is shown that for nanoscale structures, NEMS and MEMS, the attosecond laser pulses can be used as the tool for the investigation of the role played by Casimir force on the nanoscale. Key words: Casimir force; NEMS, MEMS, Attosecond laser pulses
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski, M. Pelc
Title: Klein-Gordon thermal equation for microtubules excited by ultra-short laser pulses
Reference: To be published in Lasers in Engineering, 2005
Year: 2005
In this paper the heat signaling in microtubules (MT) is investigated. It is argued that for the description of the heat signaling phenomena in MT, the hyperbolic heat transport (HHT) equation must be used. It is shown that HHT is the Klein-Gordon (K-G) equation. The general solution for the K-G equation for MT is obtained. For the undistorted signal propagation in MT the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is formulated and discussed. The decoherence-relaxation time in microtubules is calculated and the value of the order of microseconds is obtained in fairly good agreement with experimental data. Key words: Microtubules; Heat signaling; Klein-Gordon equation; Heisenberg principle,
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski Title:
Thermal waves induced by laser pulses in quantum corrals
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 15, p. 257
In this paper the possibility of the generation of the thermal waves in 2D electron gas is investigated. In the frame of the quantum heat transport theory the 2D quantum hyperbolic heat transfer equation is formulated and numerically solved. The obtained solutions are the thermal waves in electron 2D gases. As an example the thermal waves in quantum corrals are described. Key words: 2D electron gas; Quantum corrals; Thermal waves.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Title: Thermal wave packets induced by attosecond laser pulses
Reference: To be published in Lasers in Engineering, 2005
Year: 2004 Abstract:
In this paper the dynamics of the interaction of attosecond laser
pulses with matter is investigated. It will be shown that the
master equation: modified Klein-Gordon equation describes the
propagation of the heatons. Heatons are the thermal wave packets.
When the duration of the laser pulses
Delta t
is of the order of attosecond the heaton-thermal wave packets
are nondispersive objects. For
Delta t to infty
the heatons are damped with damping factor of the order of relaxation
time for thermal processes. Key words: Temperature fields; Attosecond laser pulses; Heatons;
Modified Klein-Gordon equation.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski, M. Pelc
Title: pi-meson as the quanta of non-Newtonian hadronic fluid
Year: 2005
It occurs that when we attempt to melt the nucleon in order to
obtain the free quark gas, or QGP fluid the mass of the heat
quantum (heaton) is equal to the p-meson mass. Key words: Heat quanta; Quantum heat transport; Quantum diffusion
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski, M. Pelc
Title: Heisenberg uncertainty principle for thermal response of the microtubules excited by ultra-short laser pulses
Year: 2005
In this paper the heat signaling in microtubules (MT) is
investigated. It is argued that for the description of the heat
signaling phenomena in MT, the hyperbolic heat transport (HHT)
equation must be used. It is shown that HHT is the Klein-Gordon
(K-G) equation. The general solution for the K-G equation for MT
is obtained. For the undistorted signal propagation in MT the
Heisenberg uncertainty principle is formulated and discussed. Key words: Microtubules; Heat signaling; Klein-Gordon equation;
Heisenberg principle.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski Title:
Dirac type thermal equation for thermal process
induced by attosecond laser pulses
Reference: Lasers in
Engineering, vol. 15, No. 1-2 (2005)
Year: 2005 Abstract:
In this paper the Dirac type thermal equation for relativistic heat carriers generated by attosecond laser pulses was developed and solved. The obtained temperature fields for electrons can be damped or can oscillate depending on the dynamics of the scattering.
Key words: Dirac thermal equation, chirality, temperature fields
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
The Green function for thermal waves induced by attosecond laser pulses in one and three dimensions
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 15, No. 1-2, (2005)
Year: 2004
Abstract: In this paper the solution of the hyperbolic Klein-Gordon thermal
equation are obtained and discussed. The analytical form of the
solution - Green functions are calculated for one and three
dimensional cases. It is shown that only in three dimensional case
the undisturbed, with one value of the velocity, thermal wave can
be generated by attosecond laser pulses. The conductivity for the
space-time inside the atom is calculated and the value s0 = 106 [ 1/(Wm)]
is obtained. Key words: Attosecond laser pulses; Klein-Gordon equation; Green
Author: M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska
Space-time engineering with LASETRON pulses
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 15, No. 1-2, (2005)
Year: 2003 Abstract: The LASETRON project (Phys. Rev.
Lett., 88, (2002), p. 074801-1) offers the possibility
of the investigation of electron-positron structure of the
space-time. Following our results (From Quarks to Bulk
Matter, Hadronic Press, 2001) we analyze theoretically
possibility of the penetration of zeptosecond laser pulses (10-21
s) through space-time. Key words: Zeptosecond laser
pulses; LASETRON; Electron-positron pairs; Space-time.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Weyl equation for temperature fields induced by attosecond laser pulses
Year: 2004 Abstract:
In this paper the Weyl equation for temperature fields induced by laser beam interaction with matter is proposed and solved. Depending on the scattering mechanism the temperature field oscillate or is damped. Key words: Thermal processes; Weyl equation.
Author: M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska
The time evolution of the Bohmian Pilot Wave
Year: 2004 Abstract:
In this paper the Newton-Schrödinger-Bohm equation is solved for particles with m > MP. It is shown that the Bohmian pilot wave for particles with m > MP oscillates with frequency w = tP-1, where tP is the Planck time. Key words: Macroscopic particles; Pilot wave.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Quantum thermal waves in quantum corrals
Year: 2004
In this paper the possibility of the generation of the thermal waves in 2D electron gas is investigated. In the frame of the quantum heat transport theory the 2D quantum hyperbolic heat transfer equation is formulated and numerically solved. The obtained solutions are the thermal waves in electron 2D gases. As an example the thermal waves in quantum corrals are described. Key words: 2D electron gas; Quantum corrals; Thermal waves.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Nuclear collective processes study with attosecond laser pulses
Reference: Lasers in
Engineering, vol. 14, No. 3-4, (2004)
Year: 2004
Abstract: In this paper the possibility of the excitation of collective
nuclear motion with attosecond laser pulses is investigated.
Following our earlier results (Lasers in Engineering,
11 (2001), p. 259) the hyperbolic heat transport for
nuclear matter is formulated and solved. It is shown that in the
vicinity of the 30 MeV excitation energy the recollided electrons
can excite the giant collective motions - thermal wave inside the
nuclei. Key words: Attosecond laser pulses; Electronuclear
reactions; Thermal waves; Giant resonances.
J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Title: Sub- and
supersonic heat motion induced by femtosecond laser
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 14, No. 3-4, (2004)
Year: 2004
Abstract: In this paper the superheating of
electron plasma by femtosecond laser pulses is investigated. With
Heaviside thermal equation (Lasers in Engineering,
12, (2002), p. 17) the generation of superhot electrons is
described. It is shown that in hot electron plasma (i.e. with
electron energies > 5 MeV) the thermal shock waves
can be generated. Key words: Femtosecond laser pulses;
Hot electron plasma; Shock thermal waves.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Title: The thermal waves induced by ultra-short laser pulses
in n-dimensional space-time
Reference: Lasers in
Engineering, vol. 14, No. 1-2, (2004)
Year: 2004 Abstract: In this paper the heat waves, induced
by ultra-short laser pulses are considered. The hyperbolic heat
transport in n-dimensional space-time is formulated and solved.
It is shown that only for n-odd for
heat waves the Huygens principle is fulfilled. The heat transport
experiment for Cu3Au alloy is considered. Key
words: Hyperbolic heat transport; Thermal waves; Huygens
principle; Cu3Au alloy.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Schrödinger-Newton wave mechanics. The model
Year: 2004
Abstract: In this paper the Schrödinger equation (SE) with gravity term
is developed and discussed. It is shown that the modified SE is
valid for particles with mass m < MP, MP is the Planck mass,
and contains the part which, we argue, describes the pilot
wave. For m® MP the modified SE has the solution with
oscillatory term, i.e. strings. Key words: Schrödinger-Newton equation, Planck time,
pilot wave.
Author: M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska
Title: Aging of the Universe and the fine structure constant
Year: 2003
In this paper the aging of the Universe is investigated in the frame of quantum hyperbolic heat transport equation. For the open universe, when t® Ą, (h/2p)®Ą, c® 0 and fine
structure constant, a, is constant. Key words: Quantum heat transport; Open universe; Fine structure constant.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Title: The one-dimensional Boltzmann equation for the heat transport induced by ultra-short laser pulses
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 13, No. 4, p.
Year: 2003
In this paper the Boltzmann transport equation for thermal
processes induced by ultra-short laser pulses is formulated and
solved. For thermal process where the duration of the laser pulse
(femtoseconds - attoseconds) is shorter than the relaxation time,
the solution of Boltzmann equation differs from the solution of
the Fourier equation. In this paper the formula for density
current of the heat carrier is obtained. It is shown that for thin
one-dimensional structures the current strongly depends on the
scattering mechanism of the heat carriers. Key words: Boltzmann equation; Ultra-short laser pulses;
Nonhomogenous materials.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Title: Schrödinger equation for nanoscience,
Year: 2003
The second order (in time) Schrödinger equation is proposed.
The additional term (in comparison to Schrödinger equation)
describes the interaction of particles with vacuum filled with
virtual particle - antiparticle pairs (zitterbewegung). Key words: Schrödinger equation; Nanoscience; Zitterbewegung.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozlowska, M. Kozlowski
Title: Nanoscience with attosecond laser pulses,
Year: 2003
In this paper the interaction of attosecond laser pulses with
matter is investigated. The scattering and potential motion of
heat carriers as well as the external force are considered.
Depending on the ratio of the scatterings and potential motion the
heat transport is described by the thermal forced Klein-Gordon or
thermal modified telegraph equation. For thermal Heisenberg type
relation Vt ~ (h/2p) (t is the relaxation time and V
is the potential) the heat transport is described by the thermal
distortionless damped wave equation. In this paper Klein-Gordon,
modified telegraph equation and wave equation are solved. Key words: Attosecond laser pulses; Quantum heat transport
equation; Klein-Gordon thermal equation.
Author: M. Kozlowski
Title: Against the possibility of the observation of the free quarks in the melting of nucleons,
Year: 2003
In the paper the thermal energy transfer for elementary particles
is described. The quantum heat transport equation is obtained. It
is shown that for thermal excitation of the order of the
relaxation time the excited matter response is quantized on the
different levels (atomic, nuclear, quark) with quantum thermal
energy equal Eatomic ~ 9 eV, Enuclear ~ 7 MeV and Equark ~ 139 MeV.
As the result the quantum for the heating process of nucleons is
the p-meson (consisting of the two quarks). Key words: Heat quanta; Quantum heat transport; Quantum diffusion
Author: M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska,
Title: The ecosphere and the value of the electromagnetic fine structure constant,
Year: 2003
Following the coincidence A x atomic year ~ Earth year (s),
(A =Avogardo number, atomic year= aB/ac, aB = Bohr
radius, a = fine structure constant, c = light velocity)
and considering the ,,niche'' for a, i. e.
180-1 Ł a Ł 85-1, the Ecosphere radius is
calculated. Key words: Fine structure constant; Planet orbit radii.
Author: M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska,
Title: Beyond the Fourier equation: Quantum hyperbolic heat transport,
Year: 2003
In this paper the quantum limit of heat transport induced by
ultrashort laser pulses is discussed. The new quantum heat
transport equation is derived. The relaxation time
t = (h/2p)/mvh2 (vh = thermal wave velocity) and diffusion
coefficient De=(h/2p)/m are calculated.
Key words: Hyperbolic heat transport; Ultra-short laser pulses; Quantum heat transport.
Author: M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska,
Title: Klein-Gordon thermal equation for a Preplanckian Universe,
Year: 2003
In this paper the quantum hyperbolic equation formulated
in [M. Kozlowski, J. Marciak-Kozlowska, From Quarks to Bulk Matter, Hadronic Press, 2001] is applied
to the study of the propagation of the initial thermal state of the
Universe. It is shown that the propagation depends on the barrier height.
The Planck wall potential is introduced, VP=(h/2p)/8tP=1.25 1018
GeV where tP is a Planck time.
For the barrier height V < VP the master thermal equation is the modified Klein-Gordon
equation, and for barrier height V > VP the master equation is
the Klein-Gordon equation. The solutions of both type equations for Cauchy
boundary conditions are discussed. Key words: Klein-Gordon equation; Thermal properties; Planck gas; Planck wall.
Author: M. Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska,
Title: Stability of matter in the accelerating spacetime
Reference: Hadronic Journal Supplement , vol. 18, p. 457
Year: 2003
In this paper the Planck, Yukawa and Bohr
forces were defined and calculated. It was shown that the Planck
force mediates the universe acceleration. The Yukawa and
Bohr forces describe the gradients of attractive strong and
Coulomb forces. It was shown that smallest, of the present day,
value of Planck force in comparison to values of the
Yukawa and Bohr force guarantees the stability of
matter at T (ageofuniverse) ~ 1017 s. In this paper
the new particle with mass mBohr ~ 3.7keV/c2 is
postulated. The range of the Coulomb force at the atomic level
is described by the formula ratomic=(h/2p)/(mBohrc) ~ 0.1 nm. The relation of the Planck, Yukawa,
Bohr to the Schwinger force (for vacuum creation of
e+e- pairs) is also outlined.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozłowska, M. Kozłowski,
Title: Thermal transport induced by ultra-short laser pulses in molecular nanomaterials
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 13, No. 2, p.107
Year: 2003
In this paper the thermal transport in molecular electronics materials is described. Within the quantum heat transport equation (developed in our monograph: From Quarks to Bulk Matter) we investigate the heat transport induced by ultra-short laser pulses. As the molecular electronics materials example the heat transport in DNA strands is described and the formula for relaxation time is obtained.
Key words: DNA strands; Quantum heat transport; Ultra-short laser pulses.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozłowska, M. Kozłowski,
Title: Thermal conduction in one dimensional structures heated with ultra-short laser pulses
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 13, No. 2, p.101
Year: 2003
In this paper, following the hyperbolic heat transport equation and Pauli-Heinsenberg inequality, we show that for one dimensional heat transport, heat conductivity c, behaves like c L1/3 where L is the dimension of the structure. When the ultra-short laser pulses heats the 1D nanostructure (like DNA strand) the heat current diverges as L-2/3.
Key words: One dimensional heat transport; Quantum heat transport; Thermal conductivity.
Author: M. Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska
Title: Zero Point Field (ZPF) effects
in the interaction of the ultra-short laser pulses with matter
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 12, p. 281
Year: 2002
In this paper the effects of zero-point energy (ZPE) on the heat
transport induced by ultra-short laser pulses is investigated. It will be
shown that the existence of the zero-point energy in the physical
vacuum influence the heat transport on the atomic level. The interaction
of the building blocks of matter-atoms with the zero-point
fields (ZPF), which generate the ZPE guarantees the stability of matter.
The interaction of the ultra-short laser pulses (Dt ~ 1 as) with
matter can be used as the source of the information on the ZPF.
Key words: Ultra-short laser pulses; Quantum heat transport;
Zero-point energy; Zero-point fields.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozłowska and M. Kozłowski
Title: Causal heat transport induced by zeptosecond
laser pulses
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 12, p.201
Year: 2002
In this paper the thermal phenomena induced by zeptosecond
(10-21s) laser pulses are discussed. Considering the
theoretical proposal of the lasetron, the Heaviside equation
for heat transport on zeptosecond time scale was formulated. In the
paper the modified Schrödinger equation (Lasers in
Engineering, 12, (2002), 53) for quantum phenomena on the
zeptosecond time scale was also discussed.
Key words: Quantum heat transport; Zeptosecond laser pulses; Modified
Schrödinger equation.
Author: M. Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska
Title: Possible thermal waves generation by
femtosecond TESLA free electron laser (FEL)
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 12, p. 95
Year: 2002
Abstract: In
this paper the TESLA, free-electron laser (FEL) pulse interaction with
matter is investigated. The hyperbolic heat transport equation and its
solution are discussed. It is shown that as the result of interaction,
damped thermal waves both type: undistorted and dispersed can be
emitted. Key words: Free electron laser; Thermal waves; Heat
Author: J. Marciak-Kozłowska, M. Kozłowski
Title: Time and energy scales for
the thermal properties of nanoparticles
Reference: Materials Science Forum, vol. 384–385, p. 75
Year: 2002
Abstract: In this paper the structure of thermal excitation in
nanoparticles is investigated. It is shown that in nanoparticles the
temperature field is quantized. The energy of the heaton, the
quantum of temperature field is calculated. It is shown that
heaton energy depends on two constants of nature: a=1/137 (fine structure
constant for electromagnetic interaction) and
ß=me/mp=1/1836 (me =
electron mass, mp = proton mass)
Author: J. Marciak-Kozłowska, M. Kozłowski
Title: Spintronics
at the nanostructure level
Reference: Materials Science Forum, vol. 384–385, p. 71
Year: 2002
Abstract: In
this paper the interaction of unpolarized ultra-short laser pulse with
spin active nanostructure is investigated. In the nanostructures the
heat transport is described by the equation
For particles with spin (electrons/holes)
potential V contains the spin-orbit term
where Vc(r)
denotes the potential part which does not depend on spin,
Vls(r) describes the spin orbit interaction. In this
paper the solution of the equation (1) is obtained.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozłowska, M. Kozłowski
Title: Modified
Schrödinger equation for attosecond laser pulse interaction with
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 12, p. 53
Year: 2002
Abstract: Recently the measurement of X-ray
pulses approaching the attosecond frontier was published (M. Drescher et
al., Science291, 2001 p. 1923). The attosecond laser
pulse allows the study and control the motion of electrons inside atoms.
In this paper we develop and solve the modified Schrödinger equation
(MSE) which describes the interaction of electrons with its surroundings
in atom. This interaction can be detected only with attosecond laser
pulse, for the relaxation time of the interaction is of the order of 10
as. Key words: Attosecond laser pulses; Quantum heat transport;
Modified Schrödinger equation.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozłowska and M. Kozłowski
Title: Attophysics and technology with ultra short laser
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 12, p. 17
Year: 2002
Abstract: Abstract: In this paper the
interaction of attosecond laser pulses with matter is investigated. The
scattering and potential motion of heat carriers as well as the external
force are considered. Depending on the ratio of the scattering and
potential motion the heat transport is described by the thermal forced
Klein-Gordon or thermal modified telegraph equation. For thermal
Heisenberg type relation Vt ~ (h/2p) (t is the
relaxation time and V is the potential) the heat transport is
described by the thermal distortionless damped wave equation. In this
paper Klein-Gordon, modified telegraph equation and wave equation are
solved. Key words: Attosecond laser pulses; Quantum heat transport
equation; Klein-Gordon thermal equation.
Mirosław Kozłowski,Janina Marciak-Kozłowska
Title: Radius, velocity and acceleration of the
Reference: Il Nuovo Cimento, vol.
116B, p. 821
Year: 2001
Abstract: In this paper
considering quantum heat transport equation (QHT) formulated in our
earlier papers the temperature for universes with G < 0 is
calculated. As the solution of complex QHT (Schrödinger type equation),
the temperature is complex also. We argue that due to anthropic
limitation of the observer, ImT(r,t) = 0. From this condition the
discretization of space-time radius R, velocity of the universe
expansion v, Hubble parameter H and acceleration of the
expansion a are calculated. The agreement with observational data
for our Universe is quite good.
Author: Mirosław Kozłowski, Janina
Marciak-Kozłowska, Zygmunt Mucha
Title: Laser light induced p-mesons emission
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 11, p. 259
Year: 2001
In this paper the extended quantum heat transport equation (EQHT) will
be formulated and applied to the study of the p -meson production in laser light interaction
with matter. The cross section (transverse mass distribution) for the
emission of the relativistic p -meson
will be calculated. The temperature of the emitted pions (p -meson) will be obtained. Key words:
Petawatt lasers; p -meson production;
Cross section.
Author: Janina
Marciak-Kozłowska, Mirosław Kozłowski
Title: Laser melting of
nanoparticles with negative heat capacity
Reference: Lasers
in Engineering, vol. 11, p. 209
Year: 2001
Abstract: In this paper the model for the negative heat capacity of
the nanoparticles is described. Assuming the Coulomb type of the mutual
interaction of ions and electrons in nanoparticle the total energy,
temperature and heat capacity of the nanoparticle is calculated. It is
shown that if the temperature field of nanoparticle is quantized,
T ~ a 2 , a - is the strength of the interaction, then
the heat capacity Cv < 0. Key words:
Nanoparticles; Heat transport; Negative heat capacity.
Author: Janina Marciak-Kozłowska,
Mirosław Kozłowski and Zygmunt Mucha Title: Thermal waves in
two-dimensional heterogenous materials Reference: Lasers in
Engineering, vol. 11, p. 189 Year: 2001 Abstract:
The scintillating mode of the thermal reaction waves is described within
in the frame of the hyperbolic heat conduction equation. It was shown
that oscillation of the temperature is the generic phenomenon for the
rapid heating. Key words: Hyperbolic equation; Heterogenous
materials; Temperature oscillations.
Author: M. Kozłowski, J.
Marciak-Kozłowska Title: Gravitation and thermodynamics in a
Planck Era Reference: Hadronic Journal23, p.
189 Year: 2000 Abstract: The thermal properties of a
Planck gas, i.e. gas of massive particles all with masses equal Planck
mass is studied. The relaxation time
and quantum diffusion coefficient for Planck gas are calculated. The new
interpretation of a Planck time, is
described. It is shown that for time period shorter than
tp the time reversal symmetry holds and for
post-Planck time the time symmetry is broken, i.e. time arrow is
created. PACS numbers: 9880H, 0440N, 9530T, 0570L
Author: M.
Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska Title: Nano heat
phenomena Reference: NanoTechnology Magazine, vol.
6, p. 1 Year: 2000
Author: M.
Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska Title: Ballistic and diffusion
thermal pulse propagation in the attosecond time domain
Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 10, p. 293 Year:
(2000) Abstract: In this paper the heat transport on the atomic
scale is investigated. The solution of the quantum heat transport (QHT)
for the initial heat pulse f(t)=Sech2[t/ts]
with ts=50 - 7000 attosecond (as) is obtained. Key
words: Attosecond laser pulses; Ballistic and diffusion heat transport;
Nanometer scale.
Author: M. Kozłowski, J.
Marciak-Kozłowska Title: The polarization of the electrons
emitted after ultrashort laser pulse interaction with spin active
solids Reference: Lasers in Engineering10, p.
255 Year: 2000 Abstract: In this paper the interaction of
ultrashort laser pulses with spin active solids is investigated. The
spin active solids is approximated by potential containing spin-orbit
term. The solution of the quantum heat transport equation (with spin
orbit term added) is presented. As the result the two temperature gas of
heated electrons is obtained. The polarization of heated gas is
calculated. Key words: Quantum heat transport; Spin active body;
Spin-orbit coupling; Polarization of the electrons.
Author: M.
Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska Title: Hierarchical structure of
the thermal excitation induced by ultrashort laser pulses
Reference: Lasers in Engineering10, p. 177 Year:
2000 Abstract: Following the result of our paper [Lasers in
Engineering, in print] the unified description for thermal
excitation of atoms, molecules and nanoparticles was formulated. It was
shown that the thermal properties of nanoparticles resemble the thermal
properties of atomic nucleus (but not atoms or molecules). Key
words: Nanoparticles; Femtosecond; Laser pulses; Thermal
Author: M. Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska Title: Electron
thermal relaxation in metallic nanoparticles heated with ultrashort
laser pulses Reference: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 10,
p. 37 Year: 2000 Abstract The electron thermal relaxation
process in metallic nanoparticles is described. The results show that
the relaxation time and velocity of the thermal wave for nanoparticles
are size dependent. The calculated values of the relaxation time (t = 600-1600 fs) are compared to the existing
experimental results and fairly good agreement is obtained. Key
words: Nanoparticles; Thermal relaxation; Ultrashort laser pulses.
Author: M. Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska Title:
The planet orbit radii and the niche of the electromagnetic
fine-structure constant Reference: ASP Conference Series3 p. 108 Year: 1999 Abstract: Following the
coincidence A · atomic year ~ Earth year (s), (A =
Avogadro number, atomic year = aB/a c, aB = Bohr radius, a = fine-structure constant, c = light
velocity) and considering the "niche" for a
i.e. 180-1Ł a Ł 85-1, the niche for planet orbits is
obtained. Key words: Fine-structure constant; Planet orbit radii.
Author: M. Kozłowski, J.
Marciak-Kozłowska Title: Klein-Gordon
thermal equation for a Planck gas Reference: Foundations
of Physics Letters12, p. 93 Year: 1999
Abstract: In this paper the quantum hyperbolic equation formulated
in our earlier paper [Found. Phys. Lett.10, p. 599, 1997]
is applied to the study of the propagation of the initial thermal state
of the Universe. It is shown that the propagation depends on the barrier
height. For the barrier height V < 1.125 1018 GeV the
master thermal equation is the modified telegrapher's equation, and for
barrier height V > 1.125 1018 GeV the master equation
is it the Klein-Gordon equation. The solutions of both type equations
for Cauchy boundary conditions are discussed. Key words: Thermal
properties; Planck gas; Potential barrier; Distorted thermal waves.
Author: M. Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska Title: Quantum heat transport induced by ultrashort laser
pulses: from basics to applications Reference: Lasers in
Engineering9, p. 305 Year: 1999 Abstract: In
this paper the validity of the quantum heat transport equation (QHT) for
the description of the thermal processes in electron, nucleon and quark
gases is discussed. The shapes and ranges of the spherically symmetric
potentials are calculated. In the frame - work of the QHT the quark
confinement is discussed. Key words: Ultrashort laser pulses;
Thermal processes; Electron; Nucleon; Quark gases.
Author: M. Kozłowski,
J. Marciak-Kozłowska, Z. Mucha Title: Slowing and dephasing of
the thermal wave induced by the femtosecond laser pulses
Reference: Lasers in Engineering9, p. 215 Year:
1999 Abstract: In this paper the hyperbolic heat conduction
equation (HHC) is applied to study of the propagation of thermal wave in
metals. It is shown that the initial thermal wave with pulsation w and
velocity v propagates in medium with effective velocity , t denotes the
relaxation time. Due to scattering the thermal wave changes the phase in
medium. Key words: Femtosecond laser pulse; Thermal waves;
Effective velocity; Phase change; Scattering.
Author: M. Kozłowski, J.
Marciak-Kozłowska Title: Quantum heat transport on the molecular
scale induced by femtosecond laser pulses Reference: Lasers
in Engineering9, p. 103 Year: 1999 Abstract:
In this paper the thermal energy transport on the molecular scale is
investigated. The quantum heat transport equation (QHT) formulated in
our paper [Lasers in Engineering7 (1998) 13] is applied
to the study of the thermal excitation in molecular systems. The
relaxation time t and velocity of the
thermal wave vh are calculated and the values
t @ 40 fs and
vh @ 10-2 nm/fs are obtained respectively. The
characteristic "molecular" temperature
for the molecular systems is obtained with the numerical value
Tm ~ 316 K. This
temperature defines what is generally termed as the "room
temperature". Key words: Heat quanta; Quantum heat transport;
Molecular systems; Ultrashort laser pulses.
Author: M. Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska Title:
Why quantum hyperbolic heat transport indeed? Reference:
Lasers in Engineering9, p. 39 Year: 1999
Abstract: In this paper the quantum heat transport equation
formulated in our earlier papers [Lasers in Engineering5
1996, p. 79, 6 1997, p. 1, 7 1998, p. 13] is applied to study of
the thermal properties of a Planck gas. It is shown that in the limit of
the extremely short time periods (Planck time = 10-43 s) the
relaxation time for thermal processes depends only on the fundamental
constants: h, c, G and thermal diffusion coefficient . Keywords: Quantum heat transport;
Planck gas; Fundamental constants.
M. Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska, Z. Mucha Title: Metastable
thermal states induced by ultrashort laser pulses Reference:
Lasers in Engineering8, p. 175 Year: 1999
Abstract: In this paper the interaction of ultrashort laser pulses
with double barrier structure is investigated. It is shown that as the
result of this interaction the thermal metastable states in double
barrier structures are created. The residence time of thermal energy for
metastable states is defined and calculated. For the energy,
(h/2p)w < 5 eV the residence time is of the order of
femtoseconds. Key words: Double barrier structures; Klein-Gordon
thermal equation; Metastable thermal states; Residence time.
Author: M. Kozłowski,
J. Marciak-Kozłowska, Z. Mucha Title: Metastable thermal states
in semiconductor double barrier structures Reference:
Materials Science Forum, Vols. 297-298, p. 217
Year: 1999
Author: M. Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska Title:
Klein-Gordon equation for quantum heat transport in
semiconductors Reference: Materials Science Forum, Vols.
297-298, p. 213 Year: 1999
Author: M. Kozłowski, J.
Marciak-Kozłowska Title: Klein-Gordon equation for heat transfer
induced by ultrashort laser pulses Reference: Lasers in
Engineering8, p. 11 Year: 1998 Abstract: In
this paper the quantum heat transport in nonhomogenous structures is
investigated. It is shown that when nonhomogenity creates potential
barriers, the height of the potential barrier changes the type of the
quantum heat transport equation. For barrier height V0
< 1.125 eV the quantum heat transport equation (QHT) is the modified
telegrapher's equation and for V0 > 1.125 eV the QHT
is the Klein-Gordon equation. Key words: Klein-Gordon equation;
Nonhomogenous structures; Ultrashort laser pulses.
Author: M.
Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska Title: The distortionless quantum
thermal waves induced by ultrashort laser pulses Reference:
Lasers in Engineering7, p. 81 Year: 1998
Abstract In this paper the quantum heat transport in the presence of
the potential (other than the thermal one) is investigated. The new
quantum heat transport equation, which generalizes our potential free
QHT equation [Lasers in Engineering5, 79, 1996] is
developed. The thermal wave solution of the new QHT, for Cauchy boundary
conditions is obtained. Key words: Quantum heat transport;
Distortionless thermal waves; Ultrashort laser pulses.
Author: M. Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska
Title: Thermal spectrum of the fermionic matter excited by ultrashort
superenergetic laser pulses Reference: Lasers in
Engineering7, p. 13 Year: 1998 Abstract: In
this paper a new solution of quantum heat transport (QHT), [Lasers in
Engineering5, p. 79 1996] for Cauchy boundary conditions is
obtained. It is shown that for a short time thermal excitation, the
excited fermionic matter (electrons and nucleons) response is quantized
on the different levels (atomic, nuclear) with quantum thermal energy
equal Eatomic~9 eV,
Enuclear=7 MeV. The static solutions to QHT are
obtained and Debye-Hückl and Yukawa potential for atomic matter and
nuclear matter are deduced. Key words: Heat quanta; Fermionic
matter; Quantum heat transport; Ultrashort laser pulses.
Author: M.
Kozłowski, J. Marciak-Kozłowska Title: Velocity spectra of the
relativistic electrons emitted after solid irradiation with femtosecond
laser pulses Reference: Lasers in Engineering6,
p. 247 Year: 1998 Abstract: In this paper the new
phenomenon, the density oscillations of the relativistic electrons
emitted after irradiation of solid with femtosecond laser pulse is
investigated. The relativistic distribution function for electrons is
discussed. It is shown that for electrons with temperature T
electron mass the spectra of the emitted electrons are strongly
localized around velocity u = c (c = light
velocity) and the shape of the velocity spectra is described by the term
g5 (g = (1-(u2/c2))-1/2). Key words: Density oscillations;
Femtosecond laser pulses; Relativistic velocity spectra.
Author: M. Kozłowski, J.
Marciak-Kozłowska Title: The smearing out
of the thermal initial conditions created in a Planck Era
Reference: Foundations of Physics Letters10, p. 599
Year: (1997) Abstract: In this paper the quantum heat transport
in a Planck gas in the presence of the potential (other than the thermal
one) is investigated. The new quantum heat transport equation which
generalizes our potential free QHT [Foundations of Physics
Letters (vol. 10, No 3, 1997] is developed. The thermal wave
solution of QHT for a Planck gas is obtained and condition for
distortionless propagation of thermal wave is formulated. It is argued
that the initial conditions of the Beginning (i.e. for t = 0) are
smeared in the time scale of the Planck time. Key words: Thermal
properties; Planck gas; Distortionless thermal wave.
Author: M. Kozłowski, J.
Marciak-Kozłowska Title: The time arrow in
a Planck gas Reference: Foundations of Physics
Letters10, p. 295 Year: 1997 Abstract: In this
paper the quantum heat transport equation (QHT) is applied to the study
of thermal properties of Planck gas, i.e. gas of the massive particles
with mass equal Planck mass, and
relaxation time equals Planck time, .
The quantum of thermal energy for Planck gas,
EPlanck=1019 GeV and quantum thermal
diffusion coefficient DPlanck
=(hG/c)1/2 are calculated. Within the framework of
QHT the thermal phenomena in Planck gas can be divided into two classes,
for time period shorter than tp the time reversal symmetry holds and for time
period longer than tp,
time symmetry is broken, i.e. time arrow is created. Key words:
Planck gas; Quantum heat transport; Time arrow.
Author: J.
Marciak-Kozłowska, M. Kozłowski Title: Brownian representation of
quantum heat transport induced by attosecond laser pulses
Reference: Lasers in Engineering6, p. 141 Year:
1997 Abstract: In this paper the interaction of attosecond
(10-18 s) laser pulses with solids is described. Within
previously developed quantum heat transport equation [Lasers in
Engineering5, 79 (1996)] the quantum path of the heat
carriers is studied. It is shown that for time the quantum path has fractal dimension
df = 2. For Dt <
t (i.e. for attosecond laser pulses) the
quantum particle moves on straight line with velocity
vh which is equal the thermal wave velocity. In
the relativistic limit vh® c the mean free path for heat carriers is
the reduced Compton wave length .
Key words: Attosecond laser pulses; Quantum heat transport; Quantum path
Author: M. Kozłowski, J.
Marciak-Kozłowska Title: Thermal spectrum of the hadronic
Reference: Hadronic Journal20, p. 289 Year:
1997 Abstract: In the paper the thermal energy spectrum of the
hadronic matter is described. For the high excited hadronic matter the
quantum heat transport equation is obtained. It is shown that for short
time thermal excitation (of the order of the relaxation time) the
excited hadronic matter response is quantized with quantum thermal
energy equal: Enuclear~ 7 MeV and
Equark~ 139 MeV.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozłowska, M. Kozłowski Title: Quantum
conductance and diffusion of the nanostructures Reference:
Lasers in Engineering6, p. 1 Year: 1997
Abstract: In the paper the thermal and electrical properties of the
nanostructures are described. Using the QHT-quantum heat transport
equation it will be shown that conductance G of the nanostructures is
quantized and conductance quantum G0
=2e2/h. Conductance quantum G0 is
proportional to the vh, velocity of the thermal
wave generated by ultrashort laser pulse, . Key words: Conductance quantum; Nanostructures;
Quantum heat transport.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozłowska,
M. Kozłowski Title: Quantum microscale heat transport
Reference: International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT)
Symposium, Yokohama, vol. I p. 13 Year: 1996 December
1-4 Abstract: As is well known Nelson [Phys. Rev.150, 1079 (1966)] succeed in deriving the Schrödinger equation
from the assumption that quantum particles follow continous trajectories
in chaotic background. The derivation of the usual linear Schrödinger
equation follows only if the diffusion coefficient D,
associated with quantum Brownian motion takes the values D=h/2m
as assumed by Nelson.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozłowska, M. Kozłowski and Z. Mucha Title:
Quantum dynamics and heat transport in solids irradiated with
femtosecond laser pulses Reference: Heat Transfer Science and
Technology, High Education Press, p. 295 Year: 1996 When a
high energy laser pulse hits the solid it is possible that very short
relaxation time is obtained (t ~ 1 fs). In that
case the mean free path, l, of the hot
electron is the order of the thermal de Broglie wavelength lB. The temperature domain for
which l is of the order of lB is defined as the quantum
limit of the heat transport. In this paper the new quantum heat
transport equation (QHT) is obtained, the relaxation time t = (h/2p)/mv2h
and quantum diffusion coefficient
DQT=(h/2p)/m are calculated. The QHT is solved
for the heat flux: 1018Wcm-2 and the following initial temperature is
obtained: Ti ~ 100 MeV for nanometer gold films.
Key words: Femtosecond laser pulses; Quantum heat transport; Quantum
diffusion coefficient.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozłowska and M. Kozłowski Title:
Thermal diffusivity of GaAs thin film irradiated with ultrashort
laser pulses Reference: Lasers in Engineering5, p.
227 Year: 1996
Abstract: In this paper the thermal
diffusivity for thin GaAs film was calculated. The two regimes of the
heat transfer were considered: slow diffusion (Fourier law) and fast
diffusion (hyperbolic heat transport) The reduction of the thin film
diffusivity in comparison to the bulk value was obtained. The comparison
of the existing experimental data and calculations of the thermal
diffusivity shows good agreement. Key words: GaAs, Thin film,
Thermal diffusivity, Ultrashort laser pulses.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozłowska
and M. Kozłowski Title: Discretization of the thermal excitation
in highly excited matter Foundation of Physics Letters9, p. 235 Year: 1996 Abstract: In the paper the
thermal energy diffusion for quantum particles is described. The quantum
heat transport equation is obtained. It is shown that for short time
thermal excitation (of the order of the relaxation time) the excited
matter response is quantized on the different levels (atomic, nuclear,
quark) with quantum thermal energy equal Eatomic~9
eV, Enuclear~7 MeV and
Equark~139 MeV. Key words: heat quanta,
quantum heat transport, quantum diffusion coefficient.
Author: J.
Marciak-Kozłowska and M. Kozłowski Title: Density waves of the
charge carriers photoexcited in semiconductors by ultrashort laser
pulses Reference: Lasers in Engineering5, p.
207 Year: 1996 Abstract: In this paper the new method for
the description of the charge density propagation in semiconductors was
proposed. Considering the correlated random walk theory the damped wave
equation (DWE) for charge density in semiconductors was developed. The
numerical solution of the Gaussian initial value problem was obtained.
It was shown that in the case of DWE the initial charge density
propagates as the damped wave. The slow (Fick diffusion) and fast
(density wave) diffusion in multiple quantum well is discussed. Key
words: Charge density waves; Semiconductors, Ultrashort pulse
Author: J. Marciak-Kozłowska and M.
Kozłowski Title: The quantum heat transport equation for
femtosecond laser pulses Reference: Lasers in Engineering5, p. 79 Year: 1996 Abstract: In this paper the new
quantum heat transport equation (QHT) for very hot electron gas is
obtained. The relaxation time t =
and quantum diffusion coefficient
DQT=(h/2p)/m are calculated. The QHT equation
is solved for two values of the heat fluxes: 1011
Wcm-2 and 1019 Wcm-2 and the following
initial temperatures are obtained Ti ~ 1 eV and
Ti ~ 100 MeV respectively for nanometer gold
films. Key words: Femtosecond laser pulses; Quantum heat transport;
Quantum diffusion coefficient.
Author: J. Marciak-Kozłowska and M. Kozłowski Title:
Velocity of thermal waves generated by femtosecond laser pulses in
nanometer thick gold films Reference: Lasers in
Engineering5, p. 51 Year: 1996
Author: J.
Marciak-Kozłowska, Z. Mucha and M. Kozłowski Title: Picosecond
thermal pulses in thin gold films Reference: Int. J.
Thermophysics16, p. 489 Year: 1995 Abstract:
In this paper it has been shown that, with the advent of lasers with
very short pulse duration, the effect of thermal wave propagation
becomes important. To consider this effect, hyperbolic heat conduction
in thin gold films was studied. It was shown that for heat fluxes of the
order 108 Wcm-2, a thermal wave is generated in
thin gold films. The consideration of the hyperbolicity of heat transfer
enables one to describe the temperature profile with one value of
fluence. Key words: Hyperbolic heat diffusion; Heat waves; Pulse
heating; Thin metal films.
Author: J.
Marciak-Kozłowska, Z. Mucha and M. Kozłowski Title: Hyperbolic
versus parabolic heat conduction in laser beam irradiated thin metal
films Reference: Lasers in Engineering4, p.
57 Year: 1995 Abstract: In paper we describe the
relaxation dynamics of electron temperature in thin gold film
(l=0.03 µm) irradiated with ultrafast laser pulse (Dt=0.4 ps). It is argued that for thin
metal film heat is transported as the thermal wave with velocity
vs=1 µm/ps. For l~0.03-0.06 µm the
reflection of the thermal waves is predicted. Comparison of the
calculations and existing data suggests the possible observation of
thermal wave in recent experiments. Key words: Hyperbolic heat
conduction; Picosecond laser beam; Thin metal films.
Author: M. Kozłowski Title: New massive strange
particle Reference: Physics Essays7, p. 261
Year: 1994 Abstract: Considering Dirac's Large Number
Hypothesis the mass and radius of multinucleon aggregate with A ~
1014 nucleons and r~1 angstrem is predicted. The
hypothetical particle has the mass within the mass region of massive
boson which mediates the nucleon decay in GUT theories. The strange
matter drop (SMD) with A ~ 1014, p ~
1014 g/cm3 and r~1 angstrem can be candidate for new
massive particle. Key words: Large number hypothesis; Hubble
distance; Gravitational fine-structure constant; Electromagnetic fine
structure constant.