Next: Limiting cases
Up: Odd-even staggering of binding
Previous: Odd-even staggering filters
Theoretical models
In this section, we investigate several exactly solvable models to see
the interplay between the particle-hole and particle-particle channels
of interaction.
In all cases, the Hamiltonian has the form
(13) |
is either the intrinsic (i.e., deformed)
single-particle Hamiltonian or the
laboratory-system quadrupole-quadrupole
Hamiltonian, and
is always the monopole-pairing
(seniority) Hamiltonian:
(14) |
In Eq. (14) G is the pairing strength parameter,
(15) |
denotes the monopole-pair creation operator, and
the time-reversed state.
Properties of the Hamiltonian (13) depend on the ratio
(16) |
represents the strength of
For both
(weak pairing) and
(strong pairing),
one can treat the Hamiltonian (13) perturbatively. However,
the situation encountered most often in the nuclear physics context
is the intermediate case (
0.4) in which
pairing correlations are strongly influenced by the nuclear mean field.
Next: Limiting cases
Up: Odd-even staggering of binding
Previous: Odd-even staggering filters
Jacek Dobaczewski