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GT resonances from generalized Skyrme functionals
Figure 6:
Deviation of calculated and experimental GT resonance energies
(lower panel) and a fraction of the GT strength in the GT resonance
(upper panel) for 112Sn, 124Sn, and 208Pb,
calculated with SkO' and a modified residual
spin-isospin interaction. C1T is kept at the Skyrme-force
value and
is set to zero. C1s is chosen to
be density-independent and varied to get
g1' = 0.19 in all cases.
We turn now to generalized energy functionals in which the time-odd
coupling constants Cts,
and CtT are treated
as free parameters; that is, we no longer insist that the interaction
correspond to a two-body Hamiltonian with matrix elements that should
be antisymmetrized. As we showed in Sect. 4.2,
values of the Landau parameter g0' alone are insufficient to link
the properties of the GT resonance to the coupling constants of the
energy density functional. In this section, using the time-even
functional of SkO', we study the dependence of the GT
resonance on several other
combinations of the coupling constants as well. Because the isoscalar
time-odd terms do not affect the GT transitions, we focus here on the
isovector coupling constants C1s,
and C1T.
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Jacek Dobaczewski