HFB calculations in configurational representation invariably require a
truncation of the single-particle basis and a truncation in the number of
quasiparticle states. The latter is usually realized by defining a cut-off
quasiparticle energy
and then including quasiparticle states only up
to this value. When the finite-range Gogny force is used both in the p-p and p-h
channels, the cut-off energy
has numerical significance only. In
contrast, HFB calculations based on Skyrme forces in the p-h and p-p channels, as
well as any other calculations based on a zero-range force in the p-p channel
The choice of an appropriate cut-off procedure has been discussed in the case of
coordinate-space HFB calculations for spherical nuclei [6]. It was
demonstrated there that one must sum up contributions from all states close in
quasiparticle energy to the bound particle states to obtain correct density
matrices in the HFB method. Since the bound particle states are associated with
quasiparticle energies smaller than the absolute value D of the depth of the
effective potential well, one had to take the cut-off energy comparable to D.
In the case of deformed HFB calculations, and especially when performing
configurational HFB calculations, it is difficult to look for the depth of the
effective potential well in each
subspace. Thus, an alternative
criterion with respect to the above cut-off procedure used in spherical
calculations is needed. For this purpose, we have adopted the following procedure
(see Appendix B of [6]). After each iteration, performed with a given
chemical potential
we calculate an auxiliary spectrum
and pairing gaps
by using for each quasiparticle state the
BCS-like formulae,