The single group D
and double group D
[6] can be built from
three rotations through angle
about the coordinate axes k=x,y,z, called the signature operators,
Following the convention introduced in [6], with roman
symbols, like =
we denote
operators acting in the Fock space
Moreover, in order to help the reader in
distinguishing between
properties of these operators when they act in even,
or odd,
spaces, we denote the former ones
with bold symbols, and the latter ones with script symbols, i.e., we
formally split the Fock-space operators
into two parts according to their domains.
It follows
[15,16,6] that D
is an Abelian group of 16
elements, which contains: the identity
their product
three signatures
three simplexes
three T-signatures
and three T-simplexes
Similarly, the Fock-space operators ,
as well as the odd-fermion-number
form the group D
which is a non-Abelian group
of 32 elements. Apart from the 16 operators enumerated for D
it contains their partners obtained by multiplying every one of them by
the operators
respectively. These
operators can be identified with the rotation operators
through angle
about an arbitrary axis.
The partner operators are denoted by replacing the hats
with bars, i.e., the group of operators acting in
The complete D
and D
multiplication tables have
been given and discussed in Ref.[6], and will not be
repeated here. We only recall a few properties of the D
group that are essential in the following analysis, namely,
The multiplication table of D
is obtained by replacing
and using all bold symbols in Eqs. (5)-(8).
Obviously, a
product of conserved symmetries is a conserved symmetry, and
consequently, the conserved symmetries form groups that are
subgroups of D
or D
Therefore, in order to analyze various
physically meaningful subsets of the conserved D
or D
operators, we should first consider the subgroup structure of these
Suppose that in a given physical problem, the mean-field states obey the
symmetries of a given subgroup rather than those of the whole D
or D
groups. In such a case that subgroup contains the maximal set of
operators representing the symmetry of the problem, i.e.,
all D
od D
operators which do not belong to such subgroup are the
broken symmetries. From the view-point of physics, we are
more interested in the symmetries which are broken (which is
related to interesting dynamical correlations), than in
those which are conserved. It then follows that the physically
interesting information will be attached to the operators that
do not belong to the subgroup studied, but do belong
to D
or D
those latter ones do not necessarily form a group.
First we consider the single group D
because (i) it is a
smaller and simpler group than D
and (ii) the operator
which makes the difference between the single and the double group is
always a conserved symmetry.
The analysis below is based on identifying sets of the so-called subgroup generators, i.e, operators from which the whole given subgroup can be obtained by their successive multiplications. Choices of generators are, of course, non-unique, and hence in each case we discuss and enumerate all the available possibilities.