Next: Conclusions
Up: Probing the densities of
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Comparison with data
Results found for the elastic scattering of 65 MeV protons from
118Sn and of 200 MeV protons from 120Sn have been found from
optical potentials formed by folding the effective interactions for
those energies that were used previously with much success for data
analysis of many nuclei [16], with the densities for the Sn
isotopes discussed above and also with the densities of those nuclei
specified by a simple
oscillator model. The oscillator
length was taken as A1/6; i.e. 2.215 and 2.221 fm, respectively,
for the two isotopes. Those results found using the SLy4 and SkP
model densities are shown in the following figures by the solid and
dashed curves respectively. Those obtained using the HO model
densities are portrayed by the dot-dashed curves.
The differential cross sections and analyzing powers for the elastic
scattering of 65 MeV protons from 118Sn, measured at the RCNP,
Japan [26], are compared with our predictions in
Fig. 13. In the case of the differential cross section,
there is little difference (
between the SLy4 (solid) and
SkP (dashed) results.
Figure 13:
The differential cross sections (top) and
analyzing powers (bottom) for the elastic scattering of 65 MeV protons
from 118Sn. The data [26] are compared to the results of
the calculations made using the SLy4 (solid line), SkP (dashed line)
and HO (dot-dashed line) models.
The calculated results are in good agreement with the structure and
magnitude of the data; the SLy4 and SkP model results particularly
so. The preference for the SLy4 (SkP) model also is evident with the
total reaction cross section. They predict 1.48 b while the HO
calculation yields 1.41 b. The measured value [27] is
b. But it is with the analyzing power at 65 MeV that the
SLy4 (SkP) densities give a significantly better result in comparison
to the HO model one. While the HO result is a fair reproduction of
the data structure, the SLy4 (SkP) model result gives not only the
correct location of the maxima and minima but also shows the overall
trend seen in the data of increasing positive in magnitude with
increasing angle. They also depict best the marked asymmetry of each
peak structure of the data.
The 200 MeV scattering results from 120Sn are also quite good,
although with the exception of the differential cross section produced
using the HO model the reproductions of data obtained with the
mean-field model densities are not as good as found at 65
MeV for 118Sn.
Figure 14:
The differential cross sections (top) and
analyzing powers (bottom) for the elastic scattering of 200 MeV
protons from 120Sn. The data [28] are compared to the
results of the calculations made as given in the text. The curves are
as for Fig. 13. The SkP result is not given for
the cross section as it is indistinguishable from the SLy4 result.
The differential cross sections and analyzing powers are shown in
Fig. 14 from which it is clearly evident that the HO
model tracks the measured data [28] well for all angles
shown. The SLy4 model result is not as good, though it agrees with the
forward angle (
scattering data well enough. The SkP
model result is indistinguishable from the SLy4 one on this scale. The
actual differences in cross section are less than a percent at most
scattering angles. Both the SLy4 and SkP model calculations thus
overestimate the cross section and predict sharper structure than seen
in the data for larger scattering angles. Such discrepancies have
been noted in other circumstances, notably in a comparative
study [15] of model structures for 208Pb and in
identifying 6He and 11Li as nuclei with extended neutron
distributions (neutron halos) [29,30]. For this energy the
SLy4, SkP and HO calculations gave total reaction cross sections of
1.18, 1.17 and 1.14 b respectively. To compare there is a value
measured at 221 MeV [31] (from 118Sn however) of
b. As with the differential cross section results, our
predictions for the analyzing powers (shown in the bottom half of
Fig. 14) are good but there is room for improvement. The
asymmetry seen with the 65 MeV data is less severe at this higher
energy but, of course, there are more peaks within the scattering
angle range shown. Both features are evident in the HO and SLy4
calculations without the exact angular structures in the data being
reproduced. It is notable that the SLy4 and SkP results do match the
observed peak magnitudes and valley depths very well and the two
densities yield slight but noticeable differences in the spin
Next: Conclusions
Up: Probing the densities of
Previous: Scattering from Hydrogen -
Jacek Dobaczewski