Since the low-energy s1/2 resonances are always very broad, the
distinction between the resonant and non-resonant continuum is not
very clear in this channel. On the other hand, pairing coupling of
very narrow high-j resonances is not very different from that of
any other bound states, and hence they are not very interesting to
look at. Therefore, in addition to investigating the s1/2resonances, we also study here an intermediate case of low-energy
2d3/2 resonances, which can be narrow or broad depending on
their positions inside the centrifugal barrier. For that we use the
PTG' potential which contains the physical centrifugal barrier,
Eq. (9), and chose several different values of the depth
First, we study two cases listed in Table 2, chosen in such
a way that the resonances are located at two different positions deep
inside the centrifugal barrier. (For the chosen depths, in the PTG
potential the 2d3/2 states are resonant (d) or virtual (e);
their analytical energies are given in Table 2.) Although
for the physical barrier the analytical results are not available,
one can estimate the resonance energies to be about
(1.5-0.4i)MeV (d) and
(0.9-0.2i)MeV (c), respectively.
In the two cases, the resonances are located at about 3.5MeV and
4.1MeV below the top of the barrier which is about 5MeV high. One
can see that the inclusion of the physical barrier moves the PTG
resonance (Table 2) up in energy and decreases its width by
a factor of eight, while the PTG virtual state is transformed into a
true, rather narrow resonance.
Figure 9 shows the HFB and PTG' localizations of the d3/2 continuum states. Of course, the low-energy PTG' resonances create narrow peaks of localizations at the resonant energies, and having resonance widths. Insets in Fig. 9 show that the pairing correlations shift the PTG' localizations to slightly higher energies, but otherwise the HFB and PTG' localizations are very similar. Beyond the narrow resonances, the HFB and PTG' localizations reach the non-resonant background values of about 0.3-0.4, which are almost unaffected by the next, very broad d3/2 resonance at about 40MeV.
Apart from the change in overall pairing intensity, see Table
4, norms of the lower HFB components Nn shown in
Fig. 10 closely follow the shape of localizations. In order
to further visualize this property, in Figs. 11 and
12 we show results corresponding to the 2d3/2resonances when they are moved up to the top of the centrifugal barrier. Six
panels presented in the Figures have been obtained by using the depth
=4.9(0.1)4.4, which corresponds to
shifting the bottom of the d3/2 central potential well from
-48.4 to -39.8MeV. As a result, the 2d3/2 resonances move from
about 0.9MeV to 6MeV (at the same time the barrier also slightly
increases, from 5 to 6MeV). Hence, the top panels in
Figs. 11 and 12 correspond to a broad resonance
located right at the top of the centrifugal barrier.
Localizations of the PTG' d3/2 continuum states
(Fig. 11) closely follow the pattern of broadening and
rising resonances. Apart from the lowest two panels, corresponding to
low-energy resonances, the HFB localizations (dots) do not differ
from the PTG' results (lines). This is because the larger the
distance of the resonance from the Fermi surface
(-0.4keV in all cases), the weaker are, of
course, modifications induced by pairing correlations. Moreover, the
rising resonance leaves behind (at low energies) very low values of
localizations, which additionally contributes to a decreasing of the
overall pairing intensities.
Interestingly, norms of the lower HFB components Nn, presented in
Fig. 12, closely follow the pattern of localizations. It
means that values of localizations of the PTG' single-particle states
indeed decide about the pairing coupling of the HFB quasiparticle
continuum states, cf. Eq. (44). However, again none of
the quasiparticle states (close to resonant energies or not) can be
used as a single representative of the continuum phase space. Even
for the resonances located very deeply inside the barrier (the lowest
panels in Fig. 12), norms Nn for quasiparticle states at
resonance energies do not exhaust the occupation numbers
In Figs. 11 and 12, arrows indicate values of the
canonical 2d3/2 energies
resonances moving up, these energies increase too, and appear always
slightly above the resonant energy. These canonical states represent
correctly the whole region of the quasiparticle continuum within, and
above the centrifugal barrier. The 1d3/2 canonical states are
deeply bound (
-25MeV), and the 3d3/2 canonical states
are very high (
+25MeV), so indeed those corresponding to
2d3/2 (as shown in the Figures) are well separated
representatives of a wide region of the phase space. Therefore, any
approximate scheme, aiming at a correct description of pairing
correlations near continuum, should vie to find these states at right
places. Unfortunately, the HF+BCS method which uses resonant
continuum states only, does not seem to have a chance to attain such
a goal. However, similarity of localizations and norms Nn found in
the present study may give hope for approximate solutions of HFB
equations. Of course, when the spherical symmetry is conserved, direct
solution of the HFB problem is easy enough that no approximated methods
are necessary. However, this is not the case for the deformed
systems, where moreover, single-particle resonances split and become
much more difficult to treat.