Figures 5 and 6 show the s1/2 localizations and phase
shifts, respectively, of the upper HFB quasiparticle wave functions
calculated numerically (dots), compared with the analytically
calculated localizations and phase shifts of the PTG states (lines).
We are interested in the low-energy s1/2 continuum, and
therefore the Figures show results well below the broad
(39-18i)MeV resonance discussed in Sec. 4.3. The PTG
results (no pairing) are shown as functions of the single-particle
energy ,
while the HFB results are plotted as functions of the
quasiparticle energy E shifted by the Fermi energy
In this way, at large energies the paired and unpaired
energy scales coincide.
Three panels presented in Figs. 5 and 6 correspond to the PTG 3s1/2 states being resonant (a), virtual (b), and weakly bound (c), cf. Table 2. In order to realize these three different physical situations, the bottom of the PTG potential has to be shifted by about 2.75MeV. This illustrates the ``width" of the zone where the 3s1/2 states are virtual. Apparent shift in the single-particle energies is much smaller; the 3s1/2state moves then from the -74keV bound-state energy to the 74keV resonance energy (Table 2). Even if the shift in the single-particle states is so small, the corresponding canonical states move by about 1.75MeV (Table 4). These latter states appear to be entirely unaffected by the dramatically different character of the single-particle 3s1/2 states (Fig. 3). Their wave functions, shown in Fig. 7, are almost identical in the three cases (a)-(c).
Since the canonical states govern the pairing properties of the
system, see discussion in Ref. [32], their positions explain
the changes in the overall pairing intensity
and in the 3s1/2 occupation
shown in Table
4. It is worth noting that shifting the canonical 3s1/2level from its
0.8MeV distance to the Fermi level to a
distance of
2.5MeV decreases the average pairing gap by as
much as about 300keV.
Apart from the decrease of the pairing intensity described above, there is no other qualitative change in pairing properties when the 3s1/2 state becomes unbound. The role of the weakly bound state is simply taken over by the low-energy continuum. The presence and position of the low-energy s1/2 resonance is not essential for the pairing properties. In particular, it would have been entirely inappropriate to use this resonance, and its energy of 74keV, in any approximate scheme in which the full continuum was replaced by the resonances only.
In all the three cases (a)-(c), in the region of energies between 10 and 20MeV (Fig. 5) one can see the ``background" localization of the order of 0.2. These energies are far away from resonances, and therefore illustrate localizations of a ``typical" non-resonant continuum. Near the resonances (see Figs. 4a and 5a), localizations are larger, up to 0.3, but do not at all dominate over the background value. Therefore, based on estimate (44) one may expect that the pairing coupling of the resonant and non-resonant s1/2 continuum is fairly similar.
The magnitude of this coupling seems to depend primarily on the
s1/2 single-particle localization in the 2-3MeV zone above the
Fermi surface. (Note that cases (a)-(c) differ only by positions of
the s1/2 states; the spectra in other partial waves are kept
unchanged.) The weakly bound 3s1/2 PTG state generates large
continuum localization right above the threshold, and the opposite
is true for the low-lying 3s1/2 PTG resonance. Therefore, the
average pairing gap
is substantially larger
in case (c) than in case (a), and as a consequence, the HFB
localizations in case (c) differ strongly from the PTG localizations,
while in case (a) they are almost identical. The same pattern clearly
also appears for the HFB phase shifts, as compared to the PTG phase
shifts, Fig. 6.
Figure 8 shows norms Nn of the lower HFB components,
Eq. (45). Since the lower HFB components
are not mutually orthogonal, Nn cannot be associated with the occupation
probabilities. On the other hand, the canonical occupation factors
do play such a role, because the canonical states
form an orthogonal basis. Comparing values of Nn (Fig.
8) and
(Table 4), one sees that
the canonical 3s1/2 state collects all the occupation strength
of the quasiparticle states in the low-energy continuum. Of course,
numbers Nn scale with the overall pairing strength, i.e., they are
smaller in case (c) than in case (a), but in every case all
quasiparticle states below about 5MeV significantly contribute to
Moreover, choosing only one quasiparticle
state in this zone (call it resonance or not), would have provided only
for about one third of the occupation factor. This illustrates again
that the s1/2 continuum has to be taken as a real continuum
(discretized, if needed), and not through any single representative.