In Ref. [5], it was shown that the self-consistent models
that succeed in reproducing the GMR energy in the doubly-magic
nucleus Pb systematically overestimate the GMR energies in
the tin isotopes. In spite of many studies related to the
isospin [7,6,8], surface [9], and
pairing [10,11,13,14,15,16,12]
influence on the nuclear incompressibility, to date there is no
theoretical explanation of the question "Why is tin so
soft?" [17,5]. For an excellent recent review of the
subject matter we refer the reader to Ref. [3].
Studies in Refs. [15,16] were restricted to the
effect of zero-range pairing interaction. In the present paper we
focus on a different kind of pairing force, namely, we
implement the finite-range, fully separable, translationally
invariant pairing interaction of the Gaussian form
[18,19,20], together with the general
phenomenological quasilocal energy density functional in the
ph-channel [21]. We have performed calculations for all
particle-bound semi-magic nuclei starting from or
, up to
. The ground-state properties were explored within
the Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov (HFB) method, whereas the monopole
excitations were calculated by using the Quasiparticle Random Phase
Approximation (QRPA) within the Arnoldi iteration
scheme [22]. For the numerical solutions, we used an
extended version of the code HOSPHE [23].
The paper is organized as follows. In Secs. 2 and 3, we briefly outline the Arnoldi method to solve the QRPA equations and present the separable pairing interaction, respectively. In Sec. 4, we discuss the nuclear incompressibility, including its theoretical description, definitions in finite and infinite nuclear matter, and relations to monopole resonances. Then, our results are shown and discussed in Sec. 5 and conclusions are given in Sec. 6.