Next: Uncertain Extrapolations
Up: Mean-Field and Pairing Properties
Previous: Introduction
One of the main avenues addressed by radioactive ion beams
is the evolution of nuclear structure as a function
of neutron-to-proton asymmetry.
Figure 1:
Diagram illustrating the range of isoscalar
densities and neutron excess,
important in various areas of nuclear physics and astrophysics
(based on Ref. [5]).
Figure 1 shows various domains of nuclear matter, important in
the context of the RNB program. The range of neutron excess, (N-Z)/A,
in finite nuclei
is from about -0.2 (proton drip line) to 0.5 (neutron drip line).
Of course, by using radioactive beams (and radioactive targets), one
will be able to explore new regions of Fig. 1. In particular,
the new-generation RNB facilities, such as the Rare
Isotope Accelerator, will provide a unique capability
for accessing the very asymmetric nuclear matter
and for compressing neutron-rich matter
approaching density regimes important for supernova and neutron star
From a theoretical point of view,
exotic neutron-rich nuclei far from stability are of particular interest.
They offer a unique test of those components of
effective interactions that
depend on the isospin degrees of freedom.
In many respects, weakly bound nuclei
are much more difficult to treat
theoretically than well-bound systems [4].
For weakly bound nuclei, the Fermi energy
lies very close to zero, and
the particle continuum
must be taken into account explicitly.
Next: Uncertain Extrapolations
Up: Mean-Field and Pairing Properties
Previous: Introduction
Jacek Dobaczewski