For nucleons, the density matrix
depends not only on
positions and but also on spin
and isospin
coordinates. Since the strong two-body interaction
is assumed to be isospin and rotationally invariant, it is convenient to
represent the standard density matrix
through nonlocal densities
For the direct term, we can proceed as in Sec. 2.1, by
making the Taylor expansions of local densities (at
) in each spin-isospin channel; that is, similarly
as in Eqs. (6) and (7), we have
The local density approximation of densities in all channels, analogous to
Eqs. (16) and (24), is now postulated as
At this point, we have assumed that functions and are channel-independent, that is, that they are scalar-isoscalar functions. In A we discuss this point in more detail, and we show that the postulate of simply channel-dependent functions and is incompatible with properties of infinite matter, whereas the proper treatment of the problem leads immediately to the channel mixing and the energy density, which is not invariant with respect to rotational and isospin symmetries. This question certainly requires further study, whereas at the moment, a consistent approach can only be obtained by assuming the scalar-isoscalar functions and .
We can now apply derivations presented in Secs. 2.1 and 2.2
to the general case of an arbitrary finite-range local nuclear interaction
composed of the standard central, spin-orbit, and tensor terms:
(45) |
(46) |
(47) |
The coupling constants of the local
energy density (48) are related to moments of the interaction
in the following way:
Again we see that whenever expansions of density matrices, Eqs. (40) and (44), are sufficiently accurate within the ranges of interactions, information about these interactions collapses to a few lowest moments. Short-range details of these interactions are, therefore, entirely irrelevant for low-energy characteristics of nuclear states. This is typical of all physical situations, where scales of interaction and observation are well separated, as specified in the effective field theories. The energy density characterizing the low-energy effects is local and depends on local densities and their derivatives up to second order, whereas the dynamic information is contained in a few coupling constants.
Moreover, the detailed large- dependence of auxiliary functions on position is also irrelevant, because all that matters are moments (53) which define the coupling constants (49)-(51) describing the exchange energy, and these are influenced only by the small- properties of functions . Finally, the most important feature is the or density dependence of , which determines the density dependence of the coupling constants.