In general, the number of moments entering
Eqs. (49)-(51) is higher than the number of
coupling constants, and all the coupling constants are independent.
However, it is extremely instructive to check what happens
in the vacuum limit of . This situation is obtained by
, which gives the direct and exchange
moments equal to one another, namely,
and the coupling constants of Eqs. (49)-(51) collapse to:
The same relations are also obtained by using in the exchange term
the pure Taylor expansions (41); that is, by setting
, which gives
, and by using the
classification of terms as in Eqs. (21)-(23). This
second way of obtaining the approximate coupling constants leads to
results independent of
, which are, of course, identical to
those obtained at
Relations (54)-(56) imply that the coupling
constants of the energy functional (48) are dependent of one
another, and in fact, half of them determines the other half. This
is exactly the situation encountered when the energy density is
calculated for the Skyrme interaction. Then one obtains
(cf. Ref. [23]):
We recall here [23,29] that without the tensor
terms, relations (62) and (63) allow us to
determine the time-odd coupling constants ,
, and
as functions of the time-even coupling
, and
. Since
the time-even coupling constants are usually adjusted solely to the
time-even observables, the resulting values of the time-odd coupling
constants are simply ``fictitious'' or ``illusory'', as noted already
in Ref. [30]. In a more realistic case of relations
(49) and (50), these constraints are no longer valid,
and the time-odd properties of the functional are independent
of the time-even properties. This independence requires
breaking the link between the Skyrme force and the density