Conference talks
19-21.10.2022, Workshop on Secure Networks of Quantum Sensors, Paris, France
Invited talk:
Multiparameter quantum metrology; dramatis personae: Heisenberg, Fisher, Bayes and Noise
13.06-16.06.2022, Quantum 2.0. Conference (online)
Contributed talk:
Fundamental Limits in Multiparameter Quantum Metrology
22.05-24.05.2022, XII KCIK Symposium, Sopot, Poland
Invited talk:
Fundamental Limits in Multiparameter Quantum Metrology
01.11-05.11.2021, Quantum Information and Measurement VI (online)
Contributed talk:
Probe Incompatibility in Multiparameter Noisy Quantum Channel Estimation
20.09-24.09.2021, Deutsche Physkal Gesselshaft Meeting "SAMOP 2021" (online)
Invited talk:
The (true) Heisenberg limit in optical interferometry
40+1 Anniversary of Center for Theoretical Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Invited talk:
The (true) Heisenberg limit in optical interferometry
Virtual APS March Meeting, United States
Invited talk:
Quantum Metrology in the Era of Quantum Information
Quantum Information Days, Center for Theoretical of Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Contributed talk:
Quantum Metrology in the Era of Quantum Information
Zjazd Fizkow Polskich, Krakow, Poland
Invited talk:
Quantum error correction in multi-parameter quantum metrology
26th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, Paderborn, Germany
Invited talk:
Quantum error correction in multi-parameter quantum metrology
Observability and estimation in quantum dynamics
Paris, France
Invited talk:
The Grand Unified Theory of Quantum Metrology
QCMC 2018
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US
Invited talk:
The Great Unified Theory of Quantum Metrology
SPIE Security+Defense Conference
Warsaw, Poland
Invited talk:
Adaptive Quantum Metrology under general Markovian noise
44 Zjazd Fizykow Polskich
Wroclaw, Poland
Invited talk:
Adaptive Quantum Metrology under general Markovian noise
Quantum Metrology Workshop
Hannover, Germany
Invited talk:
Matrix Product States in Quantum Metrology
Quantum-Limited Metrology and Sensing
Bad Honnef, Germany
Invited talk:
The Quantum Allan Variance
DISCRETE 2016,Fifth Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries
Warsaw, Poland
Invited talk:
Role of entanglement in extracting information on quantum processes
Workshop on Quantum Information Theory
Seefeld, Austria
Invited talk:
Fundamental bounds on stability of atomic clocks
Meeting on Quantum Information Processing and Applications
Allahabad, India
Invited talk:
from Quantum metrological precision bounds
to Quantum computation speed-up limits
Quantum Information Processing and Communication
Leeds, UK
Contributed talk:
from Quantum metrological precision bounds
to Quantum computation speed-up limits
22nd Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics
Warsaw, Poland
Invited talk:
Using entanglement against noise in quantum metrology
VI KCIK Symposium
Sopot, Poland
Invited talk:
Quantum computation speed-up limits from quantum metrological precision bounds
From Geometry and Chaos
to Quantum Information and Neurobiology
Warsaw, Poland
Invited talk:
Coherence and decoherence - on fundamental sensitivity limits of quantum probes in metrology and computation
Designed States of Matter, Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar
Bad Honnef, Germany
Invited talk:
From Gravitational Wave Detectors to Completely Positive Maps and Back
Relativistic Quantum Metrology Workshop
Nottingham, Great Britain
Invited talk:
Quantum limits in optical interferometry
Fourth Workshop on Quantum Entanglement and its Detection
Siegen, Germany
Invited talk:
Gravitational wave detectors, atomic clocks - a naive
theorist approach
Workshop on Mathematical Methods of
Quantum Tomography
Toronto, Canada
Invited talk:
All you need is squeezing! Optimal schemes for realistic quantum metrology
Symposium on Mathematical Physics
Torun, Poland
Invited talk:
Quantum enhanced metrology and the geometry of quantum channels
21-25.05.2012, Advances in Fundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atoms and photons,
Turin, Italy
Invited talk:
Almost all decoherence models lead to shot noise scaling in
quantum enhanced metrology .
18-19.05.2012, KCIK Symposium
Sopot, Poland
Invited talk:
Quantum enhanced metrology and the geometry of quantum channels .
17-21.01.2012, First NASA Quantum Future Technologies Conference,
Moffett Field, California, USA
Invited talk:
The illusion of the Heisenberg limit .
17.09.2011, International symposium "Quantum metrology with photons and atoms,
Torun, Poland
Invited talk:
Quantum enhanced metrology
05.09.2011, XLI Meeting of Polish physicists,
Lublin, Poland
Invited talk:
Fundamental bounds in quantum metrology
22-26.08.2011, Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Physics School: Modern Statistical Methods in Quantum Information Processing,
Bad Honnef, Germany
Invited talk:
Quantum enhanced metrology.
11-15.07.2011, 20th International Laser Physics Workshop,
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Invited talk:
Experimental extraction of secure correlations from a noisy private state.
27.06-01.07.2011, II Polska Konferencja Optyczna,
Miedzyzdroje, Poland
Invited talk:
Fundamentalne ograniczenia w metrologii optycznej.
- 1-5.08.2010, SPIE Conference, Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging VIII,
San Diego, United States
Sense and sensitivity: robust quantum phase estimation.
- 9-12.09.2009, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Quantum Cryptography and Computing,
Gdańsk, Poland
Invited talk:
Entanglement enhances security in secret sharing.
- 13-17.06.2009, Laser Physics 2009,
Barcelona, Spain
Quantum enhanced phase estimation in the presence of loss.
- 8-12.06.2009, Quantum Optics VII,
Zakopane, Poland
Invited talk:
Quantum enhanced phase estimation in the presence of loss.
- 25-28.06.2008, XL Symposium
on Mathematical Physics,
Toruń, Poland
Quantum interferometry in the presence of losses.
5th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop;
Telc, Czech Republic
Entanglement enhances security in secret sharing .
10-16.10.2007, ESF
Conference “Constraints, Control and
Będlewo, Poland
of imperfect noise correlations on
decoherence-free subsystems: SU(2) diffusion model.
- 11-12.06.2007, XXXIX Symposium
on Mathematical Physics,
Toruń, Poland
Effects of
imperfect noise correlations on
decoherence-free subsystems: SU(2) diffusion model.
- 04-07.06.2006, XXXVIII Symposium
on Mathematical Physics "Quantum Entanglement & Geometry"
Toruń, Poland
of Entangled States Using Local Operations and Classical Communication - the Entanglement Threshold
diffusion model.
- 19-30.09.2005, Quantum Information Workshop,
Dresden, Germany
Talk: Usefulness of classical communication in local
cloning of
entangled states
- 14-20.06.2004, "Entanglement,
information and noise",
Krzyżowa, Poland
Entanglement power in chaotic systems: a case
29-30.11.2003, "Quantum entanglement and Symmetries", II-nd LFPPI
Łódź, Poland
Cloning of
spin-coherent states (polish)
Other talks