List of Publications of researchers working in the Laboratory of
Condensed Matter Structure (years 2009-2012)
Monoclinic Deformation of Crystal
Lattice of Bulk α-BiFeO3: High Resolution 2.
Helical screw-type magnetic structure of
themultiferroics CaMn7O12 with low Cu-doping 3.
Low-temperature evolution of the modulated
magnetic structure in the ferroelectric antiferromagnet BiFeO3 4.
Structural and magnetic modulations in CaCuxMn7-xO12 6.
Crystal Structure at Low Temperatures 7.
Neutron scattering studies of BiFeO3
multiferroics: A review for microscopists 8.
Modulation of atomic positions in CaCuxMn7-xO12 (x<=0.1)
Magnetization of Polycrystalline BiFeO3 in High Magnetic
Fields 10. Internal
pressure in annealed biogenic aragonite 11. Thermal
lattice parameters variation of CaCuxMn7-xO12 compounds
with trigonal crystal structure 12. Charge
ordering in CaCuxMn7−xO12 (x = 0.0 and 0.1) 13. Hierarchically
structured scleractinian coral biocrystals 14. A cretaceous scleractinian coral
with a calcitic skeleton 15. Atomic displacements in BiFeO3
as a function of temperature: neutron diffraction study 16.
evolution and grain growth kinetics in
annealed nanocrystalline Chromium 17.
High resolution synchrotron
radiation studies on non-pulverized natural and annealed scleractinian coral
biominerals 18.
Anomalous thermal expansion in polycrystalline NdFeO3
studied by SR and X-ray diffraction 19. Search for
new modulations in the BiFeO3 structure:
SR diffraction and Mössbauer studies 20. Modulation in Multiferroic BiFeO3:
Cycloidal, Elliptical or SDW? 21. Phase
coexistence in CaCuxMn7-xO12 solid
solutions 22. Nuclear
ordering and excitations in NdFeO3 23. Comment on the paper „Nature of low
temperature phase transitions in CaMn7O12 24. Does the modulated magnetic
structure of BiFeO3 change at low temperatures? 25.
reorientation and structural changes in NdFeO3 26. Short and long range magnetic
ordering in b-MnO2 - a temperature
study 27. Charge ordering and anisotropic
thermal expansion of the manganese perovskite CaMn7O12 28. Phase separation in CaCuxMn3-xMn4O12 29. Neutron diffraction study of the magnetic structure of α-Mn2O3 30. Incommensurate magnetic structure of
β-MnO2 31. Phase coexistence in annealed CaMn7O12 32.
Crystal Structure
and Spiral Magnetic Ordering of BiFeO3 Doped with Manganese I. Sosnowska, W. Schäfer, W.
Kockelmann, K.H. Andersen and I.O.
Troyanchuk, Applied
Physics A74 (2002) S1040 33. Magnetic ordering in
electrodeposited nanocrystalline chromium particles 34. Magnetic Order Parameter in the
Perovskite System CaMn7O12 35. Phase coexistence in the charge
ordering transition in CaMn7O12 36. Modulated
magnetic ordering in the Cu-doped pseudoperovskite system CaCuxMn3-xMn4O12 37. Extreme events as foundation of Lévy walks with varying velocity 38.
Neutron Diffraction
Studies of the I. Sosnowska, W. Schäfer, W.
Kockelman, O. Troyanchuk Material
Science Forum, 378-381 (2001)
616. 39. Fractal pore distribution and
magnetic microstructure of pulse-electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni and Co 40. Studies of the fractal
microstructure of amorphous and nanocrystalline chromium obtained by
electrodeposition 41. Possible deuterium positions in the
high temperature deuterated proton conductor Ba3Ca1+yNb2-yO9-d studied by neutron and x-ray powder
diffraction 42.
Investigations of
Crystal and Magnetic Structutre of BiMn0.2Fe0.8O3 I. Sosnowska, W. Schäfer, Physica B276-78 (2000) 576. 43. Neutron diffraction studies of the
Ba3Ca1+bNb2-yO9-d + xD2O 44. General formula for determination of
cross sections from measured SANS intensities. 45. SANS study of magnetic phase
transitions in CaMn7O12 46. Magnetic ordering in the manganese
perovskite CaMn7O12 47. Oxides: neutron and Synchrotron X-ray diffraction
studies 48. Applications of statistical mechanics to non-brownian random motion 49.
Condensation shown by Monte Carlo simulation 50. Hierarchical spatio-temporal coupling in fractional
wanderings. (I) Continuous-time Weierstrass flights 51. Hierarchical spatio-temporal coupling in
fractional wanderings. (II). Diffusion phase diagram for Weierstrass walks
52. Spatio-temporal coupling in the continuous-time Levy flights 53. A modulated magnetic structure in
CaMn7O12 54.
Neutrons and
Synchrotron X-rays in Materials Science 55.
Neutron Scattering
in Proton Conducting Perovskite-Oxides I. M. Sosnowska 56. Domain size effects in neutron and
SR powder diffraction studies of some oxides 57. Lévy flights with quenched noise amplitudes 58.
Very High
Resolution Diffractometry at Pulsed 59.
Investigation of
the Atomic Arrangement in the Hight Temperature Proton Conductors Ba3Ca1.18Nb1.82O9+xD2O K. Lind, Physica B234-236 (1997) 937.
Structure and
Dynamics of the Opal Silica-Water System I. Sosnowska, U. Buchenau, G.
Reichenauer, H. Graetsch, K. Ibel, B. Frick Physica B234-236 (1997) 455. 61. A single-crystal neutron
difffraction study of the Nd magnetic ordering in NdFeO3 at low
temperature 62. Random walk on a linear chain with a quenched distribution of jump
lengths 63. Determination of the Fe/Sn atoms
distribution in BaSn2Fe4O11 by neutron and
synchrotron radiation diffraction 64. Neutron diffraction studies of the
Fe3+ magnetic moments arrangements in the spin glass systems BaTi2Fe4O11
and BaSn2Fe4O11 65.
Thirty Years of
Magnetic Neutron Diffraction at Pulsed Neutron Sources I. Sosnowska Neutron News, 7 (1996) 24. 66.
diffraction studies of crystal and magnetic structure of BaTi2Fe4O11. 67. Neutron diffraction studies of
crystal and magnetic structure of BiFeO3 and Bi 0.93La0.07FeO3. 68. Magnetic moment ordering of Nd3+
and Fe3+ ions in NdFeO3 at low temperatures 69. Susceptibility and transport coefficients in a transient state on a
one-dimensional lattice I. Extended linear response and diffusion 70. Temperature Dependence of the Magnetic Excitation Spectrum of Dy2Fe14B J. Magn.
Magn. Materials, 140-144 (1995) 1053. 71. Quantum statistics and discretness.
Differences between the canonical and grand canonical ensembles for a fermionic
lattice gas 72.
Origin of Long
Period Magnetic Ordering in BiFeO3. I. Sosnowska, A. K. Zvezdin J.
Magn. Magn. Materials, 140-144 (1995)
167. 73. Neutron Diffraction Studies of 74. Neutron Diffraction Studies of 75. Diffusion in a One-Dimensional
Bosonic Lattice Gas 76. Magnetic Ordering of Nd3+
ions in NdFeO3 77. Crystal Field Excitations of NdFeO3 78. Neutron Diffraction Studies of Crystal
Structure of BaSn2Fe4O11 79. Investigation of Magnetic Structure
of BiFeO3 using Neutron
Diffraction 80. Neutron Diffraction Studies of Material
Science Forum, 133-136 (1993)
677. 81. Searching for the magnetic spiral arrangement in Bi1-xLaxFeO3 82. Investigations of unusual magnetic spiral arrangement
in BiFeO3 83. Searching for Tunneling Effects in the Low Temperature
Phases of betha-LiNH4SO4(LAS) by Inelastic Neutron
Scattering. 84. Determination of the chemical diffusion coefficient by Monte Carlo simulation
of the center-of-mass propagation 85. Exchange and Crystal Fields in R2Fe14B
Studied by Inelastic Neutron Scattering 86. Molecular Fields in Gd2Fe14B Determined from Inelastic Neutron Scattering 87. Distribution for fermionic discrete lattice gas within the canonical
ensemble 88. Biased random walk on a biased random walk 89. Modified Fermi-Dirac statistics of fermionic lattice gas by the
back-jump correlations 90. Monte Carlo Simulations of Lattice
Gases Exhibiting Quantum Statistical
Distributions 91. Influence of the back-jump
correlations on the Fermi-Dirac statistics 92. Polymorphism of LiNH4SO4 Single Crystals 93. Ground State Multiplet of R3+ Ions in R2Fe14B Investigated by Neutron Scattering 94. Diffusion in concentrated lattice gases: Intermediate incoherent
dynamical scattering function for tagged particles on a square lattice 95. 96. Spin-Reorientation in NdFeO3 and the Magnetic Excitation Spectrum of Nd+3 97. SANS Investigations of Critical Phenomena and Phase Separations: Two Examples of Blends with High and Low Molecular Weights 98. Neutron Diffraction Refinement and High Resolution
X-Ray Study of Crystal Structure of LiND4SO4 (DLAS) 99. Comments on Unusual Magnetic Structure of BiFeO3 100. Elastic and inelastic Neutron Scattering from LiNH4SO4 (LAS) and LiND4SO4 (DLAS) at 101. Long-Range Magnetic Order in NdFeO3 and PrFeO3 at 102. Tracer diffusion in concentrated lattice gas models. Rectangular lattices
with anisotropic jump rates 103. Spin Waves and Local Modes in the One-Dimensional Mixed
Antiferro-ferromagnet CsMn0.89Fe0.11Br3 104. Reorientation Phase Transition in NdFeO3 105. Tracer diffusion in a one-dimensional lattice gas in the presence of a
drift force 106. Refinement of 107.
Excess noise for
driven diffusive systems 108.
Mean square
displacement of a tracer particle in a hard-core lattice gas 109.
Tracer diffusion on
two coupled lines: The long-time tail of the velocity autocorrelation function
compared to the mode-coupling prediction 110.
Influence of a
uniform driving force on tracer diffusion in a one-dimensional hard-core
lattice gas 111.
Correlated hopping in
honeycomb lattice: tracer diffusion coefficient at arbitrary lattice gas concentration 112. The High Resolution Time-of-Flight Neutron
Diffractometry at Pulsed and Medium 113. AC Susceptibility of NdFeO3 in the Spin Reorientation Region 114. Diffusion in concentrated lattice gases. VI. Tracer diffusion on two
coupled linear chains 115. Tracer diffusion in honey-comb lattice correlations over several
consecutive jumps 116. Diffusion in concentrated lattice gases. V. Particles with repulsive
nearest-neighbor interaction on the face-centered-cubic lattice 117. The positive muon as a tracer for the study of dynamic correlation
effects in metal hydrogen systems 118. Diffusion in concentrated lattice gases. IV. Diffusion
coefficient of tracer particle with different jump rate 119. Diffusion in concentrated lattice gases. III. Tracer diffusion on a
one-dimensional lattice 120. Spiral Magnetic Structure in 121. Refinement of 122. Magnetic Structure of NdFeO3 and PrFeO3 Investigated with a High Resolution
Time-of-Flight Diffractometer 123. Random Walk on a Random Walk 124. Diffusion in Concentrated Lattice Gases. II. Particles with Attractive
Nearest-neighbor Interaction on Three-dimensional Lattices 125. Chemical Diffusion in the Lattice Gas of Non-interacting Particles 126. Diffusion in Concentrated Lattice Gases. Self-diffusion of Non-interacting Particles in
Three-dimensional Lattices |
© 2012 Section of Condensed Matter Structure, Physics Faculty, University of Warsaw
are |