String Phenomenology '09

June 15-19, 2009

University of Warsaw
Old Library
Warsaw, Poland



The participants are kindly requested to submit the registration form. This very simple web tool will most probably create an email to be sent to Alternatively, the participants may also provide information indicated below by copying a plain text version of this form to their email program and sending an email directly to

* required data
General Information
Family Name*: First Name*:
Home Institute*: Address*:
Zip & City*: Country*:
E-Mail*: Phone:
Are you applying for a grant partly covering the conference fee?
(for graduate students, see the conference fee tab)

Arrival date*:
Departure date*:
Social dinner
Social dinner*: No. of accompanying persons:
I would like
to give a talk*:
Reference (arXiV number
or "in preparation"):
Title (max 100 characters, required for prospective speakers):
Abstract (max 1000 characters):

Any other information or special requirements
max 500 characters: