# Tytuł Wydarzenie Miejsce Data Rodzaj
31 Deep Learning for Particle Physics CPTGA Journée de Physique Théorique Grenoble 15.10.2024 Referat na zaproszenie
30 Enhancing Dark Matter searches at the LHC with Graph Neural Networks Dark Side of the Universe 2024 Corfu 12.09.2024 Referat
29 Enhancing LHC searches for Dark Matter with Graph Neural Networks BOOST 2024 Genua 31.07.2024 Referat
28 Discovery prospects for quasi-stable multiply charged BSM particles at the LHC New Physics Directions in the LHC era and beyond Heidelberg 13.04.2024 Referat
27 Enhancing monojet searches with ML AISSAI Anomaly Detection Workshop Clermont-Ferrand 04.03.2024 Plakat
26 LPSC PostDoc seminar Grenoble 23.01.2024 Referat
25 Enhancing DM searches in LHC with ML IRN Terascale meeting Marsylia 25.10.2023 Referat
24 Searching for Dark Matter in the LHC with the help of Machine Learning 23rd Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity, Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond Korfu 31.08.2023 Referat
23 Enhancing LHC searches for Dark Matter with Machine Learning Rencontres du Vietnam Quy Nhon 09.08.2023 Referat
22 ML-enhanced DM searches at the LHC KEK Theory Centre seminar Tsukuba 29.05.2023 Referat
21 Prospects for detecting long-lived particles at the LHC KEK Theory Centre seminar Tsukuba 28.03.2023 Referat
20 New spherical detector for HL-LHC 18th MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting Genewa 05.12.2022 Referat
19 Long-lived charged particles at the LHC Konferencja Interdyscyplinarna Szkoły Doktorskiej Nauk Ścisłych i Przyrodniczych UW Chęciny 22.11.2022 Referat
18 Muon g-2 in SUSY scenarios with unstable neutralinos 22nd Hellenic School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity, Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond Korfu 05.09.2022 Referat
17 Muon g-2 in SUSY scenarios with unstable neutralinos The XXIX International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2022) Janina 29.06.2022 Referat
16 Prospects for detecting multiply charged LLPs at MoEDAL, ATLAS and CMS 17th MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting Online 13.06.2022 Referat
15 Discovery prospects for detecting multiply charged LLPs at the Run 3 and HL-LHC Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC and beyond: Eleventh workshop of the LLP Community Online 02.06.2022 Referat na zaproszenie
14 Multiply charged quasi-stable particles at Run-3 and High-Luminosity LHC. Prospects for the discovery. Planck 2022 Paryż 02.06.2022 Referat
13 SUSY, Stable Neutralino, g-2 56th Rencontres de Moriond (EW) La Thuile 14.03.2022 Referat
12 Discovery prospects for long-lived highly electrically charged particles at the LHC Particle Physics & Cosmology Seminar Online 27.01.2022 Referat
11 Multiply charged LLPs at Run-3 and High Luminosity LHC 16th MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting Online 15.12.2021 Referat
10 Long-lived highly charged particles at Run-3 and High Luminosity LHC DISCRETE 2020-2021 Bergen 02.12.2021 Referat
9 LLPs in neutrino mass models: detection prospects at MoEDAL 15th MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting Online 01.06.2021 Referat
8 Detecting long-lived multi-charged particles in neutrino mass models with MoEDAL Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC and beyond: Ninth workshop of the LLP Community Online 28.05.2021 Referat
7 Multi-Charged Long-lived Particles 14th MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting Online 15-12-2020 Referat
6 Prospects of searches for long-lived doubly charged particles with MoEDAL experiment 13th MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting Online 01-07-2020 Referat
5 Prospects for detecting long-lived charged particles at MoEDAL experiment Pierwsza Wirtualna Konferencja Naukowa Kampusu Ochota (WKNKO-1) Online 30-06-2020 Plakat
4 Prospects of searches for long-lived SUSY and doubly charged particles with MoEDAL experiment High Energy Physics Seminar Online 29-05-2020 Referat
3 Prospects on detecting long-lived doubly charged particles at MoEDAL 12th MoEDAL Collaboration Meeting Genewa 05-12-2019 Referat
2 Simulation of the two- and three-photon events in the J-PET scanner Badania i Rozwój Młodych Naukowców w Polsce Warszawa 17-11-2017 Plakat
1 Adopting the AliFemto package for two particle correlations studies in CBM using detector response filter 28th CBM Collaboration Meeting 2016, PWG Correlations and Fluctuations Tybinga 29-08-2016 Wspólny referat