Abstracts, talks and papers
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Będlewo Conference Center
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Abstracts, talks and papers
Photos by Ilya Zakharevich
F. Magri "A simple model of the integrable Hamiltonian equation"
F. Magri, C. Morosi "A geometrical characterization of Hamiltonian systems through the theory of Poisson-Nijenhuis manifolds"
J. F. Carinena, J. Grabowski, G. Marmo "Quantum bihamiltonian systems"
F.-J. Turiel "Local classification of (1,1)-tensor fields and bihamiltonian structures"
F.-J. Turiel "On the local theory of Veronese webs"
S. Kowalewski "Sur le probl`eme de la rotation d'un corps solide autour d'un point fixe"
Historical talk
Charles-Michel Marle "The inception of Symplectic Geometry: the works of Lagrange and Poisson during the years 1808-1810"
I. Basak Gancheva
M. Blaszak
A. Bolsinov
G. Falqui
Yu. Fedorov
A. Maciejewski
C.-M. Marle
A. Panasyuk
M. Przybylska
W. Respondek
W. Sarlet
A. Sergyeyev
B. Silindir Yantir
I. Strachan
B. Szablikowski
Y. Zhang