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Marek J. Szczepanczyk

Assistant Professor, Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Warsaw

About me

Welcome! I am an astrophysicist and I've just returned to Poland after 10 years in the United States. I received a special "Polish Returns" award (comparable with an US NSF CAREER award). I work in the area called Gravitational-Wave Astrophysics. As the astronomers see the Universe, we listen to the Universe using gravitational waves. Together with the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration we observe gravitational waves from the most violent collisions and explosions known in the Universe: binary black holes or core-collapse supernovae.

My Curriculum Vitea: CV

Contact Information

If you are interested in gravitational waves, let me know! :)

Email: marek.szczepanczyk AT fuw.edu.pl
Office: Pasteura 5, room 5.45, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48 22 55 32 945
Polish Returns: nawa.org