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Palm OS SDK Reference

Palm Logo 51 Exchange Manager

This chapter provides reference material for the exchange manager API:

The header file ExgMgr.h declares the exchange manager API. For more information on the exchange manager, see the chapter "Beaming (Infrared Communication)" in the Palm OS Programmer's Companion.

Exchange Manager Data Structures


The ExgAskResultType enum defines possible values for the result field of the sysAppLaunchCmdExgAskUser launch code parameter block.

typedef enum {
    exgAskCancel }

Value Descriptions

exgAskDialog The exchange manager should display the exchange dialog to prompt the user to confirm the receipt of data. See ExgDoDialog.
exgAskOk Accept the data.
exgAskCancel Reject the data.


The ExgGoToType structure defines information that is passed to the sysAppLaunchCmdGoto launch command, after an item is received. The ExgGoToPtr type points to a ExgGoToType structure.

typedef struct {
    UInt16 dbCardNo;
    LocalID dbID;
    UInt16 recordNum;
    UInt32 uniqueID;
    UInt32 matchCustom;
} ExgGoToType;

typedef ExgGoToType * ExgGoToPtr;

Field Descriptions

dbCardNo Card number of the database.
dbID LocalID of the database.
recordNum Index of the record that contains a match.
uniqueID Position in the record of the match.
matchCustom Application-specific information.


The ExgSocketType structure defines an exchange manager socket. The ExgSocketPtr type points to a ExgSocketType structure.

typedef struct ExgSocketType {
    UInt16 libraryRef;
    UInt32 socketRef;
    UInt32 target;
    UInt32 count;
    UInt32 length;
    UInt32 time;
    UInt32 appData;
    UInt32 goToCreator;
    ExgGoToType goToParams;
    UInt16 localMode:1;
    UInt16 packetMode:1;
    UInt16 noGoTo:1;
    UInt16 noStatus:1;
    UInt16 reserved:12;
    Char *description;
    Char *type;
    Char *name;
} ExgSocketType;

typedef ExgSocketType* ExgSocketPtr;

Note that when data is received, some of the fields in this structure may not be filled in. The existing IR library does not send values for the count, time, appData, or type fields; however, it may do so in the future. When you are sending data, it is recommended that you provide values for all of these fields, but you should not rely on receiving values for them.

Field Descriptions

libraryRef Identifies the exchange library in use.
socketRef Identifies the connection (used by exchange library).
target Creator ID of the application the data is being sent to.
count Number of objects in this connection, usually 1 (optional).
length Total byte count for all objects being sent (optional).
time Last modified time of object (optional).
appData Application-specific information (optional).
goToCreator Creator ID of the application to launch via the sysAppLaunchCmdGoto launch code after the item is received if noGoTo is 0.
goToParams If goToCreator is specified, then this contains information about where to go. See ExgGoToType.
localMode Set to 1 to exchange with local machine only. Set to 0 to enable an exchange with a remote machine. Default is 0.
packetMode Set to 1 to use connectionless packet mode (Ultra). Default is 0.
noGoTo Set to 1 to disable launching the application with sysAppLaunchCmdGoto. This flag is only valid if localMode is 1. Default is 0.
noStatus This field is not currently used.
reserved Reserved system flags.
description Pointer to text description of object (for user).
type Pointer to Mime type of object (optional).
name Pointer to name of object, generally a file name including extension. If you don't provide a name, the exchange manager sets this field to Palm.exg.
Because the current IR library does not send the type field, the file extension is used to identify the data type. The built-in applications recognize the following extensions:
Datebook and ToDo
  prc, pdb, pqa


The noGoTo and noStatus flags are only defined if 3.5 New Feature Set is present.

Exchange Manager Functions



Accepts a connection from a remote device.


Err ExgAccept (ExgSocketPtr socketP)


  -> socketP
Pointer to the socket structure.


Returns the following result codes:

errNone No error
exgErrBadLibrary Couldn't find default exchange library
exgErrStackInit Couldn't initialize the IR stack (not enough battery power or unsupported hardware)


An application calls this function when it has been called with the special application launch code sysAppLaunchCmdExgReceiveData. The application is passed socketP as a parameter. It should pass this parameter to ExgAccept to accept the connection and then call ExgReceive one or more times to receive the data.


Implemented only if 3.0 New Feature Set is present.

See Also




Reads a Palm OS® database in its internal format and writes it to storage RAM. For example, this function might read in a database transmitted by a beaming operation using the exchange manager.


Err ExgDBRead (ExgDBReadProcPtr readProcP, ExgDBDeleteProcPtr deleteProcP, void* userDataP, LocalID* dbIDP, UInt16 cardNo, Boolean* needResetP, Boolean keepDates)


  -> readProcP
A pointer to a function that you supply that reads in the database and passes it to ExgDBRead. See ReadProc for details.
  -> deleteProcP
A pointer to a function that is called if a database with an identical name already exists on the device, so you can erase it before ExgDBRead stores the received database. See DeleteProc for details.
  -> userDataP
A pointer to any data you want to pass to either the readProcP or deleteProcP functions.
  <- dbIDP
The ID of the database that ExgDBRead created on the local device.
  <- cardNo
The number of the card on which the database was stored by ExgDBRead.
  <- needResetP
Set to true by ExgDBRead if the dmHdrAttrResetAfterInstall attribute bit is set in the received database.
  -> keepDates
Specify true to retain the creation, modification, and last backup dates as set in the received database header. Specify false to reset these dates to the current date.


Returns errNone if successful; otherwise, returns one of the data manager error codes (dmErr...) or a callback-specific error code (if the readProcP function returns an error, it is also returned by ExgDBRead).


The read callback function passed in readProcP is called multiple times by ExgDBRead. Each time, ExgDBRead passes in sizeP the number of bytes it expects to receive in the next chunk that the read callback function is to return in dataP. It's important for the read callback function to set the number of bytes (in sizeP) that it actually placed in dataP, if it's not the same as what ExgDBRead expected. ExgDBRead stops calling the read callback function after it receives the entire database (it knows when it's got it all based on the header information).


Implemented only if 3.0 New Feature Set is present.

See Also




Reads a given Palm OS database in its internal format from the local device and writes it out using a function you supply. For example, this function might read a local database and transmit it by a beaming operation using the exchange manager.


Err ExgDBWrite (ExgDBWriteProcPtr writeProcP, void* userDataP, const char* nameP, LocalID dbID, UInt16 cardNo)


  -> writeProcP
A pointer to a function that you supply that writes out the database identified by dbID. See WriteProc for details.
  -> userDataP
A pointer to any data you want to pass to the writeProcP function.
  -> nameP
A pointer to the name of the database that you want ExgDBWrite to read and pass to writeProcP.
  -> dbID
The id of the database that you want ExgDBWrite to read and pass to writeProcP. If you don't supply an ID, then nameP is used to search for the database by name.
  -> cardNo
The number of the card on which to look for the database identified by nameP.


Returns errNone if successful; otherwise, returns one of the data manager error codes (dmErr...) or a callback-specific error code (if the writeProcP function returns an error, it is also returned by ExgDBWrite).


The writeProcP parameter points to a function that you supply and that is called by ExgDBWrite to write out a database. For example, you might use this function to call exchange manager functions to beam the database to another unit.

The write callback function is called multiple times by ExgDBWrite. In the sizeP parameter, ExgDBWrite passes the number of bytes in dataP. Due to transport errors, timeouts, or other problems, you may not be able to successfully send all this data. If the write callback function didn't handle it all, it's important that it set in sizeP the number of bytes that it did handle successfully. ExgDBWrite stops calling the write callback function after you write out the entire database (it knows when you've done it all based on the header information and number of bytes you return in sizeP each time).


Implemented only if 3.0 New Feature Set is present.

See Also




Terminates an exchange manager transfer and disconnects.


Err ExgDisconnect(ExgSocketPtr socketP, Err error)


  -> socketP
Pointer to the socket structure identifying the connection to terminate.
  -> error
Any application error that occurred.


Returns the following result codes:

errNone No error
exgErrBadLibrary Couldn't find default exchange library
exgMemError Couldn't read data to send
exgErrUserCancel User cancelled transfer


In the error parameter, pass any error that occurs during the application loop, including errors returned from other exchange manager functions. This ensures that the connection is shut down knowing that it failed rather than succeeded.

It's especially important to check the result code from this function, since this will tell you if the transfer was successful. An errNone return value means that the item was delivered to the destination successfully. It does not mean that the user on the other end actually kept the data.

ExgDisconnect is used for sending and receiving. When receiving, the application can insert its creator ID into the goToCreator field in the socket structure and add other goto information. After the application returns from the sysAppLaunchCmdExgReceiveData call, the system will launch the application with a standard sysAppLaunchCmdGoto launch code built from the information in the socket header gotoParams field.


Implemented only if 3.0 New Feature Set is present.

See Also

ExgPut, ExgReceive, ExgSend



Display a dialog that allows users to accept or reject the receipt of data.


Boolean ExgDoDialog (ExgSocketPtr socketP, ExgDialogInfoType *infoP, Err *errP)


  -> socketP
Pointer to the socket structure identifying the connection. You can obtain this pointer from the sysAppLaunchCmdExgAskUser launch code parameter block.
  <-> infoP
A pointer to an ExgDialogInfoType structure (see the "Comment" section below).
  <- errP
errNone if no error, or the error code if an error occurred. Currently, no errors are returned.


Returns true if the user clicks the OK button on the dialog, or false otherwise.


This function displays the exchange dialog, which prompts the user to accept or reject incoming data.

By default, the exchange manager calls this function for you if you don't handle the sysAppLaunchCmdExgAskUser launch code or if you return exgAskDialog from the launch code handler. When the exchange manager calls ExgDoDialog, the dialog only displays a message similar to "Do you want to accept `John Doe' into AddressBook?" and allows the user to accept or reject the data. If the user clicks OK, the data should be received as an unfiled record.

To allow users to select a category when accepting incoming data, handle sysAppLaunchCmdExgAskUser to call ExgDoDialog explicitly, and pass it a pointer to an ExgDialogInfoType structure. The ExgDialogInfoType structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct {
    UInt16 version;
    DmOpenRef db;
    UInt16 categoryIndex;
} ExgDialogInfoType;
  -> version
Set this field to 0 to specify version 0 of this structure.
  -> db
Pointer to an open database that defines the categories the dialog should display.
  <- categoryIndex
Index of the category in which the user wants to file the incoming data.

If db is valid, the function extracts the category information from the specified database and displays it in a pop-up list. Upon return, the categoryIndex field contains the index of the category the user selected, or dmUnfiledCategory if the user did not select a category.

If the call to ExgDoDialog is successful, your application is responsible for retaining the value returned in categoryIndex and using it to file the incoming data as a record in that category. One way to do this is to store the categoryIndex in the socket's appData field (see ExgSocketType) and then extract it from the socket in your response to the launch code sysAppLaunchCmdExgReceiveData. For example:

if (cmd == sysAppLaunchCmdExgReceiveData) {
    UInt16 categoryID =
    /* other declarations */

/* Receive the data, and create a new record
    using the received data. indexNew is the
    index of this record. */

    if (categoryID){
    UInt16 attr;
    Err err;
    err = DmRecordInfo(dbP, indexNew, &attr,
    NULL, NULL);

    // Set the category to the one the user
    // specified, and mark the record dirty.
    if ((attr & dmRecAttrCategoryMask) !=
    categoryID) {
    attr &= ~dmRecAttrCategoryMask;
    attr |= categoryID | dmRecAttrDirty;
    err = DmSetRecordInfo(dbP, indexNew,
    &attr, NULL);

Some of the Palm OS built-in applications (AddressBook, Memo, and ToDo) use this method of setting the category on data received through beaming. Refer to the example code for these applications provided in the SDK for a more complete example of how to use ExgDoDialog.

When you explicitly call ExgDoDialog, you must set the result field of the sysAppLaunchCmdExgAskUser launch code's parameter block to either exgAskOk (upon success) or exgAskCancel (upon failure) to prevent the system from displaying the dialog a second time.


Implemented only if 3.5 New Feature Set is present.



Initiates the transfer of data to the destination device.


Err ExgPut (ExgSocketPtr socketP)


  -> socketP
Pointer to the socket structure containing connection information and information identifying the object to send.


Returns the following result codes:

errNone No error
exgErrBadLibrary Couldn't find default exchange library
exgErrStackInit Couldn't initialize the IR stack (not enough battery power or unsupported hardware)
exgMemError Not enough memory to initialize transfer


If the connection does not already exist, this function establishes one. You must create and pass a pointer to an ExgSocketType structure containing information about the data to send and the destination application. All unused fields in the structure must be zeroed.

If no error is returned, this call must be followed by ExgSend, to begin sending data, or ExgDisconnect, to disconnect. You may need to call ExgSend multiple times to send all the data.


Implemented only if 3.0 New Feature Set is present.

See Also

ExgDisconnect, ExgSend



Receives data from a remote device.


UInt32 ExgReceive (ExgSocketPtr socketP, void *bufP, const UInt32 bufLen, Err * err)


  -> socketP
Pointer to the socket structure.
  -> bufP
Pointer to the buffer to receive the data.
  -> bufLen
Number of bytes to receive.
  <- err
Pointer to an error code result.


Returns the number of bytes actually received. A zero result indicates the end of the transmission. An error code is returned in the address indicated by err. The error code exgErrUserCancel is returned if the user cancels the operation.


Call this function one or more times to receive all the data, following a successful call to ExgAccept. After receiving the data, call ExgDisconnect to terminate the connection.

This function blocks the application until the end of the transmission or until the requested number of bytes has been received. However, it does provide its own user interface that will be updated as necessary and will allow the user to cancel the operation in progress.


Implemented only if 3.0 New Feature Set is present.

See Also

ExgAccept, ExgDisconnect



Registers an application to receive a specific type of data.


Err ExgRegisterData (const UInt32 creatorID, const UInt16 id, const Char * const dataTypesP)


  -> creatorID
Creator ID of the registering application.
  -> id
Registry ID identifying the type of the items being registered. Specify exgRegExtensionID or exgRegTypeID.
  -> dataTypesP
Pointer to a tab-delimited, null-terminated string listing the items to register. (Use /t for the tab character.) These include file extensions or MIME types. To unregister, pass a NULL value.


Returns errNone if successful, otherwise, one of the data manager error codes (dmErr...).


Applications that wish to receive data from anything other than another Palm OS device running the same application must use this function to register for the kinds of data they can receive. Call this function when your application is loaded on the device.

Specify exgRegExtensionID to register to receive data that has a filename with a particular extension. For example, if your application wants to receive files with a .TXT extension, it could register like this:

ExgRegisterData(myCreator, exgRegExtensionID, "TXT");

If the application wants to receive files with a .TXT extension or with a .DOC extension, it could register like this:

ExgRegisterData(myCreator, exgRegExtensionID, "TXT/tDOC");

Specify exgRegTypeID to register to receive data with a specific MIME type. For example, if your application wants to receive "setext" text files, it could register like this:

ExgRegisterData(myCreator, exgRegTypeID,

Note that in the current implementation of the IR library, registering for a MIME type has no effect because the IR library does not send data type information. Therefore, the type is always received as NULL and will not match "setext." However, applications may choose to register for a type anyway because this limitation may be removed in the future.

Registrations are active until a hard reset or until the application is removed. The registration information is backed up and restored across a soft reset. When an application is removed, its registry information is also automatically removed from the registry, so there is not normally a need to unregister. If you want to unregister, you can register with a NULL value.


Implemented only if 3.0 New Feature Set is present.



Sends data to the destination device.


UInt32 ExgSend (ExgSocketPtr socketP, const void * const bufP, const UInt32 bufLen, Err * err)


  -> socketP
Pointer to the socket structure.
  -> bufP
Pointer to the data to send.
  -> bufLen
Number of bytes to send.
  <- err
Pointer to an error code result.


Returns the number of bytes sent, normally the same number as specified in bufLen. An error code is returned in the address indicated by err. The error code exgErrUserCancel is returned if the user cancels the operation.


Call this function one or more times to send all the data, following a successful call to ExgPut. After sending the data, call ExgDisconnect to terminate the connection.

The lower level protocol may break large amounts of data into multiple packets or assemble small send commands together into larger packets, but the application will not be aware of these transport level details.

This function blocks the application until all the data is sent. However, it does provide its own user interface that will be updated as necessary and will allow the user to cancel the operation in progress.


Implemented only if 3.0 New Feature Set is present.

See Also

ExgDisconnect, ExgPut

Application-Defined Functions

The functions in this section are supplied by you and can be named anything. You supply pointers to the functions in exchange manager functions that you call (ExgDBRead and ExgDBWrite).



Handle the case where a database with an identical name already exists on the device.


Boolean DeleteProc (const char* nameP, UInt16 version, UInt16 cardNo, LocalID dbID, void* userDataP)


  -> nameP
A pointer to the name of the identical database that already exists.
  -> version
The version of the identical database that already exists.
  -> cardNo
The card number of the identical database that already exists.
  -> dbID
The database ID of the identical database that already exists.
  -> userDataP
The userDataP parameter passed to ExgDBRead is simply passed on to the delete function. You can use it for application-specific data.


Returns a Boolean value. true means that this function handled the situation successfully; that is, it deleted, renamed, or moved the database so there would no longer be a conflict with the one that ExgDBRead is writing. false means that this function did not handle the situation successfully; in this case, ExgDBRead exits with no error (same as if the user cancelled the operation).


This delete callback function gives you a chance to delete the existing database, or take some other action (such as changing the database name, if appropriate).



Read in the database and pass it to ExgDBRead.


Err ReadProc (void* dataP, UInt32* sizeP, void* userDataP)


  -> dataP
A pointer to a buffer where this function should place the database data.
  <-> sizeP
The size of dataP. This value is set by ExgDBRead to the number of bytes it expects to receive in dataP. You must set this value to the number of bytes you return in dataP (if it's not the same).
  -> userDataP
The userDataP parameter passed to ExgDBRead is simply passed on to the read function. You can use it for application-specific data.


Returns an error number, or errNone if there is no error. If this function returns an error, ExgDBRead deletes the database it was creating, cleans up any memory it allocated, then exits, returning the error passed back from this function.



Writes out the database.


Err WriteProc (const void* dataP, UInt32* sizeP, void* userDataP)


  -> dataP
A pointer to a buffer containing the database data, placed there by ExgDBWrite.
  <-> sizeP
The number of bytes placed in dataP by ExgDBWrite. If you were unable to write out or send all of the data in this chunk, on exit, you should set sizeP to the number of bytes you did write.
  -> userDataP
The userDataP parameter passed to ExgDBWrite is simply passed on to the write function. You can use it for application-specific data.


Returns an error number, or errNone if there is no error. If this function returns an error, ExgDBWrite closes the database it was reading, cleans up any memory it allocated, then exits, returning the error passed back from this function.

Palm OS SDK Reference

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