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Palm OS SDK Reference

Palm Logo 3 Palm OS Events

Palm OS® events are structures (defined in the header files Event.h, SysEvent.h, and INetMgr.h) that the system passes to the application when the user interacts with the graphical user interface. Chapter 4, "Event Loop" in the Palm OS Programmer's Companion discusses in detail how this works. This chapter provides reference-style information about each event. First it shows the types used by Palm OS events. Then it discusses the following events in alphabetical order:

Event UI Object
appStopEvent N.A.
ctlEnterEvent, ctlExitEvent, ctlRepeatEvent, ctlSelectEvent Control
daySelectEvent N.A.
fldChangedEvent, fldEnterEvent, fldHeightChangedEvent Field
frmCloseEvent, frmGotoEvent, frmLoadEvent, frmOpenEvent, frmSaveEvent, frmUpdateEvent, frmTitleEnterEvent, frmTitleSelectEvent Form
frmGadgetEnterEvent, frmGadgetMiscEvent Extended gadget
inetSockReadyEvent, inetSockStatusChangeEvent N.A. (INetLib)
keyDownEvent N.A.
lstEnterEvent, lstExitEvent, lstSelectEvent List
menuEvent, menuOpenEvent, menuCloseEvent, menuCmdBarOpenEvent Menu
nilEvent N.A.
penDownEvent, penMoveEvent, penUpEvent N.A. (pen)
popSelectEvent Popup (Control)
sclEnterEvent, sclRepeatEvent, sclExitEvent Scroll bar
tblEnterEvent, tblExitEvent, tblSelectEvent Table
winEnterEvent, winExitEvent Window

Event Data Structures


The eventsEnum enum specifies the possible event types.

enum events {
    nilEvent = 0,
    appStopEvent = 22,
    menuCmdBarOpenEvent = 0x0800,

    firstINetLibEvent = 0x1000,
    firstWebLibEvent = 0x1100,
    firstUserEvent = 0x6000
} eventsEnum;

Each of these event types is discussed in alphabetical order below.


The EventType structure contains all the data associated with a system event. All event types have some common data. Most events also have data specific to those events. The specific data uses a union that is part of the EventType data structure. The union can have up to 8 words of specific data.

The common data is documented below the structure. The Event Reference section gives details on the important data associated with each type of event.

typedef struct {
    eventsEnum eType;
    Boolean penDown;
    UInt8 tapCount;
    Int16 screenX;
    Int16 screenY;
    } data;
} EventType;

Common Field Descriptions

eType One of the eventsEnum constants. Specifies the type of the event.
penDown true if the pen was down at the time of the event, otherwise false.
tapCount The number of taps received at this location. This value is used mainly by fields. When the user taps in a text field, two taps selects a word, and three taps selects the entire line.
screenX Window-relative position of the pen in pixels (number of pixels from the left bound of the window).
screenY Window-relative position of the pen in pixels (number of pixels from the top left of the window).
data The specific data for an event, if any. The data is a union, and its exact contents depend on the eType field. The Event Reference section in this chapter shows what the data field contains for each event.


Remember that the data field is part of the access path to an identifier in the EventType structure. As an example, the code to access the controlID field of a ctlEnterEvent would be:
EventType *event;
if (event->data.ctlEnter.controlID ==


The tapCount field is only defined if 3.5 New Feature Set is present. Because of the tapCount field, it's particularly important that you clear the event structure before you use it to add a new event to the queue in Palm OS 3.5 and higher. Otherwise, the tapCount value may be incorrect for the new event.


The EventPtr defines a pointer to an EventType.

typedef EventType *EventPtr;

Event Reference


When the system wants to launch a different application than the one currently running, the event manager sends this event to request the current application to terminate. In response, an application has to exit its event loop, close any open files and forms, and exit.

If an application doesn't respond to this event by exiting, the system can't start the other application.


The control routine CtlHandleEvent sends this event when it receives a penDownEvent within the bounds of a control.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct ctlEnter {
    UInt16 controlID;
    struct ControlType *pControl;
} ctlEnter;

Field Descriptions

controlID Developer-defined ID of the control.
pControl Pointer to a control structure (ControlType).


The control routine CtlHandleEvent sends this event. When CtlHandleEvent receives a ctlEnterEvent, it tracks the pen until the pen is lifted from the display. If the pen is lifted within the bounds of a control, a ctlSelectEvent is added to the event queue; if not, a ctlExitEvent is added to the event queue.

The following data is passed with the event:

Field Descriptions

penDown true if the pen was down at the time of the event, otherwise false.
screenX Window-relative position of the pen in pixels (number of pixels from the left bound of the window).
screenY Window-relative position of the pen in pixels (number of pixels from the top left of the window).


The control routine CtlHandleEvent sends this event. When CtlHandleEvent receives a ctlEnterEvent in a repeating button (tREP) or a feedback slider control (tslf), it sends a ctlRepeatEvent. When CtlHandleEvent receives a ctlRepeatEvent in a repeating button, it sends another ctlRepeatEvent if the pen remains down within the bounds of the control for 1/2 second beyond the last ctlRepeatEvent.

When CtlHandleEvent receives a ctlRepeatEvent in a feedback slider control, it sends a ctlRepeatEvent each time the slider's thumb moves by at least one pixel. Feedback sliders do not send ctlRepeatEvents at regular intervals like repeating buttons do.

If you return true in response to a ctlRepeatEvent, it stops the ctlRepeatEvent loop. No further ctlRepeatEvents are sent.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct ctlRepeat {
    UInt16 controlID;
    struct ControlType *pControl;
    UInt32 time;
    UInt16 value;
} ctlRepeat;

Field Descriptions

controlID Developer-defined ID of the control.
pControl Pointer to a control structure (ControlType).
time System-ticks count when the event is added to the queue.
value Current value if the control is a feedback slider.


The value field is only present if 3.5 New Feature Set is present.


The control routine CtlHandleEvent sends this event. When CtlHandleEvent receives a ctlEnterEvent, it tracks the pen until the pen is lifted. If the pen is lifted within the bounds of the same control it went down in, a cltSelectEvent is added to the event queue; if not, a ctlExitEvent is added to the event queue.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct ctlSelect {
    UInt16 controlID;
    struct ControlType *pControl;
    Boolean on;
    UInt8 reserved1;
    UInt16 value;
} ctlSelect;

Field Descriptions

controlID Developer-defined ID of the control.
pControl Pointer to a control structure (ControlType).
on true when the control is depressed; otherwise, false.
reserved1 Unused.
value Current value if the control is a slider.


The value field is only present if 3.5 New Feature Set is present.


The system-internal DayHandleEvent routine, which handles events in the day selector object, handles this event. When the day selector object displays a calendar month, the user can select a day by tapping on it.

This event is sent when the pen touches and is lifted from a day number.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct daySelect {
    struct DaySelectorType *pSelector;
    Int16 selection;
    Boolean useThisDate;
    UInt8 reserved1;
} daySelect;

Field Descriptions

pSelector Pointer to a day selector structure (DaySelectorType).
selection Not used.
useThisDate Set to true to automatically use the selected date.
reserved1 Unused.


The field routine FldHandleEvent sends this event when the text of a field has been scrolled as a result of drag-selecting. When FldHandleEvent receives a fldEnterEvent, it positions the insertion point and tracks the pen until it's lifted. Text is selected (highlighted) appropriately as the pen is dragged.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct fldChanged {
    UInt16 fieldID;
    struct FieldType *pField;
} fldChanged;

Field Descriptions

fieldID Developer-defined ID of the field.
pField Pointer to a field structure (FieldType).


The field routine FldHandleEvent sends this event when the field receives a penDownEvent within the bounds of a field. For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct fldEnter {
    UInt16 fieldID;
    struct FieldType *pField;
} fldEnter;

Field Descriptions

fieldID Developer-defined ID of the field.
pField Pointer to a field structure (FieldType).


The field routine FldHandleEvent sends this event. The field API supports a feature that allows a field to dynamically resize its visible height as text is added or removed from it. Functions in the field API send a fldHeightChangedEvent to change the height of a field.

If the field is contained in a table, the table's code handles the fldHeightChangedEvent. If the field is directly on a form, your application code should handle the fldHeightChangedEvent itself. The form code does not handle the event for you.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct fldHeightChanged {
    UInt16 fieldID;
    struct FieldType *pField;
    Int16 newHeight;
    UInt16 currentPos;
} fldHeightChanged;

Field Descriptions

fieldID Developer-defined ID of the field.
pField Pointer to a field structure (FieldType).
newHeight New visible height of the field, in number of lines.
currentPos Current position of the insertion point.


The form routines FrmGotoForm and FrmCloseAllForms send this event. FrmGotoForm sends a frmCloseEvent to the currently active form; FrmCloseAllForms sends a frmCloseEvent to all forms an application has loaded into memory. If an application doesn't intercept this event, the routine FrmHandleEvent erases the specified form and releases any memory allocated for it.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct frmClose {
    UInt16 formID;
} frmClose;

Field Descriptions

formID Developer-defined ID of the form.


The function FrmHandleEvent sends this event when there is a penDownEvent within the bounds of an extended gadget. The gadget handler function (see FormGadgetHandler) should handle this event.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct gadgetEnter {
    UInt16 gadgetID;
    struct FormGadgetType *gadgetP;
} gadgetEnter;

Field Descriptions

gadgetID Developer-defined ID of the gadget.
gadgetP Pointer to the FormGadgetType object representing this gadget.


Implemented only if 3.5 New Feature Set is present.


An application may choose to send this event when it needs to pass information to an extended gadget. The FrmHandleEvent function passes frmGadgetMiscEvents on to the extended gadget's handler function (see FormGadgetHandler).

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct gadgetMisc {
    UInt16 gadgetID;
    struct FormGadgetType *gadgetP;
    UInt16 selector;
    void *dataP;
} gadgetMisc;

Field Descriptions

gadgetID Developer-defined ID of the gadget.
gadgetP Pointer to the FormGadgetType object representing this gadget.
selector Any necessary integer value to pass to the gadget handler function.
dataP A pointer to any necessary data to pass to the gadget handler function.


Implemented only if 3.5 New Feature Set is present.


An application may choose to send itself this event when it receives a sysAppLaunchCmdGoto launch code. sysAppLaunchCmdGoto is generated when the user selects a record in the global find facility. Like frmOpenEvent, frmGotoEvent is a request that the application initialize and draw a form, but this event provides extra information so that the application may display and highlight the matching string in the form.

The application is responsible for handling this event.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct frmGoto {
    UInt16 formID;
    UInt16 recordNum;
    UInt16 matchPos;
    UInt16 matchLen;
    UInt16 matchFieldNum;
    UInt32 matchCustom;
} frmGoto;

Field Descriptions

formID Developer-defined ID of the form.
recordNum Index of record containing the match string.
matchPos Position of the match.
matchLen Length of the matched string.
matchFieldNum Number of the field the matched string was found in.
matchCustom Application-specific information. You might use this if you need to provide extra information to locate the matching string within the record.


The form routines FrmGotoForm and FrmPopupForm send this event. It's a request that the application load a form into memory.

The application is responsible for handling this event.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct frmLoad {
    UInt16 formID;
} frmLoad;

Field Descriptions

formID Developer-defined ID of the form.


The form routines FrmGotoForm and FrmPopupForm send this event. It is a request that the application initialize and draw a form.

The application is responsible for handling this event.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct frmOpen {
    UInt16 formID;
} frmOpen;

Field Descriptions

formID Developer-defined ID of the form.


The form routine FrmSaveAllForms sends this event. It is a request that the application save any data stored in a form.

The application is responsible for handling this event.

No data is passed with this event.


The control routine FrmHandleEvent sends this event when it receives a penDownEvent within the bounds of the title of the form. Note that only the written title, not the whole title bar is active.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct frmTitleEnter {
    UInt16 formID;
    } frmTitleEnter;

Field Descriptions

formID Developer-defined ID of the form.


The control routine FrmHandleEvent sends this event. FrmHandleEvent receives a frmTitleEnterEvent, it tracks the pen until the pen is lifted. If the pen is lifted within the bounds of the active same title bar region, a frmTitleSelectEvent is added to the event queue.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct frmTitleSelect {
    UInt16 formID;
} frmTitleSelect;

Field Descriptions

formID Developer-defined ID of the form.


In Palm OS version 3.5 and higher, FrmHandleEvent responds to frmTitleSelectEvent. Its response is to enqueue a keyDownEvent with a vchrMenu character to display the form's menu.


The form routine FrmUpdateForm, or in some cases the routine FrmEraseForm, sends this event when it needs to redraw the region obscured by the form being erased.

Generally, the region obscured by a form is saved and restored by the form routines without application intervention. However, in cases where the system is running low on memory, the form's routine may not save obscured regions itself. In that case, the application adds a frmUpdateEvent to the event queue. The form receives the event and redraws the region using the updateCode value.

An application can define its own updateCode and then use this event to also trigger behavior in another form, usually when changes made to one form need to be reflected in another form.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct frmUpdate {
    UInt16 formID;
    UInt16 updateCode;
} frmUpdate;

Field Descriptions

formID Developer-defined ID of the form.
updateCode The reason for the update request. FrmEraseForm sets this code to frmRedrawUpdateCode, which indicates that the entire form needs to be redrawn. Application developers can define their own updateCode. The updateCode is passed as a parameter to FrmUpdateForm.


This event is returned only by INetLibGetEvent (not EvtGetEvent) when the Internet library determines that a socket has data ready for an INetLibSockRead.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct {
    MemHandle sockH;
    UInt32 context;
    Boolean inputReady;
    Boolean outputReady;
} inetSockReady;

Field Descriptions

sockH Socket handle of the socket that this event refers to.
context Not used.
inputReady true when the socket has data ready for the INetLibSockRead call.
outputReady Not used.

The penDown, tapCount, screenX and screenY fields are not valid for Internet library events and should be ignored.


Implemented only if Wireless Internet Feature Set is present.


This event is returned only by INetLibGetEvent (not EvtGetEvent) when the Internet library determines that a socket has data ready for an INetLibSockRead.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct {
    MemHandle sockH;
    UInt32 context;
    UInt16 status;
    Err sockErr;

Field Descriptions

sockH Socket handle of the socket that this event refers to.
context Not used.
status Current status of the socket. This is one of the INetStatusEnum constants.
sockErr Reason for failure of the last operation, if any. The current socket error can be cleared by calling INetLibSockStatus.

The penDown, tapCount, screenX and screenY fields are not valid for Internet library events and should be ignored.


Implemented only if Wireless Internet Feature Set is present.


This event is sent by the system when the user enters a Graffiti® character, presses one of the buttons below the display, or taps one of the icons in the icon area; for example, the Find icon.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct _KeyDownEventType {
    WChar chr;
    UInt16 keyCode;
    UInt16 modifiers;

Field Descriptions

chr The character code.
keyCode Unused.
modifiers 0, or one or more of the following values:

shiftKeyMask Graffiti is in case-shift mode.
capsLockMask Graffiti is in cap-shift mode.
numLockMask Graffiti is in numeric-shift mode.
commandKeyMask The Graffiti glyph was the menu command glyph or a virtual key code.
optionKeyMask Not implemented. Reserved.
controlKeyMask Not implemented. Reserved.
autoRepeatKeyMask Event was generated due to auto-repeat.
doubleTapKeyMask Not implemented. Reserved.
poweredOnKeyMask The key press caused the system to be powered on.
appEvtHookKeyMask System use only.
libEvtHookKeyMask System use only.


The list routine LstHandleEvent sends this event when it receives a penDownEvent within the bounds of a list object.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct lstEnter {
    UInt16 listID;
    struct ListType *pList;
    Int16 selection;
} lstEnter;

Field Descriptions

listID Developer-defined ID of the list.
pList Pointer to a list structure (ListType).
selection Unused.


The list routine LstHandleEvent sends this event. When LstHandleEvent receives a lstEnterEvent, it tracks the pen until the pen is lifted. If the pen is lifted within the bounds of a list, a lstSelectEvent is added to the event queue; if not, a lstExitEvent is added to the event queue.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct lstExit {
    UInt16 listID;
    struct ListType *pList;
} lstExit;

Field Descriptions

listID Developer-defined ID of the list.
pList Pointer to a list structure (ListType).


The list routine LstHandleEvent sends this event. When LstHandleEvent receives a lstEnterEvent, it tracks the pen until the pen is lifted. If the pen is lifted within the bounds of a list, a lstSelectEvent is added to the event queue; if not, a lstExitEvent is added to the event queue.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct lstSelect {
    UInt16 listID;
    struct ListType *pList;
    Int16 selection;
} lstSelect;

Field Descriptions

listID Developer-defined ID of the list.
pList Pointer to a list structure (ListType).
selection Item number (zero-based) of the new selection.


This event is not currently used.


The menu routine MenuHandleEvent sends this event when the user enters the menu shortcut keystroke, causing the command toolbar to be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Applications might respond to this event by calling MenuCmdBarAddButton to add custom buttons to the command toolbar. Shared libraries or other non-application code resources can add buttons to the toolbar by registering to receive the sysNotifyMenuCmdBarOpenEvent notification. (See Chapter 36, "Notification Manager.")

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct menuCmdBarOpen {
    Boolean preventFieldButtons;
    UInt8 reserved;
} menuCmdBarOpen;

Field Descriptions

preventFieldButtons If true, the field manager does not add the standard cut, copy, paste, and undo buttons when the focus is on a field. If false, the field adds the buttons.
reserved Unused.

To prevent the command toolbar from being displayed, respond to this event and return true. Returning true prevents the form manager from displaying the toolbar.


Implemented only if 3.5 New Feature Set is present.


The menu routine MenuHandleEvent sends this event:

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct menu {
    UInt16 itemID;
} menu;

Field Descriptions

itemID Item ID of the selected menu command.


The menu routine MenuHandleEvent sends this event when a new active menu has been initialized. A menu becomes active the first time the user taps the Menu silk-screen button or taps the form's titlebar, and it might need to be re-initialized and reactivated several times during the life of an application.

A menu remains active until one of the following happens:

Suppose a user selects your application's About item from the Options menu then clicks the OK button to return to the main form. When the About dialog is displayed, it becomes the active form, which causes the main form's menu state to be erased. This menu state is not restored when the main form becomes active again. The next time the user requests the menu, it must be initialized again, so menuOpenEvent is sent again.

Applications might respond to this event by adding, hiding, or unhiding menu items using the functions MenuAddItem, MenuHideItem, or MenuShowItem.

A menuCloseEvent is defined by the system, but it is not currently sent. If you need to perform some cleanup (such as closing a resource) after the menu item you added is no longer needed, do so in response to frmCloseEvent.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct menuOpen {
    UInt16 menuRscID;
    Int16 cause;
} menuOpen;

Field Descriptions

menuRscID Resource ID of the menu.
cause Reason for opening the menu. If menuButtonCause, the user tapped the Menu silkscreen button or tapped the form's titlebar, and the menu is going to be displayed. If menuCommandCause, the user entered the command keystroke, so the menu is becoming active without being displayed.


Implemented only if 3.5 New Feature Set is present.


A nilEvent is useful for animation, polling, and similar situations.

The event manager sends this event when there are no events in the event queue. This can happen if the routine EvtGetEvent is passed a time-out value (a value other than evtWaitForever, -1). If EvtGetEvent is unable to return an event in the specified time, it returns a nilEvent. Different Palm OS versions and different devices can send nilEvents under different circumstances, so you might receive a nilEvent even before the timeout has expired.


The event manager sends this event when the pen first touches the digitizer.

The following data is passed with the event:

Field Descriptions

penDown Always true.
tapCount The number of taps received at this location.
screenX Window-relative position of the pen in pixels (number of pixels from the left bound of the window).
screenY Window-relative position of the pen in pixels (number of pixels from the top left of the window).


The event manager sends this event when the pen is moved on the digitizer. Note that several kinds of UI objects, such as controls and lists, track the movement directly, and no penMoveEvent is generated.

The following data is passed with the event:

Field Descriptions

penDown Always true.
tapCount The number of taps received at this location.
screenX Window-relative position of the pen in pixels (number of pixels from the left bound of the window).
screenY Window-relative position of the pen in pixels (number of pixels from the top left of the window).


The event manager sends this event when the pen is lifted from the digitizer. Note that several kinds of UI objects, such as controls and lists, track the movement directly, and no penUpEvent is generated.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct _PenUpEventType {
    PointType start;
    PointType end;

Field Descriptions

start Display-relative start point of the stroke.
end Display-relative end point of the stroke.

In addition, the following data is passed with this event:

penDown Always false.
tapCount The number of taps received at this location.
screenX Window-relative position of the pen in pixels (number of pixels from the left bound of the window).
screenY Window-relative position of the pen in pixels (number of pixels from the top left of the window).


The form routine FrmHandleEvent sends this event when the user selects an item in a popup list.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct popSelect {
    UInt16 controlID;
    struct ControlType *controlP;
    UInt16 listID;
    struct ListType *listP;
    Int16 selection;
    Int16 priorSelection;
} popSelect;

Field Descriptions

controlID Developer-defined ID of the resource.
controlP Pointer to the control structure (ControlType) of the popup trigger object.
listID Developer-defined ID of the popup list object.
listP Pointer to the list structure (ListType) of the popup list object.
selection Item number (zero-based) of the new list selection.
priorSelection Item number (zero-based) of the prior list selection.


The routine SclHandleEvent sends this event when it receives a penDownEvent within the bounds of a scroll bar.

Applications usually don't have to handle this event.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct sclEnter {
    UInt16 scrollBarID;
    struct ScrollBarType *pScrollBar;
} sclEnter;

Field Descriptions

scrollBarID Developer-defined ID of the scroll bar resource.
pScrollBar Pointer to the scroll bar structure.


The routine SclHandleEvent sends this event when the user lifts the pen from the scroll bar.

Applications that want to implement non-dynamic scrolling should wait for this event, then scroll the text using the values provided in value and newvalue.

Note that this event is sent regardless of previous sclRepeatEvents. If, however, the application has implemented dynamic scrolling, it doesn't have to catch this event.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct sclExit {
    UInt16 scrollBarID;
    struct ScrollBarType *pScrollBar;
    Int16 value;
    Int16 newValue;
} sclExit;

Field Descriptions

scrollBarID Developer-defined ID of the scroll bar resource.
pScrollBar Pointer to the scroll bar structure.
value Initial position of the scroll bar
newvalue New position of the scroll bar. Given value and newValue, you can actually tell how much you have scrolled.


The routine SclHandleEvent sends this event when the pen is continually held within the bounds of a scroll bar.

Applications that implement dynamic scrolling should watch for this event. In dynamic scrolling, the display is updated as the user drags the scroll bar (not after the user releases the scroll bar).

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct sclRepeat {
    UInt16 scrollBarID;
    struct ScrollBarType *pScrollBar;
    Int16 value;
    Int16 newValue;
    Int32 time;
} sclRepeat;

Field Descriptions

scrollBarID Developer-defined ID of the scroll bar resource.
pScrollBar Pointer to the scroll bar structure.
value Initial position of the scroll bar.
newValue New position of the scroll bar. Given value and newValue, you can actually tell how much you have scrolled.
time System-ticks count when the event is added to the queue to determine when the next event should occur.


The table routine TblHandleEvent sends this event when it receives a penDownEvent within the bounds of an active item in a table object.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct tblEnter {
    UInt16 tableID;
    struct TableType *pTable;
    Int16 row;
    Int16 column;
} tblEnter;

Field Descriptions

tableID Developer-defined ID of the table.
pTable Pointer to a table structure (TableType).
row Row of the item.
column Column of the item.


The table routine TblHandleEvent sends this event. When TblHandleEvent receives a tblEnterEvent, it tracks the pen until it's lifted from the display. If the pen is lifted within the bounds of the same item it went down in, a tblSelectEvent is added to the event queue; if not, a tblExitEvent is added to the event queue.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct tblExit {
    UInt16 tableID;
    struct TableType *pTable;
    Int16 row;
    Int16 column;
} tblExit;

Field Descriptions

tableID Developer-defined ID of the table.
pTable Pointer to a table structure (TableType).
row Row of the item.
column Column of the item.


The table routine TblHandleEvent sends this event. When TblHandleEvent receives a tblEnterEvent, it tracks the pen until the pen is lifted from the display. If the pen is lifted within the bounds of the same item it went down in, a tblSelectEvent is added to the event queue; if not, a tblExitEvent is added to the event queue.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct tblSelect {
    UInt16 tableID;
    struct TableType *pTable;
    Int16 row;
    Int16 column;
} tblSelect;

Field Descriptions

tableID Developer-defined ID of the table.
pTable Pointer to a table structure (TableType).
row Row of the item.
column Column of the item.


The event manager sends this event when a window becomes the active window. This can happen in two ways: a call to WinSetActiveWindow is issued (FrmSetActiveForm calls this routine), or the user taps within the bounds of a window that is visible but not active. All forms are windows, but not all windows are forms; for example, the menu bar is a window but not a form.

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct _WinEnterEventType {
    WinHandle enterWindow;
    WinHandle exitWindow;

Field Descriptions

enterWindow Handle to the window we are entering. If the window is a form, then this is a pointer to a FormType structure; if not, it's a pointer to a WindowType structure.
exitWindow Handle to the window we are exiting, if there is currently an active window, or zero if there is no active window. If the window is a form, then this is a pointer to a FormType structure; if not, it's a pointer to a WindowType structure.


This event is sent by the event manager when a window is deactivated. A window is deactivated when another window becomes the active window (see winEnterEvent).

For this event, the data field contains the following structure:

struct _WinExitEventType {
    WinHandle enterWindow;
    WinHandle exitWindow;

Field Descriptions

enterWindow Handle to the window we are entering. If the window is a form, then this is a pointer to a FormType structure; if not, it's a pointer to a WindowType structure.
exitWindow Handle to the window we are exiting. If the window is a form, then this is a pointer to a FormType structure; if not, it's a pointer to a WindowType structure.

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