ReplaceBSpinor[expr, x→r] returns expr with massless or massive B spinors, labeled by x, replaced by r, r can be linear combination of massless or massive spinors. |
ReplaceBSpinor[expr, x→{b, a}] replaces massless or massive B spinor x at beginning of spinor chain with difference of B spinor b and A spinor a. B spinor x at end of spinor chain will be replaced by sum of B spinor b and A spinor a. b can be linear combinations of labels they will be interpreted as linear combinations of B spinors, analogously a can be linear combinations of labels and they will be interpreted as linear combinations of A spinors. |
ReplaceBSpinor[expr, patt→r] returns expr with all massless or massive B spinors that match pattern patt replaced by r. |
ReplaceBSpinor[expr, patt→{b, a}] returns expr with all massless or massive B spinors, at beginning of spinor chain, that match pattern patt replaced by difference of B spinor b and A spinor a. B spinors at end of spinor chain, that match pattern patt, will be replaced by sum of B spinor b and A spinor a. |
ReplaceBSpinor[expr, patt⧴replacement ] returns expr with all massless or massive B spinors that match pattern patt replaced by replacement. patt can have named patterns inside and replacement can use variables matched by those named patterns. |
ReplaceBSpinor[expr, patt⧴{replacementB , replacementA }] replaces B spinors, that match pattern patt, with difference of B spinor replacementB and A spinor replacementA . B spinors at end of spinor chain, that match pattern patt, will be replaced by sum of B spinor replacementB and A spinor replacementA . replacementB and replacementA can use variables matched by named patterns in patt. |
ReplaceBSpinor[expr, {x→{b, a}, patt⧴replacement , ...}] returns expr with replacement using all given rules. |
ReplaceBSpinor[expr, {{x1→r1, ...}, {x2→{b2, a2}, ...}, ...] returns a List, each element of this list is a result of replacement using subsequent list of rules. |