Next: Results
Previous: Introduction
The nucleus Gd was produced by using the fusion-evaporation reaction
Sm(,2n) and then studied by using the JUROGAM -ray
detector, Ref. [6], at Jyväskylä. The optimal bombarding
energy (27 MeV) was deduced from the excitation function measured for this
reaction at the Orsay Tandem during a pilot experiment. This bombarding energy
enabled us to optimize the population at low and medium spins in Gd and
to minimize the contaminations from other channels (e.g. mainly Gd) below
8%. In this experiment, 43 Anti-Compton suppressed HP-Ge detectors were used,
giving a total photopeak efficiency of 4.2%. We used self-supporting, 99.2%
enriched, Sm targets with a thickness of 2 mg/cm. The acquisition
was performed by both analogue and digital system in triggerless mode. The TNT2
digital acquisition cards from the IPHC, Strasbourg, were used to record data
from prompt gamma-ray emissions from the Germanium detectors. The digital
acquisition allows a higher count-rate (up to 100 kHz) due to shorter deadtime
[7]. The digitization of the ADC pulse via the Jordanov algorithm
[8] provides a stable energy measurement and fast baseline
restoration. These features provide access to a wider range of beam intensities
and therefore to phenomena with lower cross sections. At a similar count-rate,
the digital acquisition records 36% more statistics than the analogue system
and shows a better linearity in energy, specifically under 300 keV. In our
study, a total of
have been collected (i.e. pure unfolded coincidences after Compton-suppresion).
Next: Results
Previous: Introduction
Jacek Dobaczewski