It has been suggested on the basis of the realistic nuclear mean-field
calculations, Ref. [1], that there should exist atomic nuclei whose
shapes are tetrahedral-symmetric. Theoretical calculations, Ref. [2] and
references therein, suggest that to a first approximation, the nuclei whose
shapes are characterized by the exact tetrahedral symmetry have vanishing
multipole moments except for the one, the next order multipoles
allowed by the tetrahedral symmetry are
and such
contributions are expected to be very small if not totally neglegible in the
nucleus studied. Thus, unlike in rotational bands of quadrupole-deformed nuclei
where the E2 transitions dominate, in tetrahedral bands the E2 transitions are
predicted to vanish or to be very weak, because the quadrupole moments go to
zero when the tetrahedral symmetry becomes exact. According to ENSDF, Ref. [3], the nucleus
Gd has
been studied in over 15 different excitation modes with varying target-beam
combinations, beam energies, and detection systems. Although a regular sequence
of odd-spin negative-parity states has been established down to
, the
intra-band E2 transitions below the
state have never been seen.
The energies of the corresponding states have been measured exclusively through
the inter-band E1 transitions to the ground-state band. Such a behavior is
expected to be a consequence of tetrahedral symmetry [2]. Already in the
early eighties, Konijn and co-workers, Ref. [4], carried out an
experiment using an
-particle beam and measured the ratios of the
reduced transition strengths,
(E1), for two negative-parity bands in
Gd - at that time interpreted as octupole vibrational bands. The
(E1) ratios were found to be about a factor 50 lower in the odd-spin, as
compared to those in the even-spin negative-parity bands. More recently,
Sugawara, Ref. [5], measured the branching ratios of these two
negative-parity bands by using the reaction
3n). In
the case of the odd-spin negative-parity bands, a minimum in the
ratios at intermediate spins was reported and some upper limits of branching
ratios at low spins were measured. These measurements have been carried out at
best by using the
coincidences with a population of
that may not have been enough to observe the low-intensity transitions. The main goal of this experiment was to search for the E2 transitions forbidden
by the tetrahedral symmetry with high statistics, to determine the
(E1) ratios, and to search for any signs of cross-feeding involving
the odd-spin negative-parity band.