Our goal is to try to find an approximation to the exact
(coordinate-space) HFB density that is based only on information
contained in the HFB+HO results. Towards that end, we make use of
the WKB asymptotic solution of the single-particle Schrödinger
equation for a given potential , assuming that beyond the
classical turning point only the state with the lowest decay
contributes to the local density. Under
this assumption, the logarithmic derivative of the density can be
written as
In practical applications, it turns out that near the
next-to-lowest quasiparticle states still contribute to the local
in a way that may be more important than the
second-order WKB term shown in Eq. (20). Moreover, in
deformed nuclei the quasiparticle states do not have good total
angular momentum
, so that several quasiparticles may
contribute to the asymptotic density depending on their
-content and the value of
. Therefore, we need a
practical prescription to fix a reasonable approximate asymptotic
form of the density with minimal numerical effort but high
reliability. This can be achieved by using in (20) a
reduced potential of the form
Next, in order to make a smooth transition from the HFB+HO density
in the inner region to the approximate asymptotic
expression (20) in the outer region, we introduce the
following approximation
for the logarithmic density
Having determined the smooth expression for the
logarithmic derivative of
, we can derive the
approximate local density
by simply integrating
Eq. (24). The result is
The approximate density (25) works fairly well for all
nuclei that we have considered. This is illustrated in
Fig. 1 where the approximate density
(circles) is seen to be in perfect agreement with the
coordinate-space HFB results.
It should be stressed that the above procedure is applicable only
when the number of shells is large enough that the HFB+HO density
has a minimum at the point . The minimum value of
required to satisfy this condition depends on the
particular deformations or on the nuclei considered. For the
number of shells
used in our calculations, the
above condition is always satisfied.