As the first test of the method, we considered doubly-magic nuclei. Such nuclei are known to be spherical and thus amenable to reliable calculation using the coordinate-space HFB code [6]. By studying the extent to which our code is able to reproduce the coordinate-space results (referred to in subsequent discussion as exact), we can assess the method. [We should note here that HFB in fact reduces to HF in doubly-magic nuclei, since all pairing correlations vanish].
These calculations were carried out both for nuclei along the beta-stability line
and for the very neutron-rich nucleus 28O. Some discussion of this latter
nucleus is in order here. 28O is known experimentally to be unbound
[44,45], but is predicted to be bound in most mean-field
calculations [46]. Due to rapid changes of the single-particle energies
with neutron number, shell-model calculations [47] are able to explain
the sudden decrease of separation energies that occurs in the chain of oxygen
isotopes and renders 26O and 28O unbound. This effect seems to require
modifications to the effective interactions currently in use in mean-field
studies of light nuclei. Nevertheless, it is common to use 28O as a testing
ground of mean-field calculations near the neutron drip line, because according
to the standard magic-number sequence it is doubly magic and because it is
located (in typical mean-field calculations) just before the two-neutron drip
line. This is the philosphy underlying our inclusion of 28O. For comparison,
the configurational calculations were performed both in the HO and THO bases. To
assess the convergence of the results in the two cases, we varied the number of
HO major shells included, considering
=8, 12, 16, and 20. For a
given number of the major shells, we minimized the total HF energies with
respect to the basis parameters, L0 for the HO basis, and L0 and cfor the THO basis,
so here
We also tested our HO axial-basis results obtained at any
with those available from Cartesian-basis calculations
[15] and the results agreed perfectly. Lastly, for the THO basis, we
compared with the calculations of Ref. [11], where spherical symmetry
was imposed, and obtained identical results.
As expected, for nuclei within the valley of beta stability the HO and THO
results are close to one another and, furthermore, coincide with the exact HFB
(HF) results. The situation is quite different for the neutron-rich nucleus
28O, for which the calculations indicate the presence of a significant
neutron skin. In Fig. 1, we present the HO and THO results for the
total energy and for the proton and neutron rms radii as functions of
For each of the calculated observables, the exact results are
shown as a straight line as a function of
Clearly, when we
increase the number of major shells, both the HO and THO results for the total
energy and for the proton rms radius converge to the exact HFB values. In
contrast, the HO neutron rms radius still differs from the exact value, even at
=20, while the THO basis gives the correct result.
An explanation of this difference becomes clear when looking at Fig. 2, in which we compare (in logarithmic scale) the HO and THO neutron
densities with those from the exact HFB calculations. The HO neutron density
fails to reproduce the correct asymptotic behavior at large distances (see also
the discussion in Ref. [7]). The THO density, on the other hand, shows
perfect agreement with the exact HFB density. There is a difference, of course,
near and beyond the box boundary (
=20 fm is used in the
coordinate HFB calculations). The coordinate-space density rapidly falls to zero
at the boundary, while the THO density continues with the correct exponential
shape out to infinite distances.
It is clear that the rather small numerical discrepancy between the HO and THO neutron rms radii (Fig. 1) does not reflect the seriousness of the error in neutron densities that arises when using the HO basis. It is also obvious that observables which do not strongly depend on neutron densities at large distances, like the total energy or proton radii, are fairly well reproduced in standard HO calculations. On the other hand, observables that do depend on densities in the outer region, most notably pairing correlations [7], require the correct asymptotic behavior provided by the THO basis.
Encouraged by the excellent results in spherical nuclei, where a comparison with
reliable coordinate-space calculations was possible, we next turned to deformed
systems. Here, since no coordinate-space HFB results are available, our tests
were limited to a study of the convergence of results with increasing number of
HO shells. [The exact results would be obtained in either the HO or THO expansion
with a complete space, i.e., an infinite number of shells.] Whenever the number
of HO shells used in the final HFB calculation was 12 or less, we determined the
basis parameters with that same number of shells,
When the number of HO shells of
the final calculations exceeded 12, however, we still determined the basis
parameters with
In Fig. 3, we show convergence results for the ground state of the
weakly-bound deformed nucleus 40Mg. The top three panels give the results
for the total energies, the proton rms radii and the neutron rms radii,
respectively. The fourth gives results for the
deformation, which is
related to the quadrupole moment
and the rms