In Figs. 6 and 7, there are
several pairs of nearly degenerate bands. First of all,
all the p=n+1 and p=n+3 bands shown in
Figs. 6(b) and (d), form usual pairs of
signature-partner bands differing by signatures of odd
nucleons. The signature splitting of these partner-bands closely
follows the signature splitting of the corresponding
positive-parity single-particle routhians, see Figs. 1 and
2. Indeed, in bands 3031 or 3132,
for example,
the odd neutrons or protons, respectively, occupy orbitals
[202]5/2(r=). These orbitals show almost no signature splitting, and
hence almost no signature splitting is also seen in
Fig. 6(b) (circles and squares). Similarly, in
bands 3233 and 3334, the signature-split [211]1/2(r=
are occupied, and this gives similarly
signature-split pairs of bands (diamonds and triangles). The
same pattern is repeated for the 3033 and 3134 pairs
of bands in Fig. 6(d). [Incidentally, not always both
signature partners can be followed up to the same spin; for
example, the 3031- band continues to a higher spin than its
partner band 3031+, because for the former band,
the deformation significantly changes at high rotational frequencies, see
Fig. 8(b).]