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Nuclear high-spin
behavior is always strongly impacted by the
single-particle shell structure. The order of single-particle states
around the Fermi level determines the deformability of the nucleus,
its moment of inertia,
and the Coriolis coupling. Consequently, any changes to
the shell structure are going to show up
at high spins. In this section, we discuss several signatures
of shell quenching as seen through the quasi-particle spectra of
rotating nuclei.
The major consequence of the modified shell structure in neutron-rich nuclei
is the change in the placement of unique-parity orbitals which
revert to their original shells. Since high-j states are the building blocks
of nuclear rotation (they are influenced most by the Coriolis
coupling), this shift is expected to impact a number of observables.
In order to illustrate the effect of shell quenching on nuclear rotation,
we performed the deformed shell-model analysis
of quasi-neutron spectra in extremely neutron-rich deformed nuclei.
According to recent Skyrme-HFB calculations [47],
the largest deformations in heavy neutron drip-line nuclei are expected
in three regions: around 100Zn, 146Pd, and in the Rare
Earths (Gd, Dy, Er, and Yb).
It is to be noted that the microscopic-macroscopic
finite range droplet model [48] also predicts deformations
in these regions.
Figure 3:
Energy difference
between the spherical j15/2 level and the centers of gravity of the
= 6 and
=7 shells
as a function of the neutron diffuseness parameter ain the spherical WS potential. Calculations were performed for 208Er.
Figure 3 displays the energy difference
between the spherical j15/2 level and the centers of gravity,
of the normal-parity
=6 and
=7 shells
as a function of a.
At the standard value of a=0.7fm,
the j15/2 level lies close to the center of the
shell, and almost 1
below the
shell. With increasing a, the intruder shell gradually moves towards
=7 shell.
We checked that the inclusion of deformation does not change this pattern.
The calculations were performed with the
cranked Woods-Saxon (WS) model with the
constant pairing gap approximation [49,50].
In order to mock up the self-consistent spectra, the WS
neutron diffuseness parameter a has been varied in order to reproduce
the behavior of spherical single-neutron levels obtained in HFB.
For the details of the calculations, we refer the reader to
Ref. [51].
Figure 4:
parameters of the [770]1/2 and [660]1/2 levels (top) and
the quasi-particle alignments
of the lowest
= 6 and
=7 quasi-particle
Routhians (at
=0.1MeV, bottom) as functions of the neutron
diffuseness of parameter.
Calculations were performed
=0.25 and
The effect of the large diffuseness on the rotational
properties of high-j states
is rather weak. Figure 4 (top) displays the
parameters of the [770]1/2 and [660]1/2 Nilsson levels as
a functions of a.
Although the decoupling parameters
do decrease with the diffuseness,
for the realistic values of a, they
are still fairly close to the pure single-j limits of j+1/2
indicated by arrows
in Fig. 4.
As is seen in Fig. 4 (bottom), the effect
on the quasi-particle alignment is even weaker.
Figure 5:
Quasi-particle neutron diagram
calculated in the WS model for two N=140
isotones: 230Th and 208Er. Calculations were performed
=0.25 and
It is the pattern of quasi-particle excitations where
deviations from the standard situation are expected.
Consider, e.g., two N=140 isotones:
230Th and the very neutron-rich nucleus 208Er.
In the case of 230Th,
the neutron Fermi level lies between the
=5/2 and
members of the j15/2 shell. In 208Er, due to increased
diffuseness, the intruder shell moves up (cf. Fig. 3)
and the neutron Fermi level lies at the bottom of the shell,
i.e., in the vicinity of the [770]1/2 Nilsson level.
As seen in
Fig. 5, this changes
the signature splitting of the
lowest negative parity states and also the position of the
higher-frequency neutron
crossings. A similar situation is expected around
146Pd, where the i13/2 intruder is
shifted up in energy.
Next: Rotation of Neutron-Rich Ne
Up: Rotational properties of neutron
Previous: Special Features of Neutron-Rich
Jacek Dobaczewski