Our first step in the self-consistent treatment of excitations is to solve the spherical HFB equations in coordinate space (without mixing neutron and proton quasiparticle wave functions [63]), with the method developed in Ref. [64] (see also Refs. [60,65,66]). We can use arbitrary Skyrme functionals in the particle-hole and pairing (particle-particle) channels.
We modify the code used in Refs. [64,60,65] so that it solves
the HFB equations with higher accuracy, which we need because the QRPA uses all
the single-quasiparticle states produced by the HFB equations, even those that
are essentially unoccupied. Our modifications are: (i) the use of quadruple
precision (though in solving the QRPA equations we use double precision); (ii)
a smaller discretization length (0.05 fm); and (iii) a high
quasiparticle-energy cutoff (200 MeV) and a maximum angular momentum =15/2 (
) or 21/2 (
). In a 20 fm box, this cutoff
corresponds to 200-300 quasiparticle states for each kind of nucleon. We
include all these quasiparticle states in the HFB calculation because a very
large energy cutoff is essential for the accuracy of self-consistent QRPA
calculations [10]. Hence, the effective pairing window in our HFB
calculations is also very large, with the pairing functional fitted to
experimental pairing gaps extracted as in Ref. [67] from the measured
odd-even mass differences in several Sn, Ni, and Ca isotopes.
Next, we construct the canonical basis, the eigenstates of single-particle
density matrix . To avoid poor accuracy (see Ref. [60]) in the
wave functions of the nearly empty canonical particle states, we do not
directly in coordinate space. Instead we construct an
intermediate basis by orthonormalizing a set of functions
, where
are the upper and
lower components of the quasiparticle wave function with energy
[64]. We use the density matrix in coordinate space to calculate the
matrix in this basis, which we then diagonalize to obtain the canonical
states. The reason for using the sum of
is that solutions of the HFB equations expressed in
the canonical basis (Eqs. (4.14) of Ref. [60]) are, in the new basis,
guaranteed to be numerically consistent with those of the original HFB
problem. This is because the configuration space is the same in both cases,
independent of the pairing cutoff (see Ref. [68] for a discussion
relevant to this point). Without pairing, when either
is equal to zero, our method is equivalent
to taking a certain number of HF states, including many unoccupied states.
In the canonical basis, the HFB+QRPA equations have a form almost identical to that of the BCS+QRPA approximation, the only difference being the presence of off-diagonal terms in the single-quasiparticle energies. The QRPA+HFB formalism employs more pairing matrix elements than the QRPA+BCS, however.
As noted already, full self consistency requires the use of the same
interaction in the QRPA as in the HFB approximation. More specifically, this
means that the matrix elements that enter the QRPA equation are related to
second derivatives of a mean-field energy functional. We describe the
densities and the form of the functional carefully in the appendices. But we
must meet other conditions as well for QRPA calculation to be self-consistent.
Essentially all the single-particle or quasiparticle states produced by the HFB
calculation must be used in the space of two-quasiparticle QRPA excitations.
This requirement is rather stringent, so we truncate the two-quasiparticle
space at several levels and check for convergence of the QRPA solution. First
we omit canonical-basis wave functions that have occupation probabilities
less than some small
, (or HF energies greater than
if there is no pairing). Then we exclude from
the QRPA pairs of canonical states for which the occupation probabilities are
both larger than
. This second cut is based on the
assumption that two-particle transfer modes are not strongly coupled to
particle-hole excitations. In addition, if the factors containing
in the QRPA equation -- see Eqs. (21) and
(22) -- are very small, in practice smaller than 0.01, then we
set the corresponding matrix elements equal to zero. This does not affect the
size of the QRPA space, but significantly speeds up the calculations. For good
performance we diagonalize QRPA-Hamiltonian matrices of order
in neutron-rich Sn isotopes.
Having solved the QRPA equations, we can then calculate the strength function
In all the tests below, we use the Skyrme functional SkM [70]
and a volume pairing functional [71] (
constant in Eq. (34)). The pairing parameter in
Eq. (44) is
MeV fm
. Usually we work in a box of
radius 20 fm, though we vary this radius below to see its effects. In several
tests we examine the weakly bound nucleus
Sn, which is very close to
the two-neutron drip line. In this system, the protons are unpaired and the
neutrons paired (with
=1.016MeV) in the HFB ground state.