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QRPA equation
The QRPA equations are the small-oscillations limit
of the time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation, see,
e.g., [8,13].
In the canonical basis the most general equations take the form
(10) |
\bar{V}^{\rm ph}_{KL K^\prime L^\prime}
= \frac{ \delta^2 E...
...ppa^\ast] }{ \delta\rho_{K^\prime
K}\delta\rho_{L^\prime L} },
\end{displaymath}](img125.png) |
(13) |
(14) |
(15) |
are single-particle indices for the canonical basis,
and the states are assumed to be ordered.
The symbol
refers to the conjugate partner of
come from the BCS transformation associated with
the canonical basis, and the
are the one-quasiparticle matrix elements of the HFB Hamiltonian
(cf. Eq. (4.14b) of Ref. [60]).
are the forward and backward
amplitudes of the QRPA solution
, and
is the corresponding excitation energy.
is the energy functional (see App. B for an explicit definition) and
are the density matrix and pairing tensor.
After taking the functional derivatives, we replace
by their HFB solutions, in complete analogy with an ordinary Taylor-series
To write the equations in coupled form, we introduce the notation
(16) |
denote spherical quantum numbers.
Using (i) rotational, time-reversal, and parity symmetries of the HFB state,
(ii) the conjugate single-particle state2
(17) |
and (iii) the relations
(18) |
(19) |
the angular momentum of the state
and the factor
for convenience [12],
one can rewrite the QRPA equation as
\end{array}\right),\ \ \mu \leq \mu^\prime ,
\end{displaymath}](img152.png) |
(20) |
We have represented the second derivatives of the energy functional
as unsymmetrized
matrix elements of effective interactions
, and
. These effective interactions are given
in App. B.
Although the ``matrix elements'' are unsymmetrized, the underlying
two-quasiparticle states are of course antisymmetric. As a consequence,
is odd and either
The nuclear energy functional
is usually separated into
particle-hole (ph) and pairing pieces (again, see App. B for
explicit expressions).
If the pairing functional, which we will call
, depends on
then the derivatives of
with respect to
are called pairing-rearrangement terms [13].
In the QRPA, two kinds of pairing-rearrangement terms can arise in general.
One has particle-hole character and is included in
the other affects 3-particle-1-hole (3p1h) and 1-particle-3-hole (1p3h)
configurations and is
represented by
If the
-dependence of
is linear,
then the ph-type pairing-rearrangement term does not appear.
Furthermore, the 3p1h and 1p3h pairing-rearrangement terms arise only for
if the HFB state has
Most existing work uses a pairing functional that is linear in
and so needs no
pairing-rearrangement terms in
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Jacek Dobaczewski