We begin our discussion of many-nucleon systems by (again) identifying the most important degrees of freedom and writing down the relevant Hamiltonian. Contrary to methods used at a finer level (quarks and gluons) we use here the Hamiltonian picture instead of the Lagrangian density; this is so because most of the analysis can be done in the framework of the standard quantum mechanics, without necessity of applying methods of the quantum field theory. Nevertheless, we shall express our many-body Hamiltonian in the language of the fermion creation and annihilation operators, which is very convenient in any theory that involves many identical particles obeying specific exchange symmetries.
In order to simplify the discussion we disregard the three-body
NNN piece of the interaction between the nucleons, and thus
the most general Hamiltonian of a many-nucleon system can
be written as,
We can now estimate the order of complication involved in a
many-nucleon system. Let us assume that fields (i.e., the
s.p. wave functions) have to be known at about
space-spin-isospin points. The estimate involves, say, about 20
points of a 1fm lattice in each of the three spatial direction, and
four spin-isospin components. The 1fm lattice may seem to be
grossly insufficient to describe a system where a typical s.p. kinetic energy
is of the order of 50MeV, and thus involves
typical s.p. momenta of nucleons
. However, typical
scale at which total densities of nucleons vary in a nucleus, are of
the order of 2-3fm, so the 1fm lattice is a barely sufficient,
but fair compromise to describe a system having the total size
(including the asymptotic peripheral region) of at least 20fm.
The fermion Fock space, i.e., the complete Hilbert space that is
relevant to describe a system of many identical fermions, has the
dimensionality of =
, which is equal to the number
of ways
fermions can be distributed on
sites. For the
=10 systems, which at present can still be treated within the
GFMC method, Sect. 3.4, we thus obtain
. On the one hand, this number illustrates the
power of the existing theoretical descriptions; on the other
hand, it explains why it is so difficult to go any further. For
example, for a heavy
=200 nucleus, the dimensionality reaches
. Therefore, it is neither conceivable nor sensible to
envisage any exact methods for heavy nuclei.
One has to bear, however, in mind that the physics of a heavy nucleus does
not really require such a detailed knowledge of any of its states. To
see this, let us consider the energy of an arbitrary state
as given by the average value of the Hamiltonian,
Unfortunately, the presented counting rules, based on the analysis of
density matrices, do not help in obtaining practical solutions for
many-body problems. The reason for that is the never-solved
-representability problem Col63,Col00, namely, the question:
which of the four-index matrices are two-body density matrices of
many-fermion states, and which are not. Indiscriminate variation of
Eq. (58) over the density matrices (to look for the ground
state) is, therefore, inappropriate. Hence, we are back to
square one, i.e., we have to anyhow consider the full Hilbert space
to look for correct many-fermion states, even if we know that this
constitutes an enormous waste of effort. New bright ideas to solve the
-representability problem in nuclear-physics context
are very much needed. Before this is achieved, we are bound to look
for methods judiciously reducing the dimensionality of the many-body
problems. There are two main avenues to do so, which we briefly
describe in the next two Sections.