A Galilean or gauge-invariant EDF is the one which does not change upon
inserting Galilean or gauge-transformed densities (37)
into the energy density of Eq. (31).
Since terms quadratic in
can be dropped,
the condition for the Galilean or gauge invariance reads
The task now is to group together all proportional terms in Eq. (42). In doing so, we do not aim at obtaining an invariant energy density but an invariant EDF and total energy. Therefore, after densities (40) or (41) are inserted into Eq. (42), all terms must be integrated by parts to obtain some standard form, where terms equal through integration by parts become identical.
Finally, Eq. (42) can be transformed into a sum of
independent terms using recoupling. In this expression each term is multiplied
by a specific linear combination of coupling constants
The Galilean or gauge invariance of the EDF then means that these linear
combinations must all vanish. This gives a set of linear equations
that must be fulfilled for an invariant EDF. On the one hand, if a given
coupling constant appears in none of these linear equations, the
corresponding term of the EDF is invariant on its own, and the corresponding
coupling constant is not restricted by the Galilean or gauge symmetry.
On the other hand,
for some coupling constants the only solution can be the value of
zero, and then the corresponding term cannot appear in the invariant energy
Among all the remaining coupling constants, we may always select a subset of those that we will call the dependent ones, and express them as linear combinations of the other ones, which we will call the independent ones. This procedure is highly non-unique and can be realized in very many different ways, However, when the dependent coupling constants in function of independent ones are inserted back into the energy density (31), linear combinations of terms appearing at each independent coupling constant will all be invariant with respect to the Galilean or gauge transformations.
Then, the energy density of Eq. (31) takes the form
We performed the analysis along these lines for energy densities of orders 0, 2 , 4, and 6, and the obtained results are listed in Appendix C. Derivations were performed by using symbolic programming [38] and employed the technique of forming linear equations by randomly assigning values to local densities and their derivatives, which we also used above. Numbers of linearly independent Galilean or gauge invariant terms are listed in Tables 5 and 6, and plotted in Fig. 1.
It turns out that only at orders 0 and 2, i.e., for the standard
Skyrme functional, all Galilean invariant combinations of terms are
also gauge invariant. At orders 4 and 6, there are only 6 gauge
invariant terms available, while the numbers of Galilean invariant
terms equal to 15 and 26, respectively. This is much less than the
total numbers of terms at these orders, which are equal to 45 and 129,
respectively. Altogether, at NLO we obtain the EDF parametrized
in general by 188 coupling constants, and by 50 or 21 coupling
constants if Galilean or gauge invariance is assumed. If isoscalar
and isovector channels are included, all these numbers must be
multiplied by a factor of two.