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HO and THO Wave Functions
The solution of the HFB equation (16) is obtained by expanding
the quasiparticle function (24) in a given complete set of
basis wave functions that conserve axial symmetry and parity.
program HFBTHO (v1.66p) is able to do so for the two basis sets of
wave functions: HO and THO.
The HO set consists of eigenfunctions of a single-particle
Hamiltonian for an axially deformed harmonic oscillator potential.
By using the standard oscillator constants:
(27) |
and auxiliary variables
(28) |
the HO eigenfunctions are written explicitly as
(29) |
(30) |
denote the Hermite and
associated Laguerre polynomials [31], respectively,
and the normalization factors read
(31) |
The set of quantum numbers
includes the numbers of nodes,
, in the
directions, respectively, and the projections on the
, of the angular momentum operator and the spin.
The HO energy associated with the HO state (29) reads
(32) |
and the basis used by the code consists of
states having the lowest
for the given frequencies
. In this way, for the
spherical basis, i.e., for
, all HO shells
with the numbers of quanta
are included in the basis. When
the basis becomes deformed,

the code selects the lowest-HO-energy basis states by checking the HO
energies of all states up to 50 HO quanta. Note that in this case the
maximum value of the quantum number
, and the number of
blocks in which the HFB equation is diagonalized, see
Sec. 3.4, depend on the deformation of the basis.
The THO set of basis wave functions consists of transformed harmonic
oscillator functions, which are generated by applying the local
scale transformation (LST) [19,32,20] to the HO
single-particle wave functions (29). In the axially deformed
case, the LST acts only on the cylindrical coordinates
, i.e.,
(33) |
and the resulting THO wave functions read
(34) |
(35) |
is a scalar LST function. In the code HFBTHO
(v1.66p), function
is chosen as in
Ref. [23]. It transforms the incorrect Gaussian
asymptotic behavior of deformed HO wave functions into the correct
exponential form. Below, we keep the same notation
for both HO and THO wave functions, because expressions
in which they enter are almost identical in both cases and are valid
for both HO and THO variants.
Next: HFB Diagonalization in Configurational
Up: Axially Deformed Nuclei
Previous: Axially Deformed Nuclei
Jacek Dobaczewski