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The namelist nucleus

This namelist describes the nucleus to be computed, it can be repeated as many times as needed in the input file. Along with the neutron and proton numbers, other quantities can be set, notably the parameters of the Skyrme force in the particle-particle channel. If a variable is not present in the list and has not been present in the previous namelists nucleus, it acquires a default value (see table 4). If a variable is not present but was present in a previous namelist, it keeps its previous value. The variables are

Table 4: Variables from the namelist nucleus. The neutron and proton numbers have no default values. If the energy step is not present in the list it is calculated as a function of the box radius. By default, the values of skt0p and skt3p are fixed by the kind of pairing force chosen in the namelist input.
Variable type Default value
neutron integer -
proton integer -
j_max(2) integer (/21,21/)
cut_off real 60.0
cut_diffuseness real 1.0
r_cut real 30.0
e_step real calculated
skt0p real predefined
skt3p real predefined
read_pot character*40 ``''
densities logical F
meanfields logical F
quasiparticles logical F
canonical_states logical F

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Jacek Dobaczewski 2005-01-23