To shed more light especially on the role played by the T=1 pairing, we performed cranked Strutinsky type calculations based on a deformed WS potential. By comparing two sets of calculations, with and without the T=1 pairing, we aim at tracing the contribution and influence of the T=1 interaction. The T=1 pairing interaction is based on a seniority type force and a double stretched quadrupole interaction[29]. For the case of odd nucleon number and/or excited configurations, each configuration is blocked self-consistently[30]. The model has been successful in the description of rotational states in a wide range of nuclei.
To probe the sensitivity of our results to the macroscopic input,
we performed two sets of calculations based on: (i)
the Myers-Swiatecki liquid-drop (MS LD) mass formula[31]
and (ii) the folded Yukawa plus exponential (FY) mass formula
[32]. The MS LD mass formula can be
considered as rather stiff towards deforming the nucleus. On the
other hand, the FY mass formula, explicitly involving the finite
range of the nuclear force
and the diffuseness of the nuclear surface, results in a softer
surface energy and gives larger
deformations. For very
light nuclei, the contribution to the surface energy can become
unphysically large, but for the case of mass A=60 region, one is
still on safe grounds.
In contrast to the MS LD results, for the FY mass formula all the
four nuclei discussed here have T=1 paired stable minima at
deformations that are comparable to those obtained without pairing,
but at larger values of the hexadecapole deformation parameters. The
difference in deformations between these nuclei result in distinctly
different response to the rotating field. Starting with 58Cu, we
do not observe any distinct difference between the MS LD and FY
calculations. Also for the case of 60Zn, no big differences are
obtained, although the crossing is somewhat sharper here in the FY
case. The largest difference occurs for the case of 61Zn. Since
the FY calculations yield the deformation that is larger than for
60Zn, the neutron g9/2 alignment is becoming more smooth,
resulting in a rather modest hump in
In what follows we
concentrate on the results of the FY calculations.
In Fig. 4 we present the WS neutron single-particle
orbitals near the SD N=Z=30 magic gap in 60Zn. Even though the
HF and WS spectra presented in Figs. 1 and 4
have been calculated within so much different approaches, they
present striking similarities. The equilibrium deformations of the SD
shapes, calculated within the HF and Strutinsky approaches for the
58Cu, 59Cu, 60Zn, and 61Zn nuclei, are presented in
Table 1. The values obtained at
=0 and 1MeV
illustrate the degree of the rotational polarization occurring along
the SD bands. Similarly, by comparing the values for the four nuclei
one can see the effects of the multipole polarizations induced by the
g9/2 protons and neutrons, cf. Refs.[16,21].
![]() |
The LN method has been shown to be reliable for calculations of high
spin states[25,26]. However, in the regime of a very
weak pairing, one may encounter numerical problems in finding a proper
solution. Indeed, this is the case for the present investigation, where
starting from
1.5MeV, the static pairing field
essentially vanishes, and the pairing gaps become of the order of
100-200keV. We employ two possible schemes to avoid a numerical
break down of the paired solution. Either we fix the lowest value of
the gap parameter to 100-200keV, when no solution is found, or we
make a transition to the non-pairing calculations. Since the
calculations are done on a grid in deformation space, the frequency
where the pairing solution encounters problems differs from point to
point, giving fluctuations in the total energy. Changes in energy of
the order of 50keV are sufficient to cause oscillations in the
calculated moments of inertia. In order to address the underlying
physics, therefore, we smoothed the moments of inertia in the
frequency range where such oscillations occur.
The resulting relative alignments and moments of inertia are depicted in
Figs. 5 and 6, respectively.
As can bee seen, the strong bump in the
experimental moments of inertia of 60Zn is rather well
reproduced in the WS+LN calculations with T=1 pairing. It indeed results from the
alignment of a pair of g9/2 protons and neutrons. The crossing
frequency is somewhat too small in the calculations, but this can be
considered as a detail in this context.
However, it might also reflect the situation in heavier nuclei, where a
similar shift has been observed[5,6] and attributed to the
lack of the T=0 pairing.
Note that a similar behavior of
has been also obtained in the relativistic-mean-field LN calculations of
Ref. [12], although the increase of
at low
frequencies could not have been obtained there.
![]() |
![]() |
[1em][0em]Nucleus | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
[1.2em][0em]58Cu | (a) | 0.371 | -1![]() |
0.051 | 0.343 | 5![]() |
0.037 |
(b) | 0.392 | 0![]() |
0.038 | 0.347 | 7![]() |
0.029 | |
(c) | 0.374 | -1![]() |
0.061 | 0.357 | 6![]() |
0.024 | |
[1.2em][0em]59Cu | (a) | 0.394 | 0![]() |
0.096 | 0.368 | 3![]() |
0.055 |
(b) | 0.429 | 0![]() |
0.066 | 0.377 | 5![]() |
0.038 | |
(c) | - | - | - | 0.402 | 3![]() |
0.058 | |
[1.2em][0em]60Zn | (a) | 0.412 | 0![]() |
0.144 | 0.391 | 2![]() |
0.089 |
(b) | 0.453 | 0![]() |
0.088 | 0.418 | 3![]() |
0.058 | |
(c) | 0.458 | 4![]() |
0.154 | 0.426 | 2![]() |
0.089 | |
[1.2em][0em]61Zn | (a) | 0.428 | 0![]() |
0.143 | 0.410 | 2![]() |
0.098 |
(b) | 0.468 | 4![]() |
0.092 | 0.445 | 2![]() |
0.067 | |
(c) | 0.463 | -1![]() |
0.123 | 0.418 | -1![]() |
0.085 |
The experimental moment of inertia of 58Cu
is totally flat, as one would expect since this crossing is
blocked. At higher frequencies, the calculated
moment rises,
resulting in a smaller hump centered at
which is absent in the data. In self-consistent calculations, it is
often difficult to exactly point to the cause of such apparent
alignment as in the case of 58Cu. The dominant contribution
appears to come from the rather sudden drop in pairing energy, where
in the region of
=1.4-1.6MeV, the pairing gap drops
from a value of 0.4MeV to essentially zero. At lower frequencies,
the change in pairing correlations due to the Coriolis anti-pairing
is of the order of 50keV per step in
(=0.1)MeV. The
sudden drop in pairing energy results in a change in the routhian
giving rise to this apparent alignment. Thus for all
nuclei calculated in this study with the T=1 pairing, there is an
excess in the moments of inertia
at high frequencies, most
pronounced in 58Cu. Such an excess is clearly absent in the
experimental data. Since 58Cu is taken as a reference for the
relative alignment in Fig. 5b, the excess of alignment
obtained in this nucleus for
the T=1 paired calculations perturbs relative alignments shown for
other nuclei. Another reference nucleus, e.g., 60Zn may yield
a better agreement with experiment.
![]() |
For the case of 61Zn, the T=1 calculations yield minima in the TRS at large deformation, first after the alignment of the neutron g9/2 orbits. The excess in the moments of inertia can again be traced back to the sudden drop in the pairing correlations of protons and neutrons. Before the alignment of the neutron g9/2, the minimum is very shallow at a smaller deformation, where only a single g9/2 orbit is occupied. In contrast, calculations without pairing yield a minimum that is stable over the entire frequency range and has a larger deformation than the one in 60Zn. Finally, the moments of inertia of 59Cu are rather flat, however larger than observed in experiment. Again, this is due to the decrease in the pairing energy. In 59Cu, the TRS minimum disappears at low frequencies, and therefore the T=1 paired band cannot be followed to low spins.
![]() |
Since we are dealing with nuclei that are located along the N=Zline, one may pose the question of the role of possible collective
T=0 pairing and speculate a little about the influence of such
correlations. As discussed elsewhere[35], the collective T=0
pairing field generally drives the nucleus to somewhat larger
deformation, than when only the T=1 pair field is present. The
sensitivity of our results with respect to the macroscopic model
used, may point to either that the T=1 field is too strong in our
calculations, or by including the T=0 field, the results would not
be so sensitive to the choice of the macroscopic model.
In addition, since the T=0 pair field is more resistant
at high angular momenta, one may not encounter the unphysical increase in
that is present in the calculations based on T=1 pairing only.
At low spins, the T=0 field has essentially the same properties as the T=1, i.e., resisting the alignment of quasi-particles. Assuming that part of the correlations in our calculations are indeed due to T=0, would not affect much the case of 60Zn, where we would see a crossing like in the calculations with T=1 (possibly shifted to somewhat larger frequencies). However, for the cases of 61Zn and 59Cu, the blocking effect would be stronger (due to the n-p blocking), and indeed not much of the alignment would be observed (as is the case in experiment).
To really sort out these intriguing problems, unrestricted calculations need to be performed, that simultaneously take into account both T=0 and T=1 correlations. We may however already now conclude, that i) in the presence of pairing correlations, one indeed expects a hump in the moment of inertia as is observed for the case of 60Zn and ii) the simple blocking picture does not hold here, where strong polarizing effects are present, yielding different deformation for the nuclei discussed here and as a result, different pattern of the alignment. Before such complete solutions become available, and the expectations expressed above can be corroborated, in the next section we investigate a very simple non-collective T=0 n-p pairing scenario by considering the configuration mixing of unpaired HF solutions.