The consistent treatment of continuum states, both in nuclear structure and reactions, is an old problem which has been a playground of the continuum shell model (CSM) [24,25]. In the CSM, including the recently developed Shell Model Embedded in the Continuum (SMEC) [26], the scattering states and bound states are treated on an equal footing. So far, most applications of the CSM, including SMEC, have been used to describe limiting situations in which there is coupling to one-nucleon decay channels only. There have been only a few attempts to treat the multi-particle case and, unfortunately, the proposed numerical schemes, due to their complexity, have never been adopted in shell-model calculations. Recently, we formulated and tested the multiconfigurational shell model in the complete Berggren basis [27], the so-called Gamow Shell Model (GSM). (For application to two-particle resonant states, see also Ref. [28].) By going into the complex momentum (or energy) plane, GSM overcomes a number of difficulties pertaining to the traditional CSM; in particular, it can easily be applied to systems containing several valence neutrons.
The main idea behind GSM is the use of Gamow (or resonant) states [29] - generalized eigenstates of the time-independent Schrödinger equation with complex energy eigenvalues. These states correspond to the poles of the S-matrix in the complex energy plane lying on or below the positive real axis; they are regular at the origin and satisfy purely outgoing asymptotics.
In GSM, the single-particle (s.p.) basis corresponds to eigenstates of a
spherical single-particle
finite potential (such as a Woods-Saxon potential).
The generalized completeness relation
involving Gamow states
[30,31] can be written as:
The crucial problem pertaining to the interpretation of the CSM results is the selection of states associated with resonant excitations of the system. Bound states can be clearly identified, because the imaginary part of their energy must be zero. No equally simple criterion exists for resonance states. Fortunately, the coupling between scattering states and resonant states is usually weak; hence, one can determine the physical resonances by considering first the subspace of Gamow states (the so-called pole expansion) and then by adding the non-resonant continuum. In the following example of GSM calculations, we shall consider the case of 6-9He with the inert 4He core and 2-5 active neutrons in the p shell. (For details and more examples, including the chain of neutron-rich oxygen isotopes, see Refs. [27,36].) Our aim is not to give the precise description of these light nuclei (for this, one would need a realistic Hamiltonian and a large configuration space), but rather to illustrate the method and underlying features.
A description of the
neutron-rich helium isotopes, including
Borromean nuclei 6,8He, is a challenge for the GSM. 4He is a
well-bound system with the one-neutron emission threshold at 20.58MeV. On the
contrary, the nucleus 5He, with
one neutron in the p shell, is unstable with respect to the neutron emission. Indeed,
ground state of 5He lies 890keV above the neutron emission
threshold and its neutron width is large,
=600keV. The first excited state,
1/21-, is a very broad resonance (
=4MeV) that lies
4.89MeV above the threshold.
In our GSM calculations, the states in 5He
are viewed as one-neutron resonances outside of the 4He core.
For the s.p. field, we took a
Woods-Saxon potential and for the residual interaction
we assumed the surface-delta interaction.
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