A proper theoretical description of weakly bound heavy systems requires taking into account the particle-particle (p-p, pairing) correlations on the same footing as the particle-hole (p-h) correlations, which - on the mean-field level - is done in the framework of the theories based on the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) method. In this method, it is essential to solve the equations for the self-consistent densities and mean fields in order to allow the pairing correlations to build up with a full coupling to particle continuum [3,4].
Since in finite nuclei no derivation of the pairing force from first
principles is available yet, there are many variations in the
choice of pairing forces used in calculations.
Unfortunately, for drip-line nuclei, in which
the pairing effects are crucially
important due to the coupling to the continuum,
the effective pairing interaction is not known.
Recently, we discussed this problem in a series of papers [6,7,8]
within the coordinate-space spherical HFB.
In the actual HFB calculations based on the Skyrme forces in the p-h channel
(as, e.g., the SLy4 parametrization [9] used in our work), contact
pairing interaction is usually used. Two different
forms have been used up to now - the
volume type,
or the surface type,
=0.16fm-3 is the saturation density,
V0 defines the strength of the interaction,
governs the intensity of interaction at low densities [6].
(The origin of the terms ``volume" and ``surface"
has been discussed
in Refs. [4,10].)
In reality, however, the pairing interaction is most likely of an
intermediate character between the volume and surface
forms. In particular, the force which is a fifty-fifty
mixture of both types,
Figure 2 illustrates the impact
of different pairing interactions on neutron pairing gaps in very
neutron-rich isotones around N=82.
The experimental data that exist
for Z50 do not indicate any definite change in
neutron pairing with varying proton numbers. However, the
surface pairing interactions (bottom panels) give a slow dependence
for Z
50 that is dramatically accelerated after crossing
the shell gap at Z=50. On the other hand, the volume and
pairing forces predict a slow dependence all the way through
to very near the neutron drip line.
(It is worth noting that both experimentally and theoretically neutron pairing
decreases in Sn and Te isotopes as one goes across the N=50 magic gap.
We shall come back to this observation in Sec. 5.)
It is clear that measurements
of only several nuclear masses on neutron-rich nuclei with Z<50 will allow us to
strongly discriminate between the pairing interactions that
have different density dependencies.
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