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Figure 1:
Radial strength factor
of the density-dependent delta
interaction, Eq. (11), as a function of
for several values of
The value of
was assumed to be
0.16fm-3. At each value of
the strength V0was adjusted to reproduce the neutron pairing gap in 120Sn.
The inset shows
as a function of dimensionless
normalized density
Figure 2:
Self-consistent spherical HFB+SLy4 local
for neutrons in 150Sn
for several values of
The insets show
the same data in logarithmic
Figure 3:
Self-consistent spherical HFB+SLy4
local densities
for neutrons in
120,150,170Sn and
The insets show
the same data in logarithmic
scale. The dramatic fall-off of densities at 30fm is due to the box
boundary conditions.
Figure 4:
Self-consistent spherical HFB+SLy4 local
potentials U(r) and
(shown in the inset)
for neutrons in 150Sn
for several values of
Figure 5:
Self-consistent spherical HFB+SLy4
local potentials U(r) and
(shown in the inset)
for neutrons in
120,150,170Sn and
Figure 6:
Neutron halo parameters (top), two-neutron separation energies (middle),
and average neutron pairing gaps (19) calculated
in the HFB+SLy4 model with different density-dependent pairing interactions
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Jacek Dobaczewski